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The next deer I see on my property I am going to lasso, ride down, break every leg on it's body, let them heal, and then leash it to a tree and let it starve to death so all the other deer will heed the warning.

If they don't I'll disembowel the next one I catch with my bare hands.

EVERY SINGLE ONE of my front yard peppers is now 'sawed off' after a pillaging by the deer. Tomato plants? Untouched. Only the peppers.

I understand how this was a primary food source for early Americans. They planted gardens, and then these rat bastard vermin came and raided them. Suddenly, they developed a healthy taste for red meat, not out of necessity or preference, but out of SPITE.

I HATE these things. They are a scourge.
Some of the folks I know around here call them 'Mountain Maggots' since they move through an area eating everything. Personally, I enjoying hunting them and normally only eat venison.
Ouch! So sorry to hear that. Have you tried something like one of those gardening mixes that contain capsaicin and black pepper? I don't know if it works for deer or not, but the stuff I used last year helped with the other critters immensely.
I think I might have to look into getting some of that stuff at Lowe's that is supposed to keep deer out of your garden. It's like 3' tall, and is like a plastic chicken wire. Anyone use that stuff?
Those are a LOT more expensive. But hell, Im about to put a bunch of plants in the ground, and not where I live. So I want something that will protect them. Hell, I guess I might HAVE to look into a cheap electric fence.
Well, Rather than starving them you can send some of the meat to me :) Gotta love those steaks. Sucks to hear about those pepper plants though.
Electric fence never fails.

I wish I could do that where they are. On a border with a neighbor. Too much risk of killing and maiming dogs and kids.

I'd love to crank the voltage on Bambi, though.

This has seriously got to be the single most destructive species in my area. I can't think of another. They raze crops, damage property, kill motorists and are among the stupidest and most unappealing animals I've ever dealt with. Goats are up there, too, but at least you can milk them. :)
One word........


Works great for deer and cats..... I have one for feline deterrence that I use. It is a infra-red detector, so aiming at a fence or other large object that gets warmed by the sun will make it very sensitive. Also keeps neighbors away too..... :lol:
I was spoiled having a fenced-in backyard at my last place. I have yet to see any deer near my property here, but I know there are hoards of them near the farms... my first response would be deer netting. It's probably one of the cheaper options. Not sure how well it works, but it's available just about anywhere.
Man...that really sucks. I'd have to be put on anti-depressants and xanax and if I lost my whole crop. Especially after spending the last 4 months raising and caring for them.

Glad my backyard is fenced in, shouldn't have to worry much about mammals except the two dogs that run around outside. They don't appear to have any interest in the plants though. Some kind of insect is gnawing on the plants in my closet though. I never can seem to find anything though, I just see the aftermath...jagged little pieces of leaf tissue remaining on the stem.
They were getting through a 3 strand, 7 foot tall electric fence at my place last year, never did figure how they were doing it, but it seemed
to be the act of one deer, going by the hoofprints, the rest of em couldn't get in! All new aluminum wire this year, if it doesnt work, 7 foot chain link with razor wire top should stop em!
Some deer can jump a 7-ft fence.
Yes, they can! Most won't though and I couldn't find evidence of one "jumping". Most of the time a one strand wire will keep em out. Razor wire
will raise it to 8 1/2 feet and a very nasty result if they don't clear it!
Those are a LOT more expensive. But hell, Im about to put a bunch of plants in the ground, and not where I live. So I want something that will protect them. Hell, I guess I might HAVE to look into a cheap electric fence.

Lead is still cheaper. And more satisfying. And besides he is going to need something to do with all that time he would have spent on the peppers.
The sad reality is that I was just dumb to roll the dice out there. I did it last year and lost a couple of plants about this time of year. They sprung back and gave me great yields in the fall. But this time it was a lot of chinense, and every damn plant. I shoulda known I wouldn't 'get away' with it for two straight years.

That's what the backyard and my pots are for.

I still hate deer, though. With a passion.
you could try the Potawie method...just put some fresh habanero pods out and let them eat one...he said they didn't come back...
They certainly came back, but none have touched my peppers or tomatoes in 3 or 4 years since the deer vs. the hab episode :)