• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
Ha! too true, da Rosemary will kill em!
This winter is a departure from the norm, but we are way over due. Hoping this brings the normal rains back. I can handle the cold no problem, the OW's are back in the shop tomorrow when I get home...as well as the babies which have been outside the last few days.
Wow sorry I missed this John, been running around getting ready for the hammer down cold front...which is here.
It's easy to make the Rosemary oil. I used a crock pot, roughly 10"s in diameter. Took some cuttings and stripped the leaves off them stems, wound up with about 3-4"s in the pot. Added enough veg oil (any you like will do) to just barely cover them when I pressed them down. Cooked 4 hours and used a potato masher to kind of grind them up. Let cool and strain the oil out.
Annie posted a link for processed Rosemary oil way early in the season and they wanted like 60 bucks for a small bottle. I mixed it with water, would have to hunt back through this glog for the amount. It killed the mites dead.
 Works best when the plant is in a container and you can remove it from the direct sunlight.
I like those harvests photos, reminds me of the farmers mkt.......all sorts of colors in the bins.
The JA Habs were a great producer for me also. I made a red sauce with those and a combo of Congo Trinidads and St Martin Reds...nice and Habby tasteing.
I have a nephew and bro-in-law that live in different parts of Texas.....I hear the weather is south is just nutz with cold temps and now the ice storms.
Up north of here it's the same with the ice storms. In Chicago its just plain dam cold.....too cold for football, single digit temps this weekend. But as they say the show must go on....
Scott I hope you and your family the best wishes for the Holiday season.
PIC 1 said:
I like those harvests photos, reminds me of the farmers mkt.......all sorts of colors in the bins.
The JA Habs were a great producer for me also. I made a red sauce with those and a combo of Congo Trinidads and St Martin Reds...nice and Habby tasteing.
I have a nephew and bro-in-law that live in different parts of Texas.....I hear the weather is south is just nutz with cold temps and now the ice storms.
Up north of here it's the same with the ice storms. In Chicago its just plain dam cold.....too cold for football, single digit temps this weekend. But as they say the show must go on....
Scott I hope you and your family the best wishes for the Holiday season.
Hi Greg,
It's been a pretty good first year raising the hotter peppers, I learned a ton, like I think I started this years too late and next years grow too early. Never used lights until this fall, and they kick! My expectations were that fall and winter would be like the last 6 or 7 years, wrong! I still have some room left, but soon I'll be trimming the plants.
Yes the weather here is nuts!
This forecast is sure to get colder, it's been every time I look:

This is plenty cold for early December for us for sure!
I have 4 JA Hab's in the shop, it's insulated, not for cold but AC, but now it helps to keep the OW's warm, the suns supposed to shine so it should get some warm radiating in..hoping!
Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the holidays!
Nasty day today for Tejas! And probably for the rest of the country. I hope everyone is staying warm.
Simply can't do anyting outside here when it's 30° and the wind is howling, so I went food shopping with LB. So that's how nasty it is outside...LOL
We checked the snail mail office and I had a nice gift come in from Jason (Ga Growhead)

The generosity here @ THP is amazing, thanks Jason! I already have half of them in the dirt. I think I need a bigger garden! Or the corn goes away...LOL
Here's a pic of the Reaper puree all bottled up, should be hot! 7/8 of the sauce is from Reapers...

Out in the shop two of the OW's are putting out some new growth.
JA Hab.

Red Bhut, didn't notice until I looked at the pic, I must have damaged a branch moving them...

Yeah I know the shop floor is a mess...
Probably going to run this glog out another week and shut it down. I already have 2014 plants growing, and they're starting to get big. Well, bigger than I expected. Never used lights before, they certainly do make things explode!
I still have ferments to process, as well as about 8-10 gallons of frozen peppers, powder to grind...just where does time go anyways?
'Yall stay warm!
Devv said:
Nasty day today for Tejas! And probably for the rest of the country. I hope everyone is staying warm.
Simply can't do anyting outside here when it's 30° and the wind is howling, so I went food shopping with LB. So that's how nasty it is outside...LOL
Sorry to read about your weather, thanks for the well wishes but it was 79° and mostly sunny all day here, hope you had fun shopping ;)
Devv said:
We checked the snail mail office and I had a nice gift come in from Jason (Ga Growhead)
Hat’s off to Jason \o_ and great score for you mon \o/
Sauce looks great, love the color you achieved with it, did you name her or make a lable?
Your OWs are looking fine, it’s always amazing when OWs bush up again and later it’s hard to tell you ever chopped them back … that’s a beautiful ting fo sure. Your JA & Red B look good and ready to do you right when you fire up da next season, damage is minor once da bushing comes you’ll forget it every happened ^_^
Chop chop get on dat floor mess, lol ;)
Devv said:
Probably going to run this glog out another week and shut it down. I already have 2014 plants growing, and they're starting to get big. Well, bigger than I expected. Never used lights before, they certainly do make things explode!
I still have ferments to process, as well as about 8-10 gallons of frozen peppers, powder to grind...just where does time go anyways?
Your glog was rocking all season in every respect and I’ll be following your new one … can’t wait to see dat new jungle ^_^
Devv said:
'Yall stay warm!
Back at ya and Hab a great day tomorrow :)
Brother Scott, you've got it going here, buddy!  Bummer about those grubs.  
Have you considered beneficial nematodes?  They wil destroy all the baddies
in your containers for you.  They are cruel but efficient.
The pepper hauls you have pulled in are awesome - they make my puny grow
look like chump change   :rofl:   Seriously, outstanding grow, my friend.  
Liked the fix for the adjustable shelves - good al yankee ingenuity (You being
from NY and all   ;) ).
Good luck getting your 2014 glog underway!  I'm about to get mine going, too.
Will start next week with some new seeding.  Take care, Scott.
capsidadburn said:
Great looking puree Scott!  Glad to see that THP seed love from Jason too!  I hope to start my 2014 glog soon.  Stay warm and good luck with next season.
Thanks Mike!
Kinda been afraid to try it...gonna be really, really hot!
Well with good people like yourself and Jason, along with too many to name, I have a ton of varieties. I planted 6 varieties, and am holding off some. I already have space issues...LOL.
WalkGood said:
Sorry to read about your weather, thanks for the well wishes but it was 79° and mostly sunny all day here, hope you had fun shopping ;)
OK, now I'm jealous! Still below 40° today, this is so not Tejas weather! But I know it will warm up soon.
Hat’s off to Jason \o_ and great score for you mon \o/
I'm very thankful, the seeds filled a few gaps, I was wanting to try some milder peppers too.
Sauce looks great, love the color you achieved with it, did you name her or make a lable?
Thanks, it did come out with a nice color. We need labels, and I'm still deciding on a name...any ideas?
Your OWs are looking fine, it’s always amazing when OWs bush up again and later it’s hard to tell you ever chopped them back … that’s a beautiful ting fo sure. Your JA & Red B look good and ready to do you right when you fire up da next season, damage is minor once da bushing comes you’ll forget it every happened ^_^
They're running real slow with all this cold weather, I'd really like them to get some sun. I had hoped they would grow all winter, for now they're still alive and that's a good thing :party:
Chop chop get on dat floor mess, lol ;)
LOL, I just swept there too! The wind blows in all kinds of stuff, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Your glog was rocking all season in every respect and I’ll be following your new one … can’t wait to see dat new jungle ^_^
Thanks! I appreciate the kudos my friend!
Back at ya and Hab a great day tomorrow :)
Back atcha again! ;)
PaulG said:
Brother Scott, you've got it going here, buddy!  Bummer about those grubs.  
Have you considered beneficial nematodes?  They wil destroy all the baddies
in your containers for you.  They are cruel but efficient.
Thanks Paul! I had fun this season and hoping next year is just as much.
I'm definitely going to look into them for next years container plants, I don't have them in the garden. I think they like the potting mix because it's soft.
The pepper hauls you have pulled in are awesome - they make my puny grow
look like chump change   :rofl:   Seriously, outstanding grow, my friend.  
Thanks again, now I'm blushing :shh:
Paul your grow takes serious talent with your short season. And you got it down!
Liked the fix for the adjustable shelves - good al yankee ingenuity (You being
from NY and all   ;) ).
I thought long and hard as to how I was going to make them roll out and adjustable. It makes watering so easy. Now I just need another one! (Looking over my should to make sure LB doesn't see me typing this..)
Good luck getting your 2014 glog underway!  I'm about to get mine going, too.
Will start next week with some new seeding.  Take care, Scott.
Thanks! I have a few things I want to work on, better record keeping and to taking my time with the pics.
Thanks for stopping by!
Last night....it was too dang cold to cook with fire, so we improvised.

Bought  NY strip roast for $3.99 a Pound, cut it into an inch and a quarter steaks....I love sales.

King Crab was on sale.



Plate shot....glad I took one, cuz it didn't last long!
all i can say is :drooling: :drooling: :drooling: :drooling: :drooling: :drooling: :drooling: :drooling: i love king crabssss those r my breakfast at work lol...
mushrooms onions and steak is the bombbbbbbbbb...
u should try sautee mushrooms, then add garlic and shallots, sweat them, after that pour in white wine till they are covered, reduced till dry....add heavy cream bring to boil add pecorino and grana padano cheese, put some thyme also...salt pepper to taste.... then pour to your steak....im freakinggg hungry now lol
Pinoy83 said:
all i can say is :drooling: :drooling: :drooling: :drooling: :drooling: :drooling: :drooling: :drooling: i love king crabssss those r my breakfast at work lol...
mushrooms onions and steak is the bombbbbbbbbb...
u should try sautee mushrooms, then add garlic and shallots, sweat them, after that pour in white wine till they are covered, reduced till dry....add heavy cream bring to boil add pecorino and grana padano cheese, put some thyme also...salt pepper to taste.... then pour to your steak....im freakinggg hungry now lol
Your recipe has me drooling, we're definitely going to give it a whirl! Thanks!
Here's my updated 2014 list:
An * means new seeds planted.
C. Chinense:

*Bahamian Goat-Jason 0/2
Barrackpore-Jamie 2/2
Bhut x Y7 F2-SPiceGeist 2/2
Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist 2/2
Bishops Crown-store 0/2
Black Congo-store 0/2
BOC-Mike 1/3
Bonda-Annie 2/2
Brainstrain-Jamie 1/2
BubbleGum 7- Mike via Jason 1/2
Choc Scorp-Ramon 2/2 lost one
choco bhut-douglah-Spicegeist 2/2
Cumari do para-Mike 1/2
*Datil-Jason 0/2
Devils tongue-store 1/2
Douglah-Rick 1/2
[Douglah x Butch T] x Superhot-Spicegeist 0/4
Fatalli-store 1/2
Giant Yellow 7-Annie 1/2
Giant Yellow Brains-Annie 2/3
JA Hab-Ramon 2/3
Jay's Peach Ghost Scorp-Mike via Jason 1/2
Jays Red gost scorp-Mike via Jason 2/2
Jigsaw-Dale 4/7
MOA-Ramon 5/9
Mystery Red-Jamie 1/2
Peach Bhut-Annie 1/2
Red Bhut-Ramon 2/2
Scotch Bonnet-store 1/2
Sepia Serpent-Mike via Jason 1/3
*Tobago Seasoning-Jason 0/2
*Tobago Treasure-Jason 0/2
Trin Choc Bonnet-Mike via Jason 2/2
Trin perfume-Annie 1/2
Trin Scorp-Ramon 0/1
TS Moruga X Bhut-Spicegeist 1/2
TSMB-Annie 1/2
White Bhut-Ramon 4/5
White Hab-store 2/3
Yellow 7-Matt 1/2
*yellow brain-Jamison 1/2
Yellow Cardi-Jamie 2/2
Yellow Fatalli-Annie 3/6
C. Baccatum:

*Aji Pineapple-Jason 0/2
Aji Crystal-store 1/2
Aji Limon-Annie 0/2
Inca Red Drop-Annie 0/2
*Bishops Crown-Jason 0/2

C. Pubescens:

Red Rocotto-store 1/10
Manzano-Rick via Shane 0/16
C. Annuum

sweet hungarian paprika-Rick-Habenerohead 0/2
Bell 1/2
Poblano 0/2
Espelette Basque-Mike-Patrick 0/2
Onza Roja-Mike 0/2
Jals-Jamie 0/2
Kurtovska Kapija-Rick-Misterno 0/2
Tam Jals 0/2
Jals 0/2
Costeno Amarillo-Mike 0/2
Thai Red 0/2
Serrano 0/2
The Annuum's were planted this weekend..
Stay warm!
Holy Tejas awesome foodie, btw I love sales too ... great price/pound. Now I’m so hungry I must run off to eat … btw great list to boot! And you said Annie will be busy, hehehe, I think you’ve joined da club on dat. Hab an awesome week brethren!
WalkGood said:
Holy Tejas awesome foodie, btw I love sales too ... great price/pound. Now I’m so hungry I must run off to eat … btw great list to boot! And you said Annie will be busy, hehehe, I think you’ve joined da club on dat. Hab an awesome week brethren!
Thanks Ramon!
Sales are LB's and my fav's, that's why she has 2 freezers! She just said "I want ribeye roast to go on sale"...LOL
I know this is going to be a busy season for sure. I'll call it my sorting out season...
GA Growhead said:
Awesome additions!
Bishops crowns are c. baccatum BTW.
I ment to point that out before on your previous list.
Thanks for the correction Jason, I thought I googled all of them. See any other mistakes?? Knowing I made the list could be more...
Thanks again for the seeds!
Scott great list and I envy that you have the seedlings growing....and annuums on top of it. Mine won't hit the dirt until Feburary.
Best of luck will all the starts...
The surf and turf meal looks delish. I just ate a large bowl of Jambalaya and feel stuffed, but I could manage one of those steak dinners, that looks so good !
Sweeeeeet, Scott  Your steak looks to die for!  Man, that's livin' large!   
Speaking of large, that's one heck of a list - you will have a monster grow,
my friend; you'll need every square inch of that greenhouse!
Good going, brother!
PIC 1 said:
Scott great list and I envy that you have the seedlings growing....and annuums on top of it. Mine won't hit the dirt until Feburary.
Best of luck will all the starts...
The surf and turf meal looks delish. I just ate a large bowl of Jambalaya and feel stuffed, but I could manage one of those steak dinners, that looks so good !
Thanks Greg!
If the weather is normal, I'll be putting them in the dirt around March 15th. I started based on last seasons growth, but the T5 is simply amazing! Some are already bigger than the ones I planted last year, but that's the point, they weren't quite ready this spring.
PaulG said:
Sweeeeeet, Scott  Your steak looks to die for!  Man, that's livin' large!   
Speaking of large, that's one heck of a list - you will have a monster grow,
my friend; you'll need every square inch of that greenhouse!
Good going, brother!
Thanks Paul!
I love food that's for sure, with this cold weather we (mostly LB) cooked all weekend. Let's just say I made my share of the mess ;)
I fear the size of my grow..LOL, but I'm planting most everything I was sent this season. And I have people asking me about plants at work, so any extras will be easy to move. Got quite a few interested in Habs and hotter this year, and that's a good thing.
stickman said:
Nice additions to your grow list Scott, and excellent foodie pics! I like the way you (continue to) roll guy, and I'll be keeping an eye out for your 2014 glog fo' sho'... :)
Thanks Rick!
I appreciate the compliments! This has been a really fun year, and I learned from most everyone.
The first Manzano hook broke today. My fingers are crossed that it doesn't wear a helmet. I've taken to soaking them in water for a few days until at least one shows the first sign of a root penetrating the seed hull.
I read in your glog some were already sprouting inside the pods you picked; I wonder if some enzyme is present to help them sprout...well I would say that statement is true. But there might be something to this, I see experiments happening!
I brought a couple of woozy's of the Reaper puree to work today. We sampled it, one guy was very cautious but we talked him into it. I was surprised by the flavor, it was great! Sure it was hot, but not as hot as eating a slice of a Reaper. The flavor was there and then the heat built slowly, plenty of time to savor the flavor before the heat set in. Really smooth stuff, but to be used sparingly. It had a nice chinense taste with floral notes.
Hope everyone stays warm!