• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
Devv said:
Thanks Jeff,
I'm glad to see these finally popping, a lot were replanted in another tray because of the long wait. These newest ones took 18 days.
Thanks Jamie,
The 3 and the 6 year old were really excited about Santa coming to visit.
And a Happy New Year to you!
Thanks Walt,
I'm sure the wife's not aware that I keep hookers in the extra bedroom :shh:
Have a Happy New Year!
Thanks Jeff
I really glad these babies are starting to stand up!
Thanks again for the seeds Jason!
Thanks Rick ;)
Thanks Ramon,
Have a awesome New Year too!

Those Yellow Brains are 10-12 days old, I think that's the time frame they grow the least. Once they get a foothold they take off at a faster rate.
You giving them any nutrients or do they do that just on the potting mix? That's an amazing growth rate. Last year my chinenses took almost a month to get even close to that.
stc3248 said:
Must sound like popcorn popping around your germ station!!! :dance:  With one year of these stubborn plants under your belt you are gonna have one crazy grow this season...
They did start popping again, I planted in two main shifts and then some more seeds came in...you know how it goes!
I need some pinching tips, a couple are getting tall already.
maximumcapsicum said:
You giving them any nutrients or do they do that just on the potting mix? That's an amazing growth rate. Last year my chinenses took almost a month to get even close to that.
I just wait until they stand up, and put them in the MG soil. I would try others but it's been working well so far. I like that it drains well too.
Spicegeist said:
Oh good, I'm glad this sprouted.  This will be an interesting pepper...
I would have to look, but I think all but one came up. I still have time, but not much ;)
stc3248 said:
I don't do any trimming until after they fork...but others do. If mine get leggy I hit them with a stronger fan and more light.
I've never trimmed, not like I've been doing this long ;)
My problem is I need more space and lights....yep, I've overloaded my tail end... :shh:
Here' one that's getting big....a choc hab, got some right behind it..didn't expect this kind of growth based upon last years experience.


Yellow Fatalii

Red Bhut

Another Yellow Fatalii

Jay's Peach Ghost Scorp

Bhut x Yellow 7


Mystery?? Whatever it is it's healthy :party:

TS x Moruga x Bhut

That's it for now, 10's the limit.
A few of these are ready for new shoes..
Ah...I see, not getting "leggy" just plain kicking a$$...keep doing what you're doing and give them some bigger shoes like you said above. Only thing to do now to slow them down is give them a shorter light cycle...not less powerful if you get my drift. Strong light say on an 8-on 16-off cycle should slow down their growth but maintain their health...but you're still gonna have problems with room later on. You started VERY early. I started mine on Jan 1st last year and ran out of room before plant out. Good thing is I think your last frost date is earlier than mine???
stc3248 said:
Ah...I see, not getting "leggy" just plain kicking a$$...keep doing what you're doing and give them some bigger shoes like you said above. Only thing to do now to slow them down is give them a shorter light cycle...not less powerful if you get my drift. Strong light say on an 8-on 16-off cycle should slow down their growth but maintain their health...but you're still gonna have problems with room later on. You started VERY early. I started mine on Jan 1st last year and ran out of room before plant out. Good thing is I think your last frost date is earlier than mine???
I know I started early, but never used lights last year AND the weather was nice enough to put them outside last year. So a lot of things different this year, maybe next year I'll hit it right on ;)
Last frost is supposed to be 3/15, but normally 3/1, but this year seems different. The tall ones are not in the lights anymore, just in the south window..LOL, told ya I overloaded my tail end.  It's all good, I won't let them get root bound.
What I really need is a better germ system, the difference in the plants growth is the rate of germination. Some were set in dirt later, due to incoming seeds. But most were sown the same time. I just had a Jigsaw pop after almost 3 months, I just left it there with the others and today it hooked....amazing.
HabaneroHead said:
Beautiful plants and nice selection of varieties! :-)
Thanks Balázs!
Can't wait to see your grow this season!
GA Growhead said:
I have had seeds pop almost four months later. Never give up!
I just had a second jigsaw, out of three seeds planted decide to come up myself.
Yeah I went back and checked, just shy of 90 days...kinda crazy!
Cartz said:
I blink and you have a new glog up, and with 7 pages of comments already. Clicking 'follow' was the easiest decision I've made today....fantastic start Scott!
Thanks Nathan!
RocketMan said:
Wow, looking really good Scott. What are y ou planning to plant up to, 1 gallon pouches maybe?
Keep 'em growing brother
Happy New Year and Good Growing in 2014!
Thanks Bill!
The ones in the 6" pots will soon go to 1 gal plastic pots, the ones in cups will go into the now emptied 6" pots. Most will end up in the garden for a dirt grow, with a few in the 20 gal bags for isolation. I know I'll have some extras, and shouldn't have any trouble getting rid of them. Gardening is contagious and coworkers are already asking about plants.
Happy New Year!
HillBilly Jeff said:
Sweet looking plants!!!
Thanks Jeff!
LB and I are celebrating our 34th this weekend, she likes going to casino's so we're gonna give Eagle Pass a whirl. 
I hope everyone has a Happy New Years, it's sneaking up fast!
PaulG said:
"You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day"
Sorry, bro - out of likes.  Good luck getting those transplants
underway - totally awesome specimens!
Hi Paul,
Gonna give that a whirl tomorrow, did a little today but our trip required a slow day..LOL
Thanks for the good vibes!
maximumcapsicum said:
Someone's gonna have a big, continuous harvest in a couple months...
I hope so Adam, so far so good. I WAS counting on the warmer weather we've had the last several years, so I could put them outside. Dang it's been cold here lately!
HillBilly Jeff said:
Congrats on the 34th!!!!! 
Thanks Jeff!
I'm a lucky guy!
Our little trip to Eagle Pass was a lot of fun, we actually won a lot, but of course lost it. The main thing was have a good time :D
Saturday on the way out of town we stopped by the snail mail store.
Jamie had PM'ed me about seeds, he had a ton of variety! I chose LB safe peppers.
Here's what I received:

Thanks! I really appreciate it, the seeds have already been planted. Can't wait to try the garlic infused powders!
Out in the shop the OW's are still hanging, maybe tomorrow I can put them in the sun for awhile. Been battling dang aphids on a few of them.
Pulled a few JA Habs. A lot more are out there but just tiny ones...

Before I left the first of the Annuum's started hooking, as well as the second round of tomatoes. put 5 or 6 tom's in solo cups and a few peppers.


Giant White Hab-PaulG

Brown Egg-GA Growhead

Another Serrano

Another Jal, don't know what kind, pulled seeds from some Jamie sent, was mucho hot!

I have 4 or 5 hooks that hopefully will stand up tomorrow, AND I need to update my list, it's grown some ;)
Have a Happy New Years! :drunk:
Scott these photos are really fantastic. The JA Habs are making my mouth water. Slice up a couple of 'em and stick 'em in a lb of ground beef... basically my favorite burger du jour. 
What kind of camera are you using? Guessing these aren't iphone shots.
Looks as though you're just germing under lights??? Works well in a grow area where you can maintain temps between 75 and 85 degrees. Maybe next year you order a heat mat and thermostat...set that sucker between 80 and 85 and they'll pop if they're going to pop. In spite of tough germination...you're still overloaded, so no biggie! You'll be giving away buckets of pods by May!