• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2015 - 16, Life is good!

Well here we go again!
I just got finished planting seeds for 70 plants. Scaling back a bit this year; last year was a lot of work! That and I have to do more than garden this season ;)
My apologies as I can't remember shit where I got all the seeds from. Some were harvested from pods some I saved, and some were sent to me. I can say this 99% originated from the most generous THP members!
Without further ado, here's the 2015 list:
Red 7 Pot Lava: Mikey
Black Thai        : Mikey
Yellow Jonah  : Mikey
Jack’s Choc Superhot: Mikey
Red Bhutlah   : Mikey
Tepin x Lemmon drop
Pimenta Lisa : Stefan
Brazilian Starfish
Billy Biker
Jimmy Nardello
Bishops Crown
Sweet Hungarian Paprika
Bahamian Goat
Urfa Biber
Jelly Bean White Hab
Nagabrain F4
Numex Jalamundo
Cream Fatalii
Isabella Island Hab: Jim
Cherry Bomb: Jim
JA Habs
White Bhut
Ma Wiri wiri: Jim
Pepperdew: Jim
Pimenta De Padron: Jim
Wild tepin: Jim
Six secrets from Stefan
Orange Primo: Mikey
Choc Bhutlah
Scotch Bonnet x Indian Red
Red Lava: Mikey
White Hab
Naga King: Rick
BOC: Rick
I leaned more towards peppers my wife can eat. After all she helped me quite a bit, I might as well grow some for her ;)
Last season was a challenge regarding what was what. I eventually figured them out, but was not happy with the confusion. And yeah, I'm easily confused.
Here's a pic of the 70 starters:

Trying something different, the Jiffy's are numbered and will be entered into a spreadsheet. As they pop, they will go into the solo cups with permanent marker to label them.
This year I'm starting things in the converted hunting room (man cave?). LB wanted the extra bedroom back ;)  The room is part of the shop; 24x8 and insulated. It's been rather nasty for the last 4 or 5 days, damp and temps below 52°, but it was 68° in there a few minutes ago. Also I'm trying a heating mat to help with germination, which was abysmal IMHO last year.
Anyone who knows how I fly, knows I like to grow in the dirt. I have a few in containers from last season, but they just don't do as well.
I put a ton (literally) of work into the soil since the start of last season.
I feel soil preparation is the key to success:


I tilled in over 24 yards of RCW and 10 yards of shredded leaves after pulling the plants in the fall.

I then planted Crimson Clover and Rye as a cover crop, this pic is from 2 weeks ago..

The area I planted the cover crop in is 2,300 to 2,500 square feet. Half is framed for sunshade. A must in the 100% summer sun the garden gets. There's some Comfrey of the left ;)


Dec. 6th I tilled in the whole shootin' match. I waited too long. But I do like it when it darkens up. This is what it looks like after 2 2" deep passes. If you wait too long the roots form a sod, this makes for a bad day of tilling. I got this far and decided to call it. Shiner time!

Once I'm sure most is dead and wont come back when I water crop 2 goes in.

On 12-10

The grass on top has dried, and rain is forecast through Sunday (yeah right), so I tilled again. It brought up the grass from below and now the garden looks like last Sunday. I went a couple of notches deeper this time to break up more of the roots. I spread rye seed and watered for 45 minutes. It should come up quickly as the weather is warm for a week or more. 50's-70's.

This is the garden today, the second cover crop is just coming up. And I have to prep an area for onions, which hit the dirt January 15th. The rest gets tilled in at the end of the month.
I fly out of here tomorrow afternoon, and won't be back until a week from now. So I'd like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!
The status of your "best looking plant" definitely gives me a sad face.  Looks like you might be able to save some seeds from it??
OCD Chilehead said:
The newbies are looking good in shelter.

Sorry to here about the plants. I would provide more shade to them and see if the rebound. I'm almost certain the bad's would rebound with a little more shade.

I put my Chinese in almost full shade and they are looking much better. I almost pulled them. They get a little morning sun and a little evening at that's it. I'm hoping they start to grow.

Good luck Scott.
Thanks Chuck ;)
Not much I can do for them at this point except keep them watered. I do have the "kiddos" in the wings, and they're going into pots. So I can have more control. This summer is a complete turn around weather wise. This usually means a cold winter is coming on here.
randyp said:
 Don't give up Scott,My peppers are your peppers.You will be getting the pick of the litter. :shh:
Thanks Randy!
I never give up! I'll do what I can and the rest is up to them. Potentially this weather could last until mid September. I remember when I was an Auto Technician, and we had a summer like this. It was 115° in the shop. Tough times, and I'm glad I'm not there anymore!
Thanks for the pepper offer!
Spicegeist said:
That's some intense heat and stress for the plants... I hope some pull through.
 Thanks Charles!
I'm using everything trick I know of ;)
bpiela said:
The status of your "best looking plant" definitely gives me a sad face.  Looks like you might be able to save some seeds from it??
 Me too! I have one more that's doing OK. Hopefully it hangs in there!
The biggest issue is normally the plants are twice to three times the size they're at now, so they don't have the reserves of a more mature plant. And this is totally my fault. I should have been more aggressive when I set the seeds out the first round. I just had too many irons in the fire and let the poor germination slide by. Lesson learned!
Dang Scott. I hope things turn around. I'll have a bunch of Goats Weed turning in a little bit. When there ripe I'll send you some. I'll also have a bunch of Aji Pineapples later on. Your more than welcome to have some of those as well.

Have a great weekend.
OCD Chilehead said:
Dang Scott. I hope things turn around. I'll have a bunch of Goats Weed turning in a little bit. When there ripe I'll send you some. I'll also have a bunch of Aji Pineapples later on. Your more than welcome to have some of those as well.

Have a great weekend.
 Thanks Chuck!
I appreciate the offer ;)
And straight back atcha on this weekend, enjoy it!
Devv said:
I guess my wanna-be glog is on hold until I have something worthy to show. I can't see posting any more pics of struggling plants, and will just enjoy the fantastic pics I'm seeing in all of your glogs!
Keep it green!
Sorry to hear that Scott. :(  I can sympathize after the spring into summer we've been having here for sure. I'll be sending good vibes and waiting for better things to come your way in a few weeks. Cheers!
stickman said:
Sorry to hear that Scott. :(  I can sympathize after the spring into summer we've been having here for sure. I'll be sending good vibes and waiting for better things to come your way in a few weeks. Cheers!
Thanks Rick!
Now that I'm back home for a week, things are slowly improving. I lost 3 plants so far, one more is destined for the mulch pile if I don't see some positive results. I think I may be able to save the large cayenne...maybe. But the fall prospects are doing really well! I'm really close to up-potting them to 7# pots, maybe next week. I intend to keep them in pots and OW them. And this year I won't just let them hang, I'll be working them all winter.  ;) 
Man, I've been off the site too long - so much has gone on.  Sorry for your plant struggles - on the other hand, it is great to see you back at it this year! 
That dragon fly is amazing.  Beautiful.
I'm am constantly amazed at how different our seasons and cycles are from each other.  You're doing another round of planting and trying to survive the heat - we're in peak growing season (although it's been dry) and then we'll wind down and you'll wind up...
Hang in there Scott, nothin you haven't handled before. The heat out here in Corpus is starting to bring mine to a stall, but they're monstrous already thanks to all the advice from you and many others here. Hoping for a really good turnaround in September for both our sakes. South Texas isn't very forgiving this time of year.
Pulpiteer said:
Man, I've been off the site too long - so much has gone on.  Sorry for your plant struggles - on the other hand, it is great to see you back at it this year! 
That dragon fly is amazing.  Beautiful.
I'm am constantly amazed at how different our seasons and cycles are from each other.  You're doing another round of planting and trying to survive the heat - we're in peak growing season (although it's been dry) and then we'll wind down and you'll wind up...
Hi Andy!
Yeah, a rough year here, BUT I have the new plants in the wings. We have a really short spring season for peppers, the fall seems to do much better. So much so if I don't have huge plants at dirt day.
Thanks for stopping by!
twilliams386 said:
Hang in there Scott, nothin you haven't handled before. The heat out here in Corpus is starting to bring mine to a stall, but they're monstrous already thanks to all the advice from you and many others here. Hoping for a really good turnaround in September for both our sakes. South Texas isn't very forgiving this time of year.
Hi there TW!
I'm sure September will be a good one! You getting any of this rain?
Thanks for stopping by!
Well I've been away for a few days. My father came by to visit from Myrtle Beach, he's 81 now and still travels. I hope to see 81 and still move as well as he does...LOL
Rain, yeah late July rain! How rare !
2.1"s before today, and it's pouring down, really, really hard right now.
I have a few pics ;)

Small harvest from the 100° garden.

My cheapo rain collection system 3 of these 32 gallon pails, $9 a piece. They filled up the other day, I need more..LOL

Gary's Naga Brain cross F4, ready for new shoes.

MoA, I love the growth habit on these when they're young!

Giant White Hab, seeds from Paul.

Group shot, ready to hit the dirt for the fall harvest. Smaller pots, on the left the tiny Reaper, and tomato starts. LB wants more fresh maties :shh:

The tiny Reaper...

Got a few pods on the store bought Hab plant from the spring planting. Kinda gnarly for habs..

Hard to see but the Jal has a few pods too, I pulled 4 or 5 the other day when they went red. If I had done things as I should have they would have hit this height in late April; next year ;)

This is the best representation of a Jimmy Nardello I have, still putting on fat pods in 100° weather.
That's it I hit my limit.
Thanks for stopping by.
stickman said:
Nice money shot Scott... what are the tapered orange chiles? Your plants for Autumn transplant are looking A-OK... sending good vibes from here so they do well for ya. :P
Thanks Rick!
I just went and took a peak, now they look a bit rain beaten...LOL
That's a store bought Hab, kinda looks like a bonnet cross almost.


A few minutes ago. A rare late July down pour. We're loving it here. We don't have to water the orchard ;)
Devv said:
Thanks Rick!
I just went and took a peak, now they look a bit rain beaten...LOL
That's a store bought Hab, kinda looks like a bonnet cross almost.


A few minutes ago. A rare late July down pour. We're loving it here. We don't have to water the orchard ;)
Yup... it looks like a real Frog-strangler there. Glad to see you get it. We're supposed to get thundershowers sometime tonight but the last 2 times they said that we got nothing. Sometimes it seems to me that Meteorologists are Shamans not Scientists... :P
Sorry, I wasn't clear enough... not the Pumpkin Habaneros, the tapered chiles in the harvest pic underneath the 2-lobed pepper. They look like they may be Ajis or small Annuums.
stickman said:
Yup... it looks like a real Frog-strangler there. Glad to see you get it. We're supposed to get thundershowers sometime tonight but the last 2 times they said that we got nothing. Sometimes it seems to me that Meteorologists are Shamans not Scientists... :P
Sorry, I wasn't clear enough... not the Pumpkin Habaneros, the tapered chiles in the harvest pic underneath the 2-lobed pepper. They look like they may be Ajis or small Annuums.
 That shower was 1.3"s, so we're at 3.5"s in just 3 days. Perfect timing for here.
Oh, those are large Cayenne's. A really nice pepper, way better to manage versus a regular Cayenne. I've been saving the seeds if you wish to grow them. The plant is from last years growdown, an OW. Seeds from Wayright. I'll be growing it from now on ;)
randyp said:
Looks wet Scott.And as always when you're against the ropes you come out swinging.Love those water collectors. ;)
 Hey Randy!

Shamelessly stolen from Google images, but I live by that idea!
And still raining!
tctenten said:
Wow!  That is a nice downpour.  Looks like you are getting ready for your fall growing season.  You will have some nice harvests with those babies.  
 Hi Terry!
I'm hoping so! Hopefully none will damp off with all the rain, the tiny Reaper is my main concern.
cone9 said:
Seems there should be steam coming off those puddles!
Nice Fall plants in the making.  Lookin' really good!
 Thanks Dave!
I have a few shots, and I forgot to mention, a new camera. Gave the Cannon D60 to my daughter. I bought a Nikon D3300. I like it so far.:

I potted up a few in to 7 gallon pots, this is the NagaBrain F4 starting to fork the second time.

Some buds on the Indian Red cross.

MoA, ready to explode (I hope) ;)

Giant White Hab.

White Bhut, can't wait for some of these to grow and ripen!

Group shot of the remainders, that either will hit the dirt or a pot.

It was really too hot to do this, but it needed to be done. Well I wanted it done ;)  I tilled as deep as the tiller would go, as the ground was hard, and shoveled out the loose dirt. Then I tilled again and shoveled that out, added 4-6"s of the finely ground mulch that I mixed with green cow manure, now mature. You can see how deep I went near the top. I covered the area shown with the mulch, tamped it down and planted 4 plants. By then it was around noon, and with the heat and humidity it was time for a Shiner. I'll finish the rest in the morning.
Film at 11 (somewhere) ;)
Devv said:
Thanks Dave!
I have a few shots, and I forgot to mention, a new camera. Gave the Cannon D60 to my daughter. I bought a Nikon D3300. I like it so far.:

I potted up a few in to 7 gallon pots, this is the NagaBrain F4 starting to fork the second time.

Some buds on the Indian Red cross.

MoA, ready to explode (I hope) ;)

Giant White Hab.

White Bhut, can't wait for some of these to grow and ripen!

Group shot of the remainders, that either will hit the dirt or a pot.

It was really too hot to do this, but it needed to be done. Well I wanted it done ;)  I tilled as deep as the tiller would go, as the ground was hard, and shoveled out the loose dirt. Then I tilled again and shoveled that out, added 4-6"s of the finely ground mulch that I mixed with green cow manure, now mature. You can see how deep I went near the top. I covered the area shown with the mulch, tamped it down and planted 4 plants. By then it was around noon, and with the heat and humidity it was time for a Shiner. I'll finish the rest in the morning.
Film at 11 (somewhere) ;)
I posted a comment back at the end of July. I guess in never went through. Sorry about that. Your plants look great Scott. I fired up the tiller today. Can't wait to hit the garden with it. Still a couple months out. LOL. I did the same thing. Till, dig, till. Damn, that make my back hurt talking about it. The plants grew a bunch in the past couple weeks. It'll be nice when you guys get some cooler temps. Glad you got a new camera. Will it be hard to figure out? The close up looks like it works good. You can get some nice blossom pics. Can't wait to follow your second half of the season grow. It's like Spring time all over again. LOL

Thanks for sharing, Scott. I hope you set away for some relaxation time.