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Devastation, brought to you by Ma Nature

Take all of your cuttings and start cloning. Buy some rooting powder at home depot and get to work turning chicken shit into chicken soup
Don't worry bro I dropped my seedlings earlier in the season and thought they were done and have never looked better. You'll be making us jelous at seasons end.........
i Feel for you Patrick but peppers are resililent and they will come back with new growth, just might have to wait a little longer.
Is that hail damage?
Patrick, you are a helluva grower, this is only a minor setback. Chances are it will only make your pods angrier and hotter in the end. From what I saw you will be ok. Do what you do my friend. Looking forward to seeing the huge harvests this summer.
Thanks fellas. I really appreciate the positive thoughts. I cleaned up a bit and they don't look so bad anymore. Most of them look kind of naked though.

hatter yep that's hail damage, the 60 mph winds didn't help either. Most of the hail was pea sized so it just cut right through the leaves. There was the occasional nickel sized hailstone but not many thank God.

Thanks JayT.
Geez...I thought you were showing us your cabbage plants!

Seriously, they'll be fine. If you are like most of us, you worry too much. They're like lizards...you can break 'em off, but they grow right back. It IS "Ma Nature," but the good thing about her is that she NEVER stops. Hell, you COULD have COMPLETELY lost ALL of 'em, ya know?
Patrick. Damn, I've been following your progress since day 1 this year so I almost took this personally. But when you think about how many leaves and major branches that are still to come, losing a bunch early on may not look pleasing but those beasts will be back in no time for sure. Like some of the others have said...minor setback but don't let it bum you out too much. Tonnes of new growth is on it's way..and lots of time too. I'll be waiting to see your pics in 1 months time and we'll look back laughing about this. (well maybe laughing isn't the right word, but you know what I mean).
That completely sucks but good to hear they will be fine. You were going to lose all those leaves anyway, maybe set you back a week is all. Good luck patrick.
Hey Patrick, they'll recover and probably be hot as hell. Stress brings out the heat. You should have seen AJ's from last year. He got totally crushed and they bounced back to be great plants.
Wow!:shocked: That looked nasty.

But like bigt said, stress will make them bounce back with a vengeance! ;)

Hang tough, Patrick. You'll see a great harvest and great plants soon enough. :)
Tough hand you got dealt, Patrick. I feel your pain. I potted up 40+ plants last Thursday night. Bad thunderstorms rolled through Friday afternoon and tore most of my super hots to shreds. Don't know why it didn't really affect the Annums though.

I hope your plants pull through for you. Good luck!
You folks are really bringing me up, thank you all.

I've been cutting off the stray busted up leaf here and there and looking over the new growth. I'm a firm believer in what everyone has been saying about them coming back.

I also want to add that without a doubt this place has got one of the best groups of people of any web site I've ever been on. You people rock.

Phadrus man I'm sorry to hear about Ma Nature taking a turn at your plants. Keep the faith, peppers are some tough critters to kill.
patrick said:
You folks are really bringing me up, thank you all.

I've been cutting off the stray busted up leaf here and there and looking over the new growth. I'm a firm believer in what everyone has been saying about them coming back.

I also want to add that without a doubt this place has got one of the best groups of people of any web site I've ever been on. You people rock.

Phadrus man I'm sorry to hear about Ma Nature taking a turn at your plants. Keep the faith, peppers are some tough critters to kill.

progress pics plz!
The same thing happened to my plants a few weeks ago, I lost some of the smaller habaneros, and some mystery seeds that were in my parrots food. But the ones that are still alive have grown twice as big now. Its like they got beat up and started working out to fight any more bad weather
Just a couple days ago I got lucky myself. There was supposed to be very high winds, in the 50s/60s (MPH). Maybe some hail even, can't remember, but it was supposed to be bad. It must've blew over, because nothing really bad came--just a lot of rain, thunder and lightning, with some moderate wind. Everything I wanted really, so it ended up working in my favor (been wanting some rain, and finally got it--and the plants are growing better than ever since).

Last year a lawn chair toppled over one of my cayennes, snapped the main stem right by the ground. Before the storm was even over, I rushed out there and staked it. Didn't even "seal" or tape it, just staked it up. It ended up producing just as many peppers as all the others, and if I didn't witness it myself (and have to "fix" it), I probably would've never even known it got snapped. I'm sure yours will come back, full force.
We had tornado warning here last night. The winds really bend over and nearly uprooted my largest plant. It wasn't staked down...dummy me. I had to go out today steak it down and added some more soil to the bucket.

I could hear and feel the steak tearing through roots. I really hope I didn't do too much damage to the roots. I know it will bounce back but it already has pods. I hope it doesn't go into some type of root recovery mode and neglect the pods and flowers that it has.