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Diablo's Green Thumb

I'll be keeping a log of the growth of my chili's. I'm pretty much shooting from the hip with basic knowledge of how to grow things. I know soil+water+sun has worked pretty well as tested by humans over time. I also know a little bit on the NPK area. When my plants have strong roots I'll be using Fox Farm Ocean ???? soil mix. Has worm castings, guano and sea stuffs like crab-fish meal.

I got 7 of 12 seeds to sprout directly into Fox Farm Lite Warrior Seed Starter mix. This took over two weeks. I got quite anxious and ended up restarting a batch of seeds indoors in a zip lock and paper towels. The second batch of seedlings I kept better track of. Right now I have no idea what plants have sprouted and now growing. A mystery harvest!!! Don'tcha love it!

Here are the first five, there are only two in the other tray. Judging from the difference in how the new batch sprouted I suspect the Chile Pequin's are lagging pretty badly or may decide not to participate at all.

Here are the other two. I really like that guy on the left, has the look of a bushy stalky plant in the making.

Here's just a shot above the five group. At the top of the image you can see my second batch of seedlings' tray. I keep better track of those seeds.
Ssecond batch of seedlings

I still made mistakes here. I put them in damp paper towels in a zip lock bag. This worked perfectly and all the seeds popped. I thought they might take longer so by the time I checked them they all had nice little tails soaking up water and looking to root. Sorry to report some of the tap roots stuck to the towel upon removal. :( The good news here is that in my attempt to overcome what seemed to be bad seeds I put more seeds than I needed. The idea was that out of 6 seeds maybe I'd get a couple or a few to sprout. Again I underestimate mother nature. So in a most of the seed locations I have a couple seedlings waiting to pop up and meet the sun.

Notes for this batch
Chili Pequin didn't have one seed pop in the towel. They were a bit swollen and had the appearance of eminent sproutage so I went ahead and planted them.
I do not have exact times and dates but I do at least have a track of which seeds were in which trays. One step forward I suppose.
We've very odd cold weather lately. Even to the point that there was a frost warning last night. WTF After reading a little bit on this site I decided to bring them in last night and then took them back outside this morning.
yeah she's my good freind. And yeah she is on lots of sites we'have traded before and was realy satisfied with what i got.

Thanx margarida.
:lol: :lol: You made me laugh now, peppermanbaha!
That was my point, Patrick, I can't see the pictures too!
And you made me blush, R.B. :oops: All those predicates belong to you! You're the top of the tops! ;)
Damn, I'll work on them some more later. Was working fine last night.

More notes on the second batch. I brought the plants in last night again due to cold climate. I had to check and see if there was progress. I used a small stick to gently remove some of the topsoil over the freshly planted seedlings. They are off and running and making their way up to see the sun. Sweeeeeeeeeet!
great looking seedlings Diablo...

I tried the lite warrior seed starting mix but for me, there was too much perlite and it was too big...it seemed to all come to the top...germination wasn't bad but I just prefer a finer seed starting mix...my favorite is the Hoffmans Seed Starting Mix...

take care of those babies and they will hurt you when they grow up...dang kids... :lol:
Lookin' good. Fox Farm soil is probably going to do very well for you, it's pretty good stuff as far as I know. I've been tring out some Happy Frog potting soil. Both varieties are sold at my local hydro spot, I've just been getting the Frog because it comes in the 1 and 1/2 cu. yd. there. Fox Farm is a little more expensive at my store.
Thanks WC and AJ.

@AJ Agreed. Perlite too big. I find myself going to check out the second batch that's brooding right now and removing the larger pieces of perlite. I noticed that the larger pieces would float up on the first soak of the mix. I think that might lend itself to a kind of way to segregate and remove those larger pieces. I'll look for Hoffman's on my next run. Thanks.
@Boutros Yeah, you get one of those good old fashioned feelings when you read the ingredients on the Fox Farm. Same for me, they have both at the hydro shop. I came out of there yesterday with 1.5cu feet of the Ocean Forest and five 3 gallon pots for $21.xx.

I'm think I'm gonna try and stretch my dollars by mixing what's left of the seed started mix with the fresh batch of ocean forest.

Group shot
The yellow circles are the cilantro. Interesting note on the cilantro seeds, each seed gives off two shoots making two separate plants. Kinda cool.

Five Group
The one in the middle seems to have an issue going on.

The 2 guys
Here's the two guys on their own. They look sharp. Both the biggest sprout and the stalky-est on the same tray.