stickman said:
Very cool Scott! If you keep the bees around you'll have to be scrupulous about sequestering blossoms to get pure seed, but no trouble getting blossoms pollinated for sure!
My Dad and I kept bees when I was a teenager, and we harvested a few swarms. Unless they're Africanized bees they're very docile when swarming. We didn't need to bother with the head nets when we did it, but we did wear long sleeved shirts and long pants with the cuffs tied down so the bees couldn't crawl inside and feel trapped when we moved around. Some people give themselves "bee beards" by putting the queen on their chin and the workers glom on.
Thanks Rick,
I like having them around, but I'm really wary of them. I get really bad localized swelling if stung. 2 stings to my hand and I can't even hold a coffee cup for 2 days.
I took a few pics today, not much happening. The plants are starting to grow again.
We spread some more mulch this morning. I'm going all in with last years mulch; it's so broken down it's half powder. When I got this last fall it was the bottom of a once huge mountain of mulch. AT the start of this season I had somewhere between 20-25 yards. Just guessing, but I had a bunch!
A bit blurry, hey the dirt's in focus..some flowers on the purple Jalapeno.
As you can see, once in the dirt the plants are fair game for the buggies

But this White Bhut is branching and starting to put flowers on.
Aji Limo, ready to rock and roll.
One of 5 (or more) MoA plants. It's my favorite pepper at moment, just so many uses!
The Hugel bed of Annuum's. I scored some Black Cow composted manure at a good price and surrounded each plant so the watering is a bit easier. Although I planted the rest in the ditches I'm not going to flood this season if I can help it. I'm thinking it may cause the plants to have shallow root systems. We shall see
Aji Amarillo. This gal has a unique growth habit. It leaned over and the branches make it look like 3 plants. Not care

It's growing!
So yesterday everything got a healthy dose of nutes and water. I have a bunch of Tomato Tone and used that to start. I guess I used too little (advise needed), so I went with what I know and picked up some Hasta Gro.
The 10 day looks great, I hope we get some of that rain!