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Devil's Tongue & Fatalii

was wondering if the devils tongue and fatalii are different or same pepper? was told that they are the same but want to make sure before i grow both. thanks
I don't think they are the same, but very similar. They have slightly different color and shape but same heat and flavor
I recieved some seeds of the "devils tongue" and the seeds are red.... Cant wait to grow them and see what it really is???? Anyone know of any seeds that are red?
Flex said:
I recieved some seeds of the "devils tongue" and the seeds are red.... Cant wait to grow them and see what it really is???? Anyone know of any seeds that are red?
Usually means they were treated with some sort of chemical.
growing both and leaves look the same but my cousin has grown them and he said they are different type and slightly different colour and as r.b said different peppers on chiliman :shocked:
Flex said:
I recieved some seeds of the "devils tongue" and the seeds are red.... Cant wait to grow them and see what it really is???? Anyone know of any seeds that are red?

Potawie said that "pink" seeds are probably treated with thiram.
My Devils Tongues



yep old pictures, but a great picture of a bunch of golden devil tongues :cool:

stillz - did you ever sit down & eat one of those pods whole for the heck of it, or maybe a couple ?
yep I've bitten into them they taste great and are plenty hot, they are certainly hotter than standard habs, orange or red, I'd put them at a par with Black congos, they aren't in the league of the naga/bhut/bih but they make up for it with that citrussy flavour.
And they seem to produce very well in my climate.
stillmanz said:
yep I've bitten into them they taste great and are plenty hot, they are certainly hotter than standard habs, orange or red, I'd put them at a par with Black congos, they aren't in the league of the naga/bhut/bih but they make up for it with that citrussy flavour.
And they seem to produce very well in my climate.
See, that discribes Fatalii's to a T. Even th epics look exactly like the Fatalii's I've grown and seen. I still say they are the same. I've always been told that Devil's Tongue is just a nickname for Fatalii. Just like Ghost Pepper is a nickname for Bhut Jolokia.
What about the taste? Do they taste just about the same?
Which one puts out more pods?
Which one is hotter?

I am growing one yellow fatali plant this year. My red fatali did not germinate at all.