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Devil's Tongue & Fatalii

They both taste the same and are about the same in production. Definitely favorites of Potawie.
I think the devil's tongue tested higher in SHU but they seem very close to me
I will never grow them both again since they are so similar, so I stick with Fatalii for now.
When my Grower delivers some I'll send you a bag mate probably not till after winter the plants have all been trimmed back hard for winter.

I don't think the sauce counts no ..lol
Interesting to know it works out about 1.5 DTpods (12gms roughly) to a 150 ml bottle, thats not a bad burn for weight.

I think I'm going to have to get some of these seeds down the road. I've had fatallis in sauces, but never got to taste it just as the pepper that it is. Sounds like a must have in my garden. Cool looking hat by the way. :cool:
GrumpyBear said:
hey, if the bih and the bhut are different i don't see any reason why the fatalii and devil's tongue can't be different too...
Who said the Bih and Bhut are different? :shocked:
It's possible, just not a fact.
The Naga Morich with different size, texture, flavor and number of pods is different, but Bih and Bhut? maybe.
Omri said:
Who said the Bih and Bhut are different? :shocked:
It's possible, just not a fact.
The Naga Morich with different size, texture, flavor and number of pods is different, but Bih and Bhut? maybe.

based completely on hearsay i understand them to be close in shape but different in size of chile, shape of plant, flowers per node, maybe some other stuff. i vote similar but different.
i think a coupla folks here are growing them both, i can wait for them to weigh in i guess.
Wow Stillmanz, those are beautiful. I hope I can get near tht many on my Fatali. How many plants to make that many pods?
GrumpyBear said:
based completely on hearsay i understand them to be close in shape but different in size of chile, shape of plant, flowers per node, maybe some other stuff. i vote similar but different.
i think a coupla folks here are growing them both, i can wait for them to weigh in i guess.
From what I've seen, both are the same. I might be wrong, but that's my opinion.
Both vary in shape, so even two different plants of Bhut would not produce same shaped pods. both Bih and Bhut have the same plant size and shape. the number of flowers per node is three in both.
Can't say I've tasted the Bih, but my guess it's the same as the Bhut.
those pods were taken from one of my growers plants not mine, that was from 3 plants with about another kilo of green ones still on the bush, they get about a metre high and produce very well.
ok Get 2 Fatali's and Chop
Add to Pizza :)

put in Oven Andddddddddddd

oh so going to do more of these..:mouthonfire:
it actuallly was Hot, be coool to get the local pizza dude to make them ill have to see.

got the shop down the road using naga/savina sauce on Hamburgers now, yeaaa by the end of it my lips are burning.

I saw yours Devils tonques and they are wonderful.
I have one very similar as your which I did not know the name but, now I'm thinking it is yellow Devil tonque and also I have the orange that has the same shape and the same taste.
Congratulation for your Devils tonques:mouthonfire: