Will we get warm weather and all the snow melts then we get another dump of snow and deep freeze, then it warms up and back down again etc.. etc..
First seeds to start.
First seeds to start.
WTF!?!?!?!?dragonsfire said:Fucking Aphids back on the Porch, put the Sweet Heat peppers outside.
My Pumpkin Habs still untouched, still no fruit.
dragonsfire said:Well growing season official over, even with the still flowers opening and new growth, today changes all that with temps plummeting.
dragonsfire said:Used for Astronomy.
dragonsfire said:Thanks!
For the most part happy with the new stuff, no habs grew this year, got a couple on the porch but their now growing much, guess they dont like this year.
My Christmas Tree
dragonsfire said:We already have 10", and its wet, pain to shovel, lots of wind.