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devils tongue mmmm tasty

here's a couple of devil's tongues (seeds from stillmanz cheers mick)


What can i say but i think i've found a new favorite chilli,
The aroma is crisp, light, fresh and not unlike fresh lemon and lime zest, unlike the very heavy fruity aroma of some chineses. And a nice clean taste with a good sharp heat.
The two in the pic ended up in a chilli last night, just wish there was enough to make a sauce, oh well next year maybe.
those are pretty pods...I have a few that are just now starting to ripen...I hope I am as satisfied with them as you are..
you'll love them AJ i beleive they are similar to fatalli (haven't grown them) but i can't get over how pleasant the smell was, some of the chinese aromas are a bit heavy, but not these babies
stillmanz said:
glad they came good for you.

Cheers for the seeds mick. Plants were on where near as productive as they could have been due to our shite weather, but as i said the smell and taste now put this as my new favorite, naga's step aside the devil is in town!
AlabamaJack said:
those are pretty pods...I have a few that are just now starting to ripen...I hope I am as satisfied with them as you are..

AJ - how are your pods ripening so late? I've had ripe superhots for over a month now, and my season is really short!

When did you start them?
klyth said:
AJ - how are your pods ripening so late? I've had ripe superhots for over a month now, and my season is really short!

When did you start them?

Klyth...the only thing I can figure as to why my superhots are ripening late is the July/August extreme hot temps we have had...from what I have read...when my temps were above 100 in the day and the lows were mid to high 80s at night, they just stopped producing...the plants kept on growing but I had to pour the water to them...I essentially lost 2 months of fruit production...I read that pollen sterilization occurs at temps above 95F...

The only plant that produced right through was the 2nd year O. Hab....I got one harvest off the Red Savinas before the heat hit and now I am going to get a second harvest off them....I started the Red Savina Seeds December 15th...the rest of the seeds were started January 30th and February 27th....the superhots started the end of January all got severe sunscald and the ones I started the end of February were hardened off properly and are actually better plants because of that...
the flavour and heat of devils tongues are almost identicle in my experience.
the Devils tongues tend to be a broader pod and they seem to ripen a nice orange rather than a sharp yellow.
they are and probably always will be my favourite chilli.
they make my favourite sauce.