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Diablo's Green Thumb


Symptoms? Here's a close up of the buy in the middle of the Five Group. Could be nothing, I'll just keep an eye on it. Though, I did kill a couple of aphids on it the other day. So far I haven't seen any more and that guy was the only one I found the pests on.

Sweet Basil
These are neat to see sprouting. We had a storm a while back, a gully washer. Wouldn't you know it if my tray happened to be right below the point all the water landed from the porch upstairs. So there are two seedlings that got beat up pretty bad. Nearly all the cilantro was lost, save for the two loners on that one tray. This is all the basil that remains.

Five Group

They are taking off


This is a close up of the stalky guy in back on the right of the Five Group. Clearly a different chili from the others.


The two loners. You can see some cilantro in the background.


Tequila Sunrise. The first of the second batch begins to show itself.


The Two Loners One of the two loners, the stalky guy on the left side.


The Two Loners. This is the guy on the right. It's the first to show the next set of leaves coming in. This one is also presenting itself as the largest of the bunch.


A close up of the Sweet Basil. I'm gettin some skill with my camera. Macro in effect. The next leaves are coming in nicely.


The Cilantro. Showing the next leaves coming in.

What A Difference A Day Makes

The Two Loners. You know they are not the same kind of chili.


Five Group. That guy in the middle is growing, "a lil special". It'll probably produce the hottest chilli's watch. These guys are taking off man.


The Two Loners. This is the big guy on the right. Those next leaves are comin on strong.


Introducing, The FRESNO chili's. These guys literally popped up over night. How crazy is that! I know I'm going to have problems with all those ones in the same pot. Chalk that up to inexperience and having faith in mother nature to make supm from nothin. From what I've been reading up on here, it's going to boil down to what the natural planted in your back yard root ball size is for what potential it could have. I'm going to be potting in 5 gal pots. From what I can tell that's about minimum for this chili. So I'm guessing with three in the same 5 gal pot its going to be quite the overload for the pot and I'll have about one third of each individual plants potential. No big deal, I have all those other individuals in 5 gal pots by themselves so we'll see how that works out. I don't need gobs and gobs of chilli's so I'm not stressing not getting the maximum from each plant anyhow.

For Comparison's Sake

Here is that same Cilantro from right above, pic taken just yesterday. Over night those leaves grew that much. Crazy!


Same for the Sweet Basil.


The Fresno. They are poppin up all over. Looks like there's gonna be a whole lot of Fresno Chili's.


The Tequila Sunrise. Looks like there are going to be quite a few of these as well. I'm starting to think I might need an actual hot chili in the mix. The Pequin is hot, but I have read that the heat passes quickly as well. That's if the Pequin decides to join the show, this is two batches of Pequin now that have not shown themselves.


This is a view of the Entire Tray. Kind of neat. The is the largest scale production I've every run. I anticipate aphid battles. The yellow circled areas are the sweet basils that got beat up pretty bad a few weeks back. Tough lil buggers.


Here are the Sweet Basils. The guys on the right lookin pretty sharp.

More from 4/22/09

I had posted a big post, questions and all, and somehow when I went to post it it got lost. The site, or net, or something got hung up or crashed. I got so angry I had to walk away for the rest of the day.

The Two Loners.


The Two Loners. The guy on the right with the most developed second set of leaves.


The Five Group. Nice shot of their progress. I should probably be including something in each picture for scale.



I'm kind of guessing that when the second set of leaves comes in the sprout will actually be looking for nutrients from the soil and there will be significant root development.


Is it safe to move the sprouts from the seed trays to larger pots when those second sets of leaves come in and are strong?

More notes that got lost.

I was finally able to assess how much direct sun my seedlings are getting. From about 1030am to 130pm. I'm glad it isn't the 3-5pm sun that's pretty brutal in these parts. They'll probably be able to handle that when they are big plants, but I don't think they'd like it right now.



Five Group
The three in front are showing some interesting traits. The first set of main leaves are growing asymmetrically. One leaf is considerably larger than the other. The two in the back are growing similarly to the second batch of Tequila Sunrise that I have going. Shorter right from the seedling stage.


The Two Loners

This is the guy on the right. From the way the first set of big leaves are coming it seems to be resembling the Fresno chili's I have in the second batch.


The Two Loners

Lookin good.


Tequila Sunrise

As with the two in the back of the Five Group the growth on these start shorter and are slower. I think some of the seedlings seem to be giving up and aren't showing that aggressive emergence from the soil.

@UnNatural thanks. The Tequila Sunrise in particular looks to have that potential for a dense bush. I'm hoping the Pequin chili's decide to germinate at some point, I really like those as well.
Sir, I regret to inform you some soldiers have been lost.

One day, just one day I missed of watering because a storm was coming in. The Tequila Sunrise was decimated...


The Fresno chili's also suffered casualties...


The Herbs also suffered...


All in all I feel this will help make the plants tough for our summer to come.

Ashes to ashes....
The Good News

The plants that were already strong withered the the day of lack of water. Maybe this will mean some potent chili's.

The Five Group


This is the larger of the Two Loners.

Looking really good.


Two Loners

I hope you gave the fellas a good drink to revive them Diablo. Peppers are pretty tough customers and may come back healthier and meaner.
Thanks patrick, sure did. That's exactly what I'm thinking too. Hopefully these Fresno's bring the heat. I know it's not a super hot but it still counts! :)

Five Group


Two Loners


Big Loner


Everyone looking good. That funny looking one in the center of the Five Group makes me laugh. It makes me think of that "special" clone in that movie Mutiplicity.

The Lone Tequila Sunrise


What's left of the Fresno


These guys are troopers. They're gonna be strong, cause, what don't kill you....

Had to take some quick pic's before work.

I spent the evening moving all the seedlings into those large, you know those red cups you use for beer at house parties, plastic cups. I kind of wanted to move them straight into large containers but I want them a little stronger first before I do that. I also want to use 5 gal containers so as to maximize yield potential. Will also need to buy more soil.

Five Group

Two Loners
The big guy from the two loner plants.


It turns out the heat we get here is too much for the chili's. They were starting to wilt in the mid day sun. I'll have to build them a net or something.

Since moving them into the cups with the Ocean Forest from Fox Farms they are blowing up. I'll probably have to move them into their permanent homes soon.



