• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

DF 2020 Glog

Will we get warm weather and all the snow melts then we get another dump of snow and deep freeze, then it warms up and back down again etc.. etc..
First seeds to start. :D 

Thats the only survivor of the Yaki Blue If a recall .
Serrano's and Cayenne doing real well, cayenne usually the first to ripen, but the weather is so FU no idea whats going to happen, allot of plants going to seed.
dragonsfire said:
Haven't eaten any yet, Ring of fire will be nibbled on soon :)
Ring of Fires were nice for us last year.  We dehydrated most of the pods for powder.  The only cayenne we grew this year was Thunder Mountain Longhorn.  It was a weak plant for us but was very early ....  it might be good for you.  We got enough pods to refill our powder needs.  
Looks like your peppers are really cranking right now and in good shape to get you a bunch of ripe pods.  Great to see that.  I'll be curious to hear what you think of the ROF's when you get around to nibbling; your good review will put them on my grow list next season.    :)
Those Gong Bao look great too. And the Serrano.  Shoot, they all look great.
More ripened today, temps cold, have to wear coat in morning so things moving along fast. Still nothing from the Recoto I saved from last year, take closer look today when it warms up, see lots of flowers, and I got Bees in the garden so should be something.
Ring of Fire
Had a nibble.
Very nice heat, not biting, nose started to run quickly, heat about Thai Chile, surprising floral after taste.
Heat last about 30min for it to be totally gone, body sweating a bit , was a nice bang.
Yup will grow them again, nice sutle body.
Making Salsa with them tonight.


I hope you have your plants tucked away DF. We're both in for a 5 degree night. Though my long range looks cooler than yours I am afraid. 