Denmark and a bit of Kerala

Hello everybody
Have been lurking in here for some time. Been growing a bit of chillis for several years.
I'm from cold Denmark, where chillis have to be carefully nurtured to grow, and my wife is from warm Kerala in India, where chillis grow if you throw some seeds on the ground !
We currently live in cold Denmark.
:welcome: from sunny South Florida! :woohoo:
:welcome: from the PacificNorthWest, USA!
Do you live in Kerala part of the time?
Welcome, HAJ. We have had quite a challenging summer this year, colder than average - still, I have more chilies than I could ever eat in a year... Mainly because of some early, reliable varieties such as Czech. Black, Bulgarian Carrot, Aji Cristal and some crosses. Not much luck with chinenses apart from those in greenhouse. What about you?

Stickman, Denmark is located from 55-58[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] degrees north latitude - you could compare with the Northern part of New Foundland or almost as northly as Southern Alaska.[/background]

Hi and welcome from 42 degrees north latitude in western Massachusetts. How far north are you?