• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
OCD Chilehead said:
Nice pull. What's the Peach colored pods? Wish I could grow huge plants like that White. Maybe next years my in the ground plants will get some height.

Thanks for sharing Scott.

When does the chipper arrive?
Thanks Chuck!
The peach are Bahamian Goat peppers.
The chipper arrived yesterday, I had to hang out in town an hour after work waiting. I put it together and fired it up, then it was time to come in and get a shower for dinner.
And the Internet was down, I'm thinking the lightning hurt the wireless receiver we connect to on the tower 6 miles out.
I did get to play with the new toy for an hour. Tomorrow it's hearing protection and a respirator. I ground up all the sunflower stalks and pepper plants I already cut back in no time. I'll post pics tomorrow.
PaulG said:
Are the peach pods  Bahamian Goats?
 You hit it Paul!
The ones in the dirt make a more true looking pod.
randyp said:
          Scott if you ever want to experiment with that four season thingy.You let me know,we can swap places between November and March.Bring a shovel. :dance:
 Oh I was born and raised in NY (Long Island), I know all about shoveling snow!
Oh yeah. It's begun. I can see the mounds of composting goodness now. Enjoy and don't forget Safety First. LOL. Sorry I couldn't help it, they say that too us all the time at work. Can't wait to see the pics of your new garden toy.

Have a great weekend Scott.
OCD Chilehead said:
Oh yeah. It's begun. I can see the mounds of composting goodness now. Enjoy and don't forget Safety First. LOL. Sorry I couldn't help it, they say that too us all the time at work. Can't wait to see the pics of your new garden toy.

Have a great weekend Scott.
The way it designed you would have to try to get hurt. Or just use no common sense at all.
Being it's new the belt needs adjustment while it breaks in and stretches. So I adjusted the belt, and it had stretched a little.  The oil is supposed to be changed after the first 5 hours. I ran it an hour yesterday and decided to change the oil, any new engine puts metal in the oil, and it had the silver in it when I stirred the used oil. So I'm glad I got that taken care of. After a little over two hours this morning I got hot, went through two shirts and 5 waters...LOL
Here's the crap I worked on, last years pepper plants, corn stalks, sunflower stalks, and kitchen waste.



A little over 2 hours work and the piles were down to this, and I had enough fun for a morning. I did learn to not breathe when putting peppers in the shredder hopper. Pretty quickly too :D

All that was reduced to this, it makes really fine mulch.

This still needs to be processed. But tomorrow is another day ;)
That's a great investment Scott! In addition to making great mulch it'll help your compost pile cook down that much faster since the material to be composted will be broken up fine enough to greatly increase the surface area for the bacteria to grow on. Way to go!
stickman said:
That's a great investment Scott! In addition to making great mulch it'll help your compost pile cook down that much faster since the material to be composted will be broken up fine enough to greatly increase the surface area for the bacteria to grow on. Way to go!
 I've been wanting one forever, and decided after paying off a $640 a month loan what the heck? I did a lot of research, the DR is well made and it should last many years. All that mulch I got last season was really course. This years loads  will be re-ground into the finer mulch.
Thanks for posting your methods, was actually about to bug you again. I have found a source for manure and will be adding it to garden soon. I was wondering if i should actually take the time and pull all the little plants or just lay manure over everything and till in. You think its better to remove them with them being so small(5-6"). Also was planing to cover with manure, till in now. Then in fall cover with leaves, more manure, and let sit till spring and till everything again a few times before planting. What you think? Not sure yet on stage of manure, but lets assume its green.
beerbreath81 said:
Thanks for posting your methods, was actually about to bug you again. I have found a source for manure and will be adding it to garden soon. I was wondering if i should actually take the time and pull all the little plants or just lay manure over everything and till in. You think its better to remove them with them being so small(5-6"). Also was planing to cover with manure, till in now. Then in fall cover with leaves, more manure, and let sit till spring and till everything again a few times before planting. What you think? Not sure yet on stage of manure, but lets assume its green.
Cow or horse manure? Horse manure seems to have way more seeds, so if it's green letting it cook will help. I used to clean horse pens in town, and my weeder (LB) told me she wasn't going to weed if I continued to add the horse manure. I said yes sir mam. So now I pick cowpies up in the pastures. And am hoping the Crimson Clover does the trick for nitrogen...
I would just till the little plants in, and the leaves too so they can break down over the winter. That last pic is last years leaves, with some tree scraps to the left from cleaning around the wood pile, part of it has broken down nicely. I'll grind them up and till them real soon.
randyp said:
    I knew I was going to enjoy your compost pics.I looked in the background and seen the deer stand on the levy or terris. :party:
I hate running out of likes!
That's the North side of the place, I have one feeder by the tank...the one that won't hold water..that draws deer from a neighbors place. And if you look at the last pic I have another feeder on the East side of that pasture that draws them from across the road. Been here 25 years and FINALLY no one has their dogs running loose. Been seeing a lot of turkeys and even saw a doe this morning on the other side of the North fence. Time to corn up those feeders!
     I have done a lot of deer hunting,but the first time I called in a tom turk,I was hooked.I spend money on calls like fisherman do lures.Maybe I am just lazy and like the game to come to me. :P
randyp said:
     I have done a lot of deer hunting,but the first time I called in a tom turk,I was hooked.I spend money on calls like fisherman do lures.Maybe I am just lazy and like the game to come to me. :P
I got into turkey hunting in the 80's it was a lot of fun calling them in! But I was flat addicted to bow hunting deer, until it got too expensive. Here, nowadays it's a rich mans game. I get one here every so often (rifle), and hunt does at a ranchers place after his hunters leave. He has tons of deer, and hates them because they eat his cattle's winter graze
Devv said:
Cow or horse manure? Horse manure seems to have way more seeds, so if it's green letting it cook will help. I used to clean horse pens in town, and my weeder (LB) told me she wasn't going to weed if I continued to add the horse manure. I said yes sir mam. So now I pick cowpies up in the pastures. And am hoping the Crimson Clover does the trick for nitrogen...
I would just till the little plants in, and the leaves too so they can break down over the winter. That last pic is last years leaves, with some tree scraps to the left from cleaning around the wood pile, part of it has broken down nicely. I'll grind them up and till them real soon.
Thanks for input. Found out it is horse with pine shavings mixed in. From his discription it is pretty green. Weve made a deal that he will bring 6-7 yards every three weeks for as long as i want. He is delivering and its all free! I am thinking about 3 loads should do it for the 50×50 area? hopefully tilling it in and letting it cook over the winter will help. I am planning to lay weed blocker in rows so hopefully that will help with the weefd. Good to know for future tho.
beerbreath81 said:
Thanks for input. Found out it is horse with pine shavings mixed in. From his discription it is pretty green. Weve made a deal that he will bring 6-7 yards every three weeks for as long as i want. He is delivering and its all free! I am thinking about 3 loads should do it for the 50×50 area? hopefully tilling it in and letting it cook over the winter will help. I am planning to lay weed blocker in rows so hopefully that will help with the weefd. Good to know for future tho.
If I had a deal like that he would have a permanent dumping ground. Take all he will deliver and use it as you need it. The rest will just get better and better! I have access to two places for horse manure. 1 I have to drive the tractor 7 miles to get, and the other is right around the corner, but I have to pitchfork it out. At very close 56, I'd rather buy manure than go through the pitchfork work. If I had a trailer to haul the tractor I could do that easily, but all I have is an old 10 footer. That means one load, shovel it out, and go get the second.
Devv said:
If I had a deal like that he would have a permanent dumping ground. Take all he will deliver and use it as you need it. The rest will just get better and better! I have access to two places for horse manure. 1 I have to drive the tractor 7 miles to get, and the other is right around the corner, but I have to pitchfork it out. At very close 56, I'd rather buy manure than go through the pitchfork work. If I had a trailer to haul the tractor I could do that easily, but all I have is an old 10 footer. That means one load, shovel it out, and go get the second.
Agreed. Was pretty happy when i got an email from him. I just placed an ad on craigslist in the free section for free manure dump site. Really wasnt expecting any hits but needed to find a place closer to home than denver. Lots of farmers in the area and thought at minimum i could get a contact for me to come pick up haul away. The guy lives about 10 miles away and i offered to help share some fuel costs. Thanks again for sharing your info and expertise to get me going from scratch. Cant wait to start breaking this crappy clay soil.lol
beerbreath81 said:
Agreed. Was pretty happy when i got an email from him. I just placed an ad on craigslist in the free section for free manure dump site. Really wasnt expecting any hits but needed to find a place closer to home than denver. Lots of farmers in the area and thought at minimum i could get a contact for me to come pick up haul away. The guy lives about 10 miles away and i offered to help share some fuel costs. Thanks again for sharing your info and expertise to get me going from scratch. Cant wait to start breaking this crappy clay soil.lol
At least your clay is a better starting point than sand. I've worked both types of soil, the sand tends to "eat" what you add to it.
I'm a bit weary of this:

In 4 weeks if things run normally I'll get some relief ;)
Devv said:
cold as hell 2-9 to 2-13
68 and 93 3:30PM Sunny, all day 2-14
68 and 94 12 noon Sunny all day 2-15
77 and 80 3PM both ends opened up, thermometer shaded by a piece of cardboard 2-15
Yeah... I'll raise your cold as hell 2-9 to 2-13 and see you

2-16-2014 I ran a high power match at the local shooting club, wind chill was -24, and actual temp was -10 F.
TrentL said:
Yeah... I'll raise your cold as hell 2-9 to 2-13 and see you

2-16-2014 I ran a high power match at the local shooting club, wind chill was -24, and actual temp was -10 F.
Exactly why I'm here! Grew up with that! I take the 3 months of pain from the heat any day, the rest of the year is mostly golden...
Devv said:
The way it designed you would have to try to get hurt. Or just use no common sense at all.
Being it's new the belt needs adjustment while it breaks in and stretches. So I adjusted the belt, and it had stretched a little.  The oil is supposed to be changed after the first 5 hours. I ran it an hour yesterday and decided to change the oil, any new engine puts metal in the oil, and it had the silver in it when I stirred the used oil. So I'm glad I got that taken care of. After a little over two hours this morning I got hot, went through two shirts and 5 waters...LOL
Here's the crap I worked on, last years pepper plants, corn stalks, sunflower stalks, and kitchen waste.



A little over 2 hours work and the piles were down to this, and I had enough fun for a morning. I did learn to not breathe when putting peppers in the shredder hopper. Pretty quickly too :D

All that was reduced to this, it makes really fine mulch.

This still needs to be processed. But tomorrow is another day ;)
What a great machine. How big of branches can you feed her. That could make some nice RCW. I bet pretty soon you'll run out of stuff to shred and be looking for material.LOL. I wonder if shredding the peppers will create a natural pest deterrent. Very nice piece of equipment Scott. Temps here shot back up to 100 here today.

Thanks for sharing.