DF Kratky Experiment Glog

Isoprpyl spray before and after effects, very little done, I must have Super Aphids.
Day after pic shows their still having a fun time, and I did soak the leaves. Washing and Dunking still the best way so far.

Day After

Keep the plants submerged completely in water for a couple hours...like I said, at some point you may just have to toss them. You can also buy lady bugs and aphid wasp larvae that will help keep them in check. Once again, YUCK.
your close up aphid pics are gross! sorry you have to deal with it.
i like a Pyrethrin based product. i use this because it's omri listed, concentrated so you get a good quantity/$, and prime 2 day shipping is nice.
i have used neem and azamax and they are both pretty slow acting. so it will work somewhat but takes time. it looks like you already have an infestation so goodluck =\
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Most times I come into other Glogs I smash that like button...And I do genually like all your post Mac but those creepy crawlys are tough to like and wouldn't want you to think I liked your plants being in the state they are. Which I assume others are not hitting them for the same reason :)
But I went and looked at the amazon link I had it was different then yours - https://www.amazon.ca/Trade-Technocrats-Ltd-CANADA-NEEM-500ML/dp/B00V6XTIXU
Since I have zero experience with it no idea if it isn't as concentrated as the one you bought...but 500ml for $26 I think I may buy it just to have anyways.
I tried to over winter a few plants for the first time this year. Ended up in the exact same situation as you. Crazy amount of aphids! I ended up giving up and getting rid of the plants. I hope you have much better luck then I did.
dragonsfire said:
Thanks! see what happens, in general once their their is 99% fatal.
Yeah, that's been my experience so far. Somehow they made it onto the ones I planted indoors to replace the ones I had to get rid of. I've managed to keep the infestation minimal so far. I comb through the leaves every day or so and smash the aphids I find, usually one or two per plant. I'm hoping that eventually I'll get them all. I'm growing Kratky as well.
Aje lemon Drop's are ripening, wonder how viable the seeds are.
My Cherio Roxa from last year still stunted, Aphids look dead, nothing crawling around I see, Day 7 of Neem application, Sprayed them in the mornings, soupy water 1L with 1/2tbsp Neem oil.
