• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2015 - 16, Life is good!

Well here we go again!
I just got finished planting seeds for 70 plants. Scaling back a bit this year; last year was a lot of work! That and I have to do more than garden this season ;)
My apologies as I can't remember shit where I got all the seeds from. Some were harvested from pods some I saved, and some were sent to me. I can say this 99% originated from the most generous THP members!
Without further ado, here's the 2015 list:
Red 7 Pot Lava: Mikey
Black Thai        : Mikey
Yellow Jonah  : Mikey
Jack’s Choc Superhot: Mikey
Red Bhutlah   : Mikey
Tepin x Lemmon drop
Pimenta Lisa : Stefan
Brazilian Starfish
Billy Biker
Jimmy Nardello
Bishops Crown
Sweet Hungarian Paprika
Bahamian Goat
Urfa Biber
Jelly Bean White Hab
Nagabrain F4
Numex Jalamundo
Cream Fatalii
Isabella Island Hab: Jim
Cherry Bomb: Jim
JA Habs
White Bhut
Ma Wiri wiri: Jim
Pepperdew: Jim
Pimenta De Padron: Jim
Wild tepin: Jim
Six secrets from Stefan
Orange Primo: Mikey
Choc Bhutlah
Scotch Bonnet x Indian Red
Red Lava: Mikey
White Hab
Naga King: Rick
BOC: Rick
I leaned more towards peppers my wife can eat. After all she helped me quite a bit, I might as well grow some for her ;)
Last season was a challenge regarding what was what. I eventually figured them out, but was not happy with the confusion. And yeah, I'm easily confused.
Here's a pic of the 70 starters:

Trying something different, the Jiffy's are numbered and will be entered into a spreadsheet. As they pop, they will go into the solo cups with permanent marker to label them.
This year I'm starting things in the converted hunting room (man cave?). LB wanted the extra bedroom back ;)  The room is part of the shop; 24x8 and insulated. It's been rather nasty for the last 4 or 5 days, damp and temps below 52°, but it was 68° in there a few minutes ago. Also I'm trying a heating mat to help with germination, which was abysmal IMHO last year.
Anyone who knows how I fly, knows I like to grow in the dirt. I have a few in containers from last season, but they just don't do as well.
I put a ton (literally) of work into the soil since the start of last season.
I feel soil preparation is the key to success:


I tilled in over 24 yards of RCW and 10 yards of shredded leaves after pulling the plants in the fall.

I then planted Crimson Clover and Rye as a cover crop, this pic is from 2 weeks ago..

The area I planted the cover crop in is 2,300 to 2,500 square feet. Half is framed for sunshade. A must in the 100% summer sun the garden gets. There's some Comfrey of the left ;)


Dec. 6th I tilled in the whole shootin' match. I waited too long. But I do like it when it darkens up. This is what it looks like after 2 2" deep passes. If you wait too long the roots form a sod, this makes for a bad day of tilling. I got this far and decided to call it. Shiner time!

Once I'm sure most is dead and wont come back when I water crop 2 goes in.

On 12-10

The grass on top has dried, and rain is forecast through Sunday (yeah right), so I tilled again. It brought up the grass from below and now the garden looks like last Sunday. I went a couple of notches deeper this time to break up more of the roots. I spread rye seed and watered for 45 minutes. It should come up quickly as the weather is warm for a week or more. 50's-70's.

This is the garden today, the second cover crop is just coming up. And I have to prep an area for onions, which hit the dirt January 15th. The rest gets tilled in at the end of the month.
I fly out of here tomorrow afternoon, and won't be back until a week from now. So I'd like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!
Nice score with the wood chips Scott. That'll go a ways next season. Enjoy your time with your peeps in LI... maybe you'll be able to stop by here someday when you're in this neck of the woods. Have a happy 4th! :dance:
jcw10tc said:
Good to see your getting some pods.  Still love that garden setup with the posts and shade cloth.  Saw you have 20 acres, do you own some of that beyond the mulch piles.  I wish I had that much space, could do everything I would like and more with that and still have a lot of unused space left over.  I will never be able to afford 20 usable acres up here, most of the time if that much land is offered and is tillable, goes for a fortune to the farmers.   
It's great to finally get some pods, the sweets are in overdrive. Not many hots there. For some reason the rats liked them better. BUT! I have a new crop in the wings. I put them in semi sun while we were traveling, so they would survive. I'll be hardening them the next few days and by next weekend most should be in the dirt, well maybe not most. the rule is 12" height for a mid summer planting for a fall harvest.
The property ends at the first treeline in the pic above, which is to the North, about 100 yards from the garden. Had we not made the purchase in 1989, we would never be able to afford to buy it now. Land has gone through the roof, which is good  if you already own it! I can say this, an acre is all we really use, and not even all of it for personal use. If you can score that, it will surely keep you busy!
Thanks for stopping by ;)
randyp said:
    Happy 4rth to you and your Scott.You have any problems in New York let me know.My cousin is on the NYPD in internal affairs.
Thanks Randy!
I hope you had a blast this last weekend!
Thanks for the info on your cousin. If I've learned one thing in my life, it's to misbehave at the place where I lay my head down for the night. Way too many family members have gotten into trouble partying, not me :party: And I intend on keeping it that way ;)
stickman said:
Nice score with the wood chips Scott. That'll go a ways next season. Enjoy your time with your peeps in LI... maybe you'll be able to stop by here someday when you're in this neck of the woods. Have a happy 4th! :dance:
Thanks Rick!
One of these days I'll get up there ;)  Our problem is we're only allowed a week at a time off. Probably illegal, but that's the policy they have at this time. So we do a 5 day and have a few days to get back down to Earth and get the place back in working order before work again. Good thing we got home when we did. The peppers in the garden were really in pain. Several were one day from no return, and I had peeps taking care of them. The pool is a mess. No one takes care of your stuff like you would...sad but true..I think I'm hearing Mettalica right now... :shh:
Peter S said:
Nice to hear you're getting a breather between tomatoes and peppers. Those scotch bonnets look huge! Hope you have a good trip in NY.
 Thanks Peter!
The breather is great!
the NY trip was a blast!
So we land in NY on Saturday, the weather, just crazy. The first time in many, many years it's cooler than here in Tejas, just bad luck in prior years. When the sun went down the first 2 nights we moved to long pants..LOL. Now fireworks are illegal in NY, but it was insane. We figured one guy blew 6k plus in mortars in one night, a 3 plus hour show, from a residence. And he wasn't the Lone Ranger, they were all around us. This went on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.
So we had fun visiting and watching the shows.
We came back yesterday, and we're playing catch-up. The garden is too rough looking to shoot a pic, sad to say the least. But the newbies are looking good. I'm hoping by morning that they will recover. LB said "no more vacations during the summer, as no one cares as much as we do about the garden". I'm in total agreement.
Channeling Lars there Scott? ;) I hear ya 'bout nobody else taking care of your garden like you would... especially when you've gone to such extraordinary lengths to build it up. Glad you had a good time despite the racket.
I've gotta thank you for putting me onto the biochar. Seeing how the greens I planted in the compost/biochar mix are growing, I'm sold! 
tctenten said:
Glad to hear that you had a nice trip up.  The weather has turned quickly and we are have 90's and what feels like 100% humidity.  You picked a good few days to be here.  
 Thanks Terry!
We hit the nice window perfect! We actually had to put long pants on the first two nights. The sudden change from way hot to cooler was nice though!
stickman said:
Channeling Lars there Scott? ;) I hear ya 'bout nobody else taking care of your garden like you would... especially when you've gone to such extraordinary lengths to build it up. Glad you had a good time despite the racket.
I've gotta thank you for putting me onto the biochar. Seeing how the greens I planted in the compost/biochar mix are growing, I'm sold! 
 Sadly I have 4 or 5 plants that have not recovered. The next time I'll have my guy at work take care of things. He really kept the garden in shape a few years back, I spotted him a C-note for his efforts. The pool is almost back to normal..LOL
Glad the Biochar is working out for you! I know it's helped my overall garden experience. One thing I have noticed is that regarding the peppers, almost everyone out there seems to have more robust plants the I do. I'm guessing it's the heat. They get going and bam! It's high 90's to 100's. 7 weeks more of the heat and we're in the gentle cool down.
Despite the heat we have a few pods:

The MoA turned into a cross, the pods started out yellow and ripened to an orange color. Never the less they are tasty! I cooked all of these down into a puree, it turned out rather nice. Not extremely hot, so LB will use it ;)


I was bottom watering the young plants and noticed this guy or gal hanging out on a Lime tree. I love the color, it was nice enough to hang out long enough for me to snap a few pics.

Nothing like an 1 1/4" prime cut ribeye steak!

It went down nicely ;)
I'm hoping the plants recover enough for some shots tomorrow. Enjoy the weekend!
Sorry to here about the garden. I wish, I was your neighbor.

That is a really cool pic of the dragon.

Glad you got some pod's. What's your recipe for purée? Just cook down, blend and ad salt or something?

Had me steak just like that yesterday. Don't get it that often. I'm back to creative Ramen today. LoL!

What's wrapped in the bacon? Stuffed pod?
OCD Chilehead said:
Sorry to here about the garden. I wish, I was your neighbor.

That is a really cool pic of the dragon.

Glad you got some pod's. What's your recipe for purée? Just cook down, blend and ad salt or something?

Had me steak just like that yesterday. Don't get it that often. I'm back to creative Ramen today. LoL!

What's wrapped in the bacon? Stuffed pod?
I use a recipe that Rick posted some time ago. I "think" Alabamajack was the creator:
###for every hundred grams of seeded pods I used a quarter tsp of salt, a tsp of agave nectar and 60 milileters of 5% white vinegar. I find that when you cook it down, each hundred grams will pretty much exactly fill a 4oz Ball jar. ###
And yes, those high dollar steaks are a rare deal here, way too much $$$. But every so often, I say WTH and buy a few. We work so hard for the money. We might as well enjoy so goodness ;)
Yes sir, LB makes a killer "popper". I'm so happy I can once again eat hotter foods. And the fall garden will have some nice heat!
Devv said:
I use a recipe that Rick posted some time ago. I "think" Alabamajack was the creator:
###for every hundred grams of seeded pods I used a quarter tsp of salt, a tsp of agave nectar and 60 milileters of 5% white vinegar. I find that when you cook it down, each hundred grams will pretty much exactly fill a 4oz Ball jar. ###
And yes, those high dollar steaks are a rare deal here, way too much $$$. But every so often, I say WTH and buy a few. We work so hard for the money. We might as well enjoy so goodness ;)
Yes sir, LB makes a killer "popper". I'm so happy I can once again eat hotter foods. And the fall garden will have some nice heat!
Cool pics Scott, and a verra nice meal. :drooling:  Looking back at AJ's puree thread, he gives credit for the recipe to BillyBoy... an Aussie member from some time ago. Now that I look... AJ hasn't been around here since last spring either.  I was so happy to find a way to store pods compactly in a way that didn't require constant energy input, and pressure canning gives them a great shelf life, so props to both of them!   http://thehotpepper.com/topic/32602-making-some-puree-todaywill-post-pics-of-the-processits-easy/#entry661489
stickman said:
Cool pics Scott, and a verra nice meal. :drooling:  Looking back at AJ's puree thread, he gives credit for the recipe to BillyBoy... an Aussie member from some time ago. Now that I look... AJ hasn't been around here since last spring either.  I was so happy to find a way to store pods compactly in a way that didn't require constant energy input, and pressure canning gives them a great shelf life, so props to both of them!   http://thehotpepper.com/topic/32602-making-some-puree-todaywill-post-pics-of-the-processits-easy/#entry661489
Thanks for the thread Rick. I've got a ton of powder. I think Im going to use my frozen pod's and make this.

Thank you both.
Hey Scott buddy,
It's been a while... I see you are doing your magic again! Looking great buddy, but just one thing I couldn't help pick up

You have one hell of a mole problem there buddy. I can send you some Meerkats from Africa if you like? ;)
stickman said:
Cool pics Scott, and a verra nice meal. :drooling:  Looking back at AJ's puree thread, he gives credit for the recipe to BillyBoy... an Aussie member from some time ago. Now that I look... AJ hasn't been around here since last spring either.  I was so happy to find a way to store pods compactly in a way that didn't require constant energy input, and pressure canning gives them a great shelf life, so props to both of them!   http://thehotpepper.com/topic/32602-making-some-puree-todaywill-post-pics-of-the-processits-easy/#entry661489
Thanks Rick!
I really had to do some digging yesterday to find that recipe, my laptop got hit by lightning a while back and I had the recipe from the recovered hard drive buried in all the old files. But I found it!
PeriPeri said:
Hey Scott buddy,
It's been a while... I see you are doing your magic again! Looking great buddy, but just one thing I couldn't help pick up

You have one hell of a mole problem there buddy. I can send you some Meerkats from Africa if you like? ;)
 Hey there Lourens!
LOL, not sure what a Meerkat is, but I just read up on them. I sure could have used a few this spring!
Thanks for stopping by!
megahot said:
Thats quite the garden you have Scott! Everything looks to be coming along nicely, great stuff! I look forward to following!
This year so far has had it's ups and downs. But it's all good!
Took a few pics today:

Round three planting is coming along nicely. Round one did nothing, round two was devoured. I want to see the Chinense get 12"s tall.

Red Manzano, I know I need to trim one :shh:

F4 NagaBrain. Seeds from Gary. A prolific, robust pepper plant. I grew these last year, but last year went south....and I almost did too!

White Bhut, original seeds from Walkgood. This one is from pods I harvested in 2014. I seems like it's going to be true. Leaves are lighter than most plants, a bit shy of the sun, and a fast grower. A very nice pepper!

The D-fly came back ;)

MoA, I just love the growth habit of this plant, and of course the rewards ;) Original seeds from Walkgood, this one is from seeds I collected from my 2014 harvest. Hope it's true ;) 

Giant White Hab, seeds from Paul. I grew it last year, but it was on the southbound train..

Tiny, little Reaper. Planted the same time as the rest. Two out of 9 seeds popped and quickly damped off. This one came up about 3 weeks later and struggled with a helmet head. It wants to live! We'll see just how bad it wants to live, because just prior to the pic I dropped the pot :confused:
Good or bad, garden pics mañana. Or should I say the good, the bad, the ugly....
 Glad you had a good trip. Scott.Also having a few ripe peppers is a plus.A buddy went on vacation 2 weeks ago and wanted me to water his 10 Toms and 3 peppers.I had extra dripline parts  laying around,so i bought a timer (that I made him pay for  ;) )and hooked his garden spot up.
cone9 said:
Every problem has a solution Scott, but you'll need to bone up on your .22 marksmanship.   Head shots won't consistently be easy.
LOL, head shots are not the issue, if I'm awake to see them ;)
EWWWW! on the rata link! I wonder if I can send them some?
randyp said:
 Glad you had a good trip. Scott.Also having a few ripe peppers is a plus.A buddy went on vacation 2 weeks ago and wanted me to water his 10 Toms and 3 peppers.I had extra dripline parts  laying around,so i bought a timer (that I made him pay for  ;) )and hooked his garden spot up.
 Thanks Randy! 
We had a blast! I wish I had, had someone like you watching my garden.
So here's a few pics, albeit a bit later than promised.
I moved the newbies into the garden where they get some afternoon shade. We're close to two weeks now of 98-100°+ temps.


These gals are hangin' quite well, they get a drink every 4-5 days as the pots start to get light. We have 4 to 6 weeks of "murder weather" left. And this year has been that way. I suspect a cold winter to follow, that's just how it rolls here.

This short row, coming back from the "trim" is looking the best. It's also not getting as much sun as the next few shots.
So that was the good, now the bad...


In full sun, but under the shade cloth, they are really hurting. I was told we had 105° and 103° while we were away, and that started the process I imagine.
The ugly:

A few weeks ago I showed this specimen and said it was my best looking plant. This is how it looked when I returned and still is suffering. I guess they reach that point and there's no turning back, unless the weather gives us a break. As for a weather break, it's not in the cards for the next 10 days.
So I guess my wanna-be glog is on hold until I have something worthy to show. I can't see posting any more pics of struggling plants, and will just enjoy the fantastic pics I'm seeing in all of your glogs!
Keep it green!
The newbies are looking good in shelter.

Sorry to here about the plants. I would provide more shade to them and see if the rebound. I'm almost certain the bad's would rebound with a little more shade.

I put my Chinese in almost full shade and they are looking much better. I almost pulled them. They get a little morning sun and a little evening at that's it. I'm hoping they start to grow.

Good luck Scott.