Delayed Stomach Pain

Lately I've been getting stomach pains two or three hours *after* eating peppers. It happens something like this: I eat a bowl of oats first, and then an omelet with some diced peppers... enough that I get some mild pain in my mouth, but not to the level where I'm tempted to get out the milk. Sometimes my belly will be a little warm after the meal, but nothing uncomfortable. Then, two or three hours later, I get the searing stomach pain like there's hot charcoal in my stomach... the kind of pain that's incapacitating where you curl up on the bed and wish for death. Sometimes milk seems to help, sometimes not so much.

I've had stomach pains before that directly follow eating a hab or something, but these delayed pains are new.

Anybody else get this? Thoughts?
I had this happen to me. I made a chipote chicken sandwich with some marugas and bhuts, the heat was definatly there when I ate the sandwich. 5 hours later I woke up in the dead of sleep sweating provously and in the worst stomach cramp imaginable. I rode it out and made some breakfast with some T scorps :)

those pains come when your stomach starts to digest and absorb the capsaicin. i get that when eating peppers on an empty stomach. no immidiate burn but a few hours later BAM!!
Im with Robert! If they are super hot peppers it is completely normal to have stomach pain afterwards. Try drinking a few gulps of pepto or maylox before hand. If this doesnt resolve the issue. Go to the doc
That type of pain sounds like from extracts. If not, and just medium peppers, could be an ulcer. Yes, see a doctor, he/she will know for sure.
I talked to my DR, I used to have stomach ulcers and he told me that eating "peppers" helps to neutralize the acids in your stomach witch is the cause of acid re-flux and aggravating of a persons ulcers,now powders are different from fresh peppers. They don't have to be superhots to neutralize the acids. I had 3 ulcers from when i was 18 years old, i had a scope put down my throat and into my stomach (1 year ago)and they found no ulcers and i have been eating peppers fresh on a regular basis since i was 20 and i don't have ulcer trouble anymore.
Thanks, all, for your thoughts.

Consult your doctor.....

Always good advice. Thanks.

Im with Robert! If they are super hot peppers it is completely normal to have stomach pain afterwards. Try drinking a few gulps of pepto or maylox before hand. If this doesnt resolve the issue. Go to the doc

I'm prepared for pain when I eat a super; it's the delayed thing that I'd like to understand better.

That type of pain sounds like from extracts. If not, and just medium peppers, could be an ulcer. Yes, see a doctor, he/she will know for sure.

I've had the delayed pain before from extract sauces. For what it's worth, yesterday's was a medium-largish Brain Strain... but it was in a three-egg omelet.

It's beacuse your a Cubs fan!

That mostly hurts in my head and heart... and it tends to start in April (without delay) and not let up until October.
May be allergic.
Fresh green bells do that to me, so it's something in the raw pepper besides capsaicin. Cooked, no problem. Try testing a cooked one and see if it still cramps.

Thankfully, the only afterburn I get from hots is the kind that almost makes you wish it was further up the digestive tract. :onfire:

Well, except that one time------------