DF Kratky Experiment Glog

Looks awesome! Are you still fighting the aphid battle? I am, just trying to keep them at bay until I can get them outside into the greenhouse where I can release a bunch of ladybugs to help get rid of them.
Keep checking, see a few then squeeze them, only on the Cheiro Roxa plant. I have the jar outside, went up to  +10c today, just to change things up. Def will try and collect lady bugs this year.
Your plant carnage was most likely due to the soapy water dunk.  More than 15-20 minutes dunking in any liquid is not only unnecessary, but most likely, highly damaging.  You don't want to oxygen deprive plants for so long!
Also...  I missed what you used for soap/detergent, but that damage is completely inline with the kind of damage that occurs from stripping leaf wax and oils.  It effectively negates the immune system.
Neem can, and arguably should, where pests are a problem, be applied once every 1-2 weeks.  You are missing some eggs somewhere, and until you've disrupted every last one of their reproductive cycles, the nightmare will not end. 
What are you emulsifying your Neem oil with?
You didn't mention how you mixed and applied the Neem. 
Neem is great stuff if used properly, and damn near useless, if not.
Neem is particularly ineffective when you don't emulsify.  I know that you read tons of stuff online that says you just mix it with water.  But it's an oil.  And as such, it's first priority is to reconstitute into a glob, that floats on top of a less dense liquid.
https://www.amazon.com/Dr-Bronners-Pure-Castile-Liquid-Soap/dp/B00120VWJ0/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=dr%2Bbronners%2Bpeppermint&qid=1555016282&s=gateway&sr=8-2&th=1  <--- Dr. Bronners w/peppermint essential oil extract
If you use this mixed with Neem at a ratio of 2 Tbsp Neem to 1 Tbsp soap, per gallon of water, you'll find that it's about 10000 times more effective.  Also...  make sure that the Neem is warm beforehand.  I like to mix the soap and Neem in a separate container first, get it well emulsified, and then add it slowly into the water.
I use the stuff at least once every 2 weeks in the summer.  If not, I get overrun with aphids, broadmite, and whitefly.
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dragonsfire said:
Dish soap as emulsifier.
Dish soap should only be used as a last resort, and then, as sparingly as possible.
I'd definitely try (and am trying) to talk you out of using "dish soap" (which is not a soap at all) on ANY plant, ever.
It's also super important to make sure that the leaves get 8 hours of rest and are completely dry, before light touches them after application of Neem.  Or, phytotoxicity occurs...