Derek Spices V1.0

Derek's Spices V1.0

I've started the drying out process for the Habenero's and serento's

Right now I'm blanching them in cold water. "And no DR pepper use what so ever"

Irony, I just started drying a batch of Habs just now too..LOL!

Mine got stemmed, halved and got a bath in basically salty lemonade.

Just cold water, lemon juice, and a pinch of sea salt. Just using the lemon as a source of Ascorbic Acid to help keep the color and stuff, and the salt is 'cuz I like it that way for a powder.. :)

No dryer here, using my toaster oven set to the lowst setting..about 100-140F
QuadShotz said:
Irony, I just started drying a batch of Habs just now too..LOL!

Mine got stemmed, halved and got a bath in basically salty lemonade.

Just cold water, lemon juice, and a pinch of sea salt. Just to help keep the color and stuff. :)
Very cool, and thanks for the lemon salt mixture.

But how will the spice end up when you moter it?
Just fine, I use an extra old coffee grinder just for spices.

Mine was free, but ya can find 'em at thrift stores for a couple bucks.

I also use it for just about any dry pepper or I bought whole cumin seed...which un-ground will keep it's flavor for years until I make it into powder. :)

I got bags of various chiles dried, makes it fun to whip out your own chile powder whenever ya want..or ground pepper, or chipotles into powder, etc.
QuadShotz said:
Just fine, I use an extra old coffee grinder just for spices.

Mine was free, but ya can find 'em at thrift stores for a couple bucks.

I also use it for just about any dry pepper or I bought whole cumin seed...which un-ground will keep it's flavor for years until I make it into powder. :)

I got bags of various chiles dried, makes it fun to whip out your own chile powder whenever ya want..or ground pepper, or chipotles into powder, etc.
I use the magic bullet to grind the spices up. and I have my own red pepper spice, shown in the picture.
PhatManDerek said:
I've started the drying out process for the Habenero's and serento's

Right now I'm blanching them in cold water. "And no DR pepper use what so ever"


Why do you blanch them in cold water first???
PhatManDerek said:
Right now I'm blanching them in cold water. "And no DR pepper use what so ever"
Impossible. Blanching means boiling for a brief period. Not chilling in ice. Also, why? You are dehydrating... removing water! said:
Impossible. Blanching means boiling for a brief period. Not chilling in ice. Also, why? You are dehydrating... removing water!
Hey I'm still a newb Ok?


I still don't know some things.
Of course, ya can just dry 'em as-is too. :)

Cutting them in half does help dry faster and such, but I'm just experimenting with the lemon stuff. We used to use that on some things we dehydrated when I was a kid to stop oxidation....particularly apples,apricots and bananas.

So, thought I'd try it on chiles.

Here's a bigazz dehydrating guide:

One aimed more at chiles:

AND..this one. ;)
Keep in mind this is intended for a non-food extraction of Capsaicin...but intereesting.

"Effects of drying procedure, cultivar, and harvest number on capsaicin levels in dried jalapeño peppers."
Source: Dept. of Biosystems Engineering and Environmental Science, The University of Tennessee

Drying temperatures tested, ranging from ambient (~27°C) to 85°C, did not affect the concentration of total capsaicinoids in dried jalapeño peppers. It is possible that higher temperatures can be used without affecting capsaicin levels; however, the limit was not determined in this study. Drying effectively concentrated capsaicinoids in the dried product by almost 15 times the level in fresh peppers. Physical state of the peppers when dried (whole or cut) did not affect concentration of capsaicinoids within the temperature range tested. If drying is to be part of any extraction process, then fast drying can be accomplished to reduce costs by using higher temperatures (within limits) and slicing the peppers for enhanced moisture transfer rates. If slicing is to be accomplished, care should be given to retaining the pepper seeds.

P.S., If ya never picked up The Joy of should as it's about all you'll need as a cookbook. My copy is 'prolly older than a lot of the members here, but I use it all the time. :)
All I know is my apartment is Smelling very good with Habs drying and now with enchilada sauce now.

See my tortilla pizza in the spicy foods sub forum.
every year after I harvest from the garden I have so many peppers that I can and pickle alot of them. I dry even more though!! I do not use a dehydrator or the oven. I make ristras and hang them everywhere to dry. works great! (just takes a good looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time to dry) then I use my old coffee grinder (which is still used every now and then to grind coffee) to grind the peppers into powder. and Yes Habanero flavored coffee is very good!!!!! LOL
Here's mine from last night..currently covring sum Tyson chix nuggz also with oleresin-enhanced chile powder, sea salt from France and NagaSav dippin sauz.



Dem wa fresh purdy Habs a few hrs ago...fressshhhh.

Fuk, after about a doz of those, can't tell if im dorfin' or just's all a nice hott blurrr..

Invents new word: "dorfin

eg: The process of consuming and aftermath of capsaicin consumption resulting in an endorphin state... :twisted:

Bring it, Wikipedia.. ;)
thx, and i've submitted that to the as a new word. ;)


Hell, I just might be MOAR infamous yet. ;)