• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


*Information about added varieties on page 3*
Hey everyone! Long time lurker here... been using this site as an incredible resource for my everlasting search for face-melting heat. Decided to finally put all the knowledge I've gained to use, and grow my first super-hots!
This year was my first ever outdoor garden (and things went great!) along with many typical garden veggies, I grew some Thai chili's and orange habanero's. It's so awesome seeing all your hard work end up at the kitchen table. That being said... I've got growing fever now! Our outdoor season here in Idaho ends in Sept. - Oct. if you're lucky, and doesn't start back up until April-May'ish. That leaves me all winter with nothing to grow. So I decided to move things indoors to hold me over. I've always been fascinated with hydroponics and figured this would be the perfect time to dabble.
Enough with the boring background... and onto the juicy part: details and photos!
My grow includes:
Two 7 pots: Brain Strain and Douglah 
Thai Chili (saved seed from summer plant)
Nature's Bites: a cherry tomato (had some new seeds I wanted to try)
I had some storage under my stairs that I was able to convert into a makeshift grow room. I am using a 600w HPS bulb, and General Hydroponics Flora 3 part nutes.
In addition to my grow, I decided to conduct a mini experiment on seed starting... I read tons of stuff online about soaking seeds to speed up germination. Especially when soaked in a mild Hydrogen Peroxide solution. There was much debate whether soaking made any improvements so I though the best way would be to answer the question myself. I planted 12 seeds of each variety, 6 natural and six soaked for 24hours in a H2O2 solution. The "Natural" (un-soaked) seeds went in 11/13/13, and the soaked went in 11/14/13.

11/18/13: my tomatoes popped (no difference between soaked/natural)

11/20/13: my first Thai chili's popped (natural first)

11/25/13: several Brain Strain's and Douglah's are up (mixed between soaked/natural)

12/02/13: starting to see some real progress in the seedlings!

12/07/13: even more growth all around

12/07/13: first look at my grow area

12/09/13: first transplant! (Needless to say I nuked those poor plants with a blast furnace right above them) Its a learning experiment, right!? Good thing I started way more than I needed for backups.

12/27/13: after several rounds of trial and error I was able to get my plants to take in my new grow room

Brain Strain-
11/22/13: 1st sprout up (Natural)
11/25/13: 4 H202 sprouts up, 2nd Natural
12/2/13: 5/6 Natural + 6/6 H202, first set true leaves on couple plants
12/3/13 First fertilizer soak (diluted)
12/6/13 Second fertilizer soak (diluted)
11/25/13: 3 Natural sprouts, and first tip of H202 sprout up
12/2/13: 5/6 Natural + 3/6 H202, first set true leaves on couple plants
12/3/13 First fertilizer soak (diluted)
12/6/13 Second fertilizer soak (diluted)
Nature's Bites (tomato):
11/18/13: 6/6 Natural + 5/6 H202 (over weekend)
11/22/13: Most plants have first true leaves (still small)
11/25/13: First fertilizer soak (diluted)
12/2/13: Multiple sets true leaves
12/3/13 Second fertilizer soak (diluted)
12/6/13 Third fertilizer soak (diluted)
Thai Chili (Hybrid? saved seed from summer garden):
11/19/13: First glimpse of sprout (Natural)
11/22/13: 5/6 Natural + 2/3 H202
12/2/13: Most plants have established true leaves
Fertilizing (nutes): General Hyroponics Flora Series 3pt (Grow/Bloom/Micro):
Waited to add any nutrition until first true leaves had formed, but added fertilized water immediately after since rockwool is sterile and inert, I figured the little plants would get hungry fast.
While plants were still in the propagation tray I would flood the bottom with nutrient solution and allow the rockwool to soak up as much as it could, and drain out whatever water was left. I would do this as often as the rockwool felt dry: initially about once a week, moving to multiple times per week as the plants grew larger. At this point I was using 1ml grow + 1ml bloom + 2ml micro / gallon water. ~300ppm
When plants were first moved into their grow buckets, I used 2tbsp grow, 1.5 tbsp micro, and .5tbsp bloom / ~4 gallons water. ~7-800ppm
    -May be a little high for some varieties, Thai and tomato loved it, 7pots got some serious nute burn. Maybe try 500ppm
First signs of blooms/blossom drop on tomato nutes were changed to 3tbsp bloom + 1.5tbsp micro + .5tbsp grow / ~3 gallons water. ~880ppm
Tap water here is about pH8+ so I was being lazy at first, and not testing or adjusting my pH. Once I noticed some iron/magnesium deficiency symptoms in my peppers, I realized I needed to be checking my pH as some nutes were getting locked out. After testing, and realized I needed to add about 1/2 cap full of pH Down to each nute refresh and check to make sure pH was starting around 5.5 and climbing over the time it was used. This cleared the symptoms pretty quickly.
12/9/13 first transplant: WAAAAYYYY too early, absolutely fried those things. Need to wait much longer 3+ true leaf sets, and keep the light high until they plants are used to it.

OKGrowin said:
that monsterbrain is beautiful

JJJessee said:
Where's my cigar?
Thanks!  :rofl:
stc3248 said:
Most plants drop some flowers before they start setting. It's usually a combination of not quite mature enough and environment not optimal. Once they're convinced they can support them they'll set them. Nothing to sweat.
That's kinda what I figured. My terminology for it is "settling into bloom". Thanks for confirming!
Came across 4 extra buckets yesterday... so this morning I was able to fill them all up (tap water) and add nutes and a lit pH down. Going to let them sit overnight so the chlorine can dissipate, and I'll double check the pH again before adding them to the plants tomorrow (since my GH nutes aren't pH buffered). Hopefully this will help a lot with keeping all the numbers in check. Don't want to screw up those new pods!!
I did another nutrient solution refresh today:
I kept the same numbers as last time, since the plants really seemed to be liking the strengths (the only difference being I used exactly 3 gallons of water in all of them, and let it sit for 24hrs mixed). I must have been adding a little more than 3 gallons before, becasue all the PPM's were higher? Hope it doesnt  :censored: things up.
Tomato: 1.5 tbsp micro, 2 tbsp bloom, 1.5 tbsp grow, 1 tbsp CalMag  ~1180ppm - 5.5pH
Thai'brid: 2 tbsp micro, 3 tbsp bloom, 1 tbsp grow, 1 tbsp CalMag  ~1300ppm - 5.5pH
Douglah: 1 tbsp micro, 1 tbsp bloom, 1 tbsp grow, 1 tbsp CalMag (general purpose/mild vegetative) ~1000ppm - 5.5pH
BrainStrain: 1.5 tbsp micro, 3 tbsp bloom, 1 tbsp grow, 1 tbsp CalMag (blooming and ripening) ~1300ppm - 5.5pH
Brain pods continue to get larger (woohoo!!) but still dropping quite a few flowers.
Thai has WAY more pods on it than I realized, which is awesome. The bad thing... I snapped off a HUGE branch on accident trying to get the damn thing stabilized.... its going the route of the tomato, and is too big to be supported in the dwc. Really ready to move things outside, so I can actually have room to work, that closet is just way too tight now. Will definitely be modding up some strong support structures for my next hydro go-round. I put the branch into some water, to see what happens, any ideas on how to save it, THP?? I dont have any clonex or anything...
Douglah is just moving along slow and steady. It's my stubborn one of the bunch. Quite a few buds coming in now though.
Tomato is continuing to ripen up it's fruit, and some new growth has started from the bottom (with is sorely needed) the top portion is fried. The new growth even has a few buds coming in!










Can I get a bump!? ...got a couple more pics of the douglah it wont let me add.


HillBilly Jeff said:
Holy Rootball batman!!!!  
Love the plants man.
PPM measuring???  Not for me.  Too much like work lol.  Is that for the hydro plants?
Thanks! :cheers:
Yeah, PPM is a hydro thing... it's the concentration of the nutrients in the water (too much and you'll nuke em, not enough and they wont grow). Kind of a pain to monitor, but with a digital reader you just stick it into the water and it will tell you the reading. I'm still getting it down though, I will think I have an idea of how much of each part (Micro, Bloom, Grow, and Cal/Mag) to add for a certain concentration (PPM) but somehow its never quite exactly the same! :think:
For me, pH is more of a royal pain, and need to just splurge and get myself a digital reader for that too. The drops are lame.
Roots sure do love the hydro life though!!! And I've got the pics to prove it!  :D
Lost the Thai branch. When I checked up on it today, it was totally wilted and gone. So much for hoping it would survive  :crazy:
Sorry about the Thai branch. :( 
And that puppy was loaded to.
I've no experience with pepper cloning.
Taking all the large leaves, flowers, and pods off might have helped.
Safer bet would have been cut on a 45° with a razor blade finger length shoots from the tips cutting about 1/4" below a leaf node.
Cut off those bottom leaves and any other big ones. Stick them in some wet peat under a dome. Warm, but not too much light.
I heard on the internet, so it's bound to be true, you can make a rooting hormone by soaking bruised willow switches in clean water a few days until bubbles appear. 
I may try that if I get a roundtuit.
JJJessee said:
Sorry about the Thai branch. :(
And that puppy was loaded to.
I've no experience with pepper cloning.
Taking all the large leaves, flowers, and pods off might have helped.
Safer bet would have been cut on a 45° with a razor blade finger length shoots from the tips cutting about 1/4" below a leaf node.
Cut off those bottom leaves and any other big ones. Stick them in some wet peat under a dome. Warm, but not too much light.
I heard on the internet, so it's bound to be true, you can make a rooting hormone by soaking bruised willow switches in clean water a few days until bubbles appear. 
I may try that if I get a roundtuit.
Thank for the info Jesse. Yeah, too bad it went down... but at least there are plenty of other pods and flowers on whats left.
I will have to keep your tips in mind in case it happens again... and the willow rooting hormone is an interesting idea. Never heard of that.. but if you have a willow around I'm sure it'd be worth a shot.
Ahh those roundtuit's, a tough commodity to come by at times! 
Nick did you transplant your seedlings from soil to hydro or did you use rockwool or jiffy pots? Im gonna attempt to go from soil. Still got a week or so before I transplant. In the mean time im gonna try and wrap my head around ph and ppm!
thirdcoasttx said:
Nick did you transplant your seedlings from soil to hydro or did you use rockwool or jiffy pots? Im gonna attempt to go from soil. Still got a week or so before I transplant. In the mean time im gonna try and wrap my head around ph and ppm!
I went with rockwool, planted my seeds straight into it. I have never tried starting in soil, then washing off, then putting into the hydroton... but I know it can be done. 
What varieties are you planting?  Do you have a TDS or pH meter yet? What nutes will you be using? Tap water, or RO?
If you have questions about PPM or pH (or anything hydro) just ask away and I'll do my best with my limited knowledge!
The local shop has a digital meter that tests ppm, ph and a couple other things. I think I'm gonna pick that up this weekend and test the tap water here see how it does and go from there. As far as nutes they recommended some I forget what they were but they had about 5 dwc grows going on including a cayenne plant that was an absolute monster. I will only be doing the one for now its a toss up between bbg7, 7 pot primo and red bhuts. I'm sure I will have plenty of questions and I appreciate your willingness to help!
thirdcoasttx said:
The local shop has a digital meter that tests ppm, ph and a couple other things. I think I'm gonna pick that up this weekend and test the tap water here see how it does and go from there. As far as nutes they recommended some I forget what they were but they had about 5 dwc grows going on including a cayenne plant that was an absolute monster. I will only be doing the one for now its a toss up between bbg7, 7 pot primo and red bhuts. I'm sure I will have plenty of questions and I appreciate your willingness to help!
That will be a really nice meter, I'm still using drops for pH, and it is definitely not ideal. Need to just splurge and get myself a digital meter. I'd be interested in what nutes they reccomend, and how your water turns out. Keep me posted!
Thanks everyone!
Well, after 5 weeks my impatience got the best of me. After a 0% germintaion on both my Fatalii's and my Red Rocoto's I pulled the plug. I know it's getting late, but I couldnt help myself, and really wanted to give it another shot, so 4 more of each kind went in today.
Devv said:
Well I ran outta likes again here...
Poddage and tomatoes in the middle of an Idaho winter? That's just crazy!
You need to change your glog title to "Root City" :D
Keep it green bro!
I'm pretty amazed to see pods and toms in February myself too! Best part... the girlfriend's mom was in town, and I was able to bring over a Tupperware of my own tomatoes... she went CRAZY over them!! Just cant beat em.
"Root City" hahah love it. Makes me think of that awful Tyga Song: "Rack City"
stc3248 said:
Haha...I hate when I run out of likes! Looking really good Nick! I already told you you needed to get that rookie out of the title! You got green thumbs attacked to green hands! Those roots are insane!
I know I know, I may just have to succumb to the peer pressure. Thats multiple times now Ive been told to change it up!  :D
JJJessee said:
And that pod looks very brainy, and not winterized
Goot Werk!
At first I was disappointed thinking it looked really simialr to a regular Hab... but it's looking brainier by the day!!
Absolutely nervously excited to try my first super. Cant wait, but yet kinda scared at the same time! lol
I did another nutrient solution refresh today:
Besides the Douglah, I again kept the same numbers as last time, since the are doing well (the only difference being I used closer to 3.5 gallons of water in all of them this time). With the Douglah I switched to a little bit more of a blooming mixture since there are quite a few buds/flowers now.
Tomato: 1.5 tbsp micro, 2 tbsp bloom, 1.5 tbsp grow, 1 tbsp CalMag  ~1040ppm - 5.5pH
Thai'brid: 2 tbsp micro, 3 tbsp bloom, 1 tbsp grow, 1 tbsp CalMag  ~1060ppm - 5.5pH
Douglah: 1.5 tbsp micro, 2 tbsp bloom, 1 tbsp grow, 1 tbsp CalMag (general purpose/mild vegetative) ~949ppm - 5.5pH (had to dump some of the mixture out, and refill with plain water since the PPM was @ 1160. Way too high for the picky Douglah.
BrainStrain: 1.5 tbsp micro, 3 tbsp bloom, 1 tbsp grow, 1 tbsp CalMag (blooming and ripening) ~1360ppm - 5.5pH
Brain got a good base trim, since those leaves weren't getting much light, and were in the way when i was trying to check up on the back plants. Top of the brain also got a haircut since it was growing too close to the light. Pods are getting quite large.
Thai is recovering very well from the lost branch. Still putting out astonishing amount of flowers, and pods. None ripe yet, but the biggest one looks like its getting lighter in color, so hopefully a change soon. I also staked it up to prevent future falls.
Douglah is growing very slowly. But way more buds/flowers on it. Same damn thing happened to the Doulah this time, that happened to the Thai last time... a big branch snapped off trying to put it back into the closet!!!  :banghead: Frustrating.
Tomato is turning its buds into flowers, looks like theres even some more mini tom's on the way!  :party:
All the plants got some form of trim, and a good cleaning of senescent material/debris. Really cant wait to get outdoors, or into a new growing space. Closet is TIGHT!!!
I checked drain water PPM's (forgot to get the tomato) but clearly the plants are using them up. Brain was obviously the hungriest. Douglah: 590, Thai: 1000, Brain: 516 



I'm 6'4" and this thing is almost as tall as me!!




Lots of flowers, no sign of poddage yet.

Broken off branch


 Fitting them all back in after nute change is a BIT@H!!!

Can i get a bump?