• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
"For me it's beating the heat. I want the produce set before the temps soar. Around here they do that fast, April and May could be normal or 95°...and like last year I feared frost..."
Hey, Scott, when the weather gets hot, would shade cloth over
the poly tunnel work to keep temps down?
PaulG said:
"For me it's beating the heat. I want the produce set before the temps soar. Around here they do that fast, April and May could be normal or 95°...and like last year I feared frost..."
Hey, Scott, when the weather gets hot, would shade cloth over
the poly tunnel work to keep temps down?
Or better yet... leave the framework up, take off the poly sheeting when it's no longer needed and replace with shade netting when it gets hot. The only thing about that method is that you'll have to make the frame for the low row cover taller to accommodate the height of the mature plants. At that point, you might as well put together a greenhouse.
Have a great Christmas and New Year Scotty (and LB) oh and Pudding! I nearly cried, Scott! My first dog, well, dogs, my brother got one black rat and I got the other, who looked just like Pudding (Puff, because my parents wouldn't let me have a dragon) and back then, ya know, dogs had to outside, although I sneaked them into parents basement (or bed with me) on cold nights. And anything that moved of any size, they went after. Up trees, especially! People came by to watch our dogs climbing Poplar trees or running off Dobies. Thanks for that memory and Pudding is CUTE!!
As for plants? DAYUM! Gorgeous! They are truly beautiful, Scott! I think it's probably edema as well. And I just anticipate that. Glad you got the T5's  :party:  but unless HD or some local place is selling reasonably priced 4' fixtures, can't see price asking for them online. However, I might buy myself a Christmas gift, since HD will deliver.
Just beautiful and great tips by Rick!! Have a Merry Christmas and Happiest of New Year's hon!
Spicegeist said:
:onfire:  your plants are looking great.  what an early start, you're going to be swimming in peppers this year.
Thanks Charles!
Your crosses are thriving, one is putting on flower buds already. I see many SFRB's going out this season!
maximumcapsicum said:
Merry Christmas man!! Your plans look great.
Thanks Adam,
Have a great time during the holidays!
PaulG said:
"For me it's beating the heat. I want the produce set before the temps soar. Around here they do that fast, April and May could be normal or 95°...and like last year I feared frost..."
Hey, Scott, when the weather gets hot, would shade cloth over
the poly tunnel work to keep temps down?
Hi Paul,
I have the 40x20' frame and shade cloth to help out when the heat comes. Been wanting to double it's size, but waiting to see how our finances are after the holidays. I already spent way too much this year on the garden.
GA Growhead said:
Back to the hydrogen peroxide question.
I go full strength, cap full directly on the stem/soil of the infected. Maybe a second dose if real bad on day two.

Merry Xmas to everyone there!
Thanks Jason,
I put full strength on it yesterday, figured that's what you meant. It's still chuggin'!
stickman said:
Or better yet... leave the framework up, take off the poly sheeting when it's no longer needed and replace with shade netting when it gets hot. The only thing about that method is that you'll have to make the frame for the low row cover taller to accommodate the height of the mature plants. At that point, you might as well put together a greenhouse.
I have been tempted to build a greenhouse. I have a lot of glass I saved when we went to double pane windows, even have a slab with a drain in the center that used to have a walk in cooler sitting on it. Thing is it would not get any sunlight from the west as it is directly behind the shop. I even have electric run there....hmmm...
annie57 said:
Have a great Christmas and New Year Scotty (and LB) oh and Pudding! I nearly cried, Scott! My first dog, well, dogs, my brother got one black rat and I got the other, who looked just like Pudding (Puff, because my parents wouldn't let me have a dragon) and back then, ya know, dogs had to outside, although I sneaked them into parents basement (or bed with me) on cold nights. And anything that moved of any size, they went after. Up trees, especially! People came by to watch our dogs climbing Poplar trees or running off Dobies. Thanks for that memory and Pudding is CUTE!!
As for plants? DAYUM! Gorgeous! They are truly beautiful, Scott! I think it's probably edema as well. And I just anticipate that. Glad you got the T5's  :party:  but unless HD or some local place is selling reasonably priced 4' fixtures, can't see price asking for them online. However, I might buy myself a Christmas gift, since HD will deliver.
Just beautiful and great tips by Rick!! Have a Merry Christmas and Happiest of New Year's hon!
Thank Annie!
Those bumps which looked like eggs have dried now and turned brown, glad I saw it early, a few days outside really helped. The T5's are expensive, about $125.00 for a 4' x 4 bulb unit. I looked at it this way, what do I love to do? Treat your self! You deserve it.
The "girls" are sisters, just turned three and they still romp like puppies. Peaches and Pudding are a trip!
Merry Christmas all!
 Rick: "At that point, you might as well put together a greenhouse."  
I forgot about your big frame, Scott   :oops:  Using the poly tunnel with
shade cloth wouldn't really make much sense then, would it?
Scott, you and LB have great Holiday's!  Next time I see your plants they'll be climbable I imagine! 
I hope to haul in some dirt soon, some for my front yard, (I got a probllem with Live Oak suckers) and of course I need new stuff for the beds.  Last time I bought a yard of dirt it was still a little "hot", decomposting.  Could smell the horse in it!  Would like to get it sooner to give it time to mellow.
See ya on the other side of Christmas!
PIC 1 said:
Cool pictures of Pudding the dog...
Great start with the plants, I won't have plants that size for a couple of months from now.
At that point yours will have peppers on them..
Once again, Have a Peptacular Holiday Season

Thanks Greg for the holiday wishes!
This season I'm going to have to trim them and also pinch the flowers off. I'm hoping they can live in the 1 gal containers without getting too root bound.
PaulG said:
 Rick: "At that point, you might as well put together a greenhouse."  
I forgot about your big frame, Scott   :oops:  Using the poly tunnel with
shade cloth wouldn't really make much sense then, would it?
No problem Paul, we have two completely different climates to think about. Hope Christmas is|was grand; I was at my sons house and got to see the G-kids tear into the pile. Reminds me of 25 years ago ;)
capsidadburn said:
Scott, you and LB have great Holiday's!  Next time I see your plants they'll be climbable I imagine! 
I hope to haul in some dirt soon, some for my front yard, (I got a probllem with Live Oak suckers) and of course I need new stuff for the beds.  Last time I bought a yard of dirt it was still a little "hot", decomposting.  Could smell the horse in it!  Would like to get it sooner to give it time to mellow.
See ya on the other side of Christmas!
Thanks Mike!
You too!
Now's the time so it can normalize and be ready for spring. A while back I added heavy soil, tilled it deeply, and then added all the compost I had along with some of that mulch. Tilled that in and planted rye and clover. The rye out did the clover so I tilled it again and just planted clover. This time I'll plant the rye more sparsely, and soon.
Enjoy the day!
Devv said:
Here's a few of the youngest ladies...
Hmm do my eyes deceive me or do I see a hooker mixed in with your fine upstanding young ladies, hahahaha …
In all seriousness the pictures are all brilliant mon, I really love the one of the Datil which will soon spread her leaves.
Hab an awesome new years Scott!
Jeff H said:
Nice looking little ones you have there Scott.
Thanks Jeff,
I'm glad to see these finally popping, a lot were replanted in another tray because of the long wait. These newest ones took 18 days.
romy6 said:
 Nice Scotty. Sounds like you had a great Christmas . Have a Happier New Year  :dance:
Thanks Jamie,
The 3 and the 6 year old were really excited about Santa coming to visit.
And a Happy New Year to you!
Vegas_Chili said:
Looking good Scott!! Gotta love them hookers :D. Nice and green little ones too.

Hope you have an awesome New Year and hope your propositions and goals get accomplished. :cheers:

Thanks Walt,
I'm sure the wife's not aware that I keep hookers in the extra bedroom :shh:
Have a Happy New Year!
HillBilly Jeff said:
Nice looking starts there.  Good luck this season!!!
Thanks Jeff
GA Growhead said:
Yay! Datil and more!
I really glad these babies are starting to stand up!
Thanks again for the seeds Jason!
stickman said:
Thanks for the OB report Scott, all looking good so far... :)
Thanks Rick ;)
WalkGood said:
Hmm do my eyes deceive me or do I see a hooker mixed in with your fine upstanding young ladies, hahahaha …
:shh: Don't tell LB!
In all seriousness the pictures are all brilliant mon, I really love the one of the Datil which will soon spread her leaves.
Hab an awesome new years Scott!
Thanks Ramon,
Have a awesome New Year too!

maximumcapsicum said:
Wow Devv! Those true leaves are getting big fast. How long do they take to double their size?
Those Yellow Brains are 10-12 days old, I think that's the time frame they grow the least. Once they get a foothold they take off at a faster rate.