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Did I do this, REALLY?! Worst plant mom EVER!

I may have just killed my whole 72 cell tray of seedlings!! The little guys were dry so I poured about an inch of distilled water into their tray. I put the jug away and walked back over to admire them when I got a faint whiff of vinegar. Horrifyingly, I realized that I had "watered" them from a look-a-like jug of vinegar instead of the water. The vinegar and water sit side by side in translucent gallon jugs. I was on auto-pilot and grabbed the wrong one. Anyway, I've moved the vinegar to another area so it won't happen again, but meanwhile, my li'l babies, are miserable.

They were sitting in the vinegar for maybe a minute before I dumped it out and flushed them with lots of fresh water. After about an hour, some of them look super-bad, (limp, folded over,) and some not so bad. I fully expect them to be crispy in a couple of days but still, I want to try something to save them. Is there anything at all that I can do? Will fresh dirt help or add to their distress? Anything at all?!
Yes on new starts but I'd also soak in actual H2o and drain a few times (like 10) then put in partial light and see what happens.  Hypothesis is they will at least be stunted but may be just fine if done quick enough.  Either way its fun to experiment.
winland said:
I might think about re-planting/germinating
Sorry about your accidentally pickling of your seedlings.
haha! That's putting the cart before the horse, right?  :rofl:
meinchoh said:
Wasn't this in an "I Love Lucy" episode? Just kidding! I'm sorry to hear about the mishap but, hopefully, you have time to germinate more replacements. Get the water AWAY from the vinegar!!
Not sure I saw that episode but it fits the profile for sure! One big difference, though, Lucy was well paid for her messups.  :D  First thing I did was to move the vinegar to the laundry room. White vinegar in a gallon jug looks just like the water! 
moruga welder said:
yes put the vinegar back in the fridge !     :onfire:

what did you have growing ?      :onfire:
Sorry, MW, I don't keep gallon jugs of vinegar in the fridge. It has, however, been sentenced to live in the laundry room.  :lol:
Pretty much growing everything in my profile, and thanks to your suggestion, I purchased some Jay's Peach Ghost Scorps. Thankfully, I have seeds to restart everything EXCEPT Cheiro Roxa. That was one I really wanted to grow. Only had four seeds and they are toast!  :mope:  Also mourning CGN 21500 and 7 Pot Jonah x PDN, but I have seeds for those two. 
smokemaster said:
Maybe hit up the local hydro shop for some ph up and down.
test soil for ph and water your plants with weak ferts in slightly alkaline water.
maybe you'll luck out and stop any further damage.
Good practical advice! Appreciate your suggestion. Our water is quite alkaline and the little "pickled peppers" got several flushes with it. Maybe it will help. 
socalgardengal said:
Oh no...I agree, start more seeds. Good Luck
Hope it doesn't come to that but things look grim atm. thanks for the good wishes.  :halo:
Nuclieye said:
Yes on new starts but I'd also soak in actual H2o and drain a few times (like 10) then put in partial light and see what happens.  Hypothesis is they will at least be stunted but may be just fine if done quick enough.  Either way its fun to experiment.
True. Will give it a whirl. Nothing to lose at this point. Thanks! 

D3monic said:
It's ok, I had a spray bottle of 10% bleach hanging on my shelf. it randomly burped all over my plants last night. burned a few pretty good. 
Oh, no! It's been a bad day for peppers. :rofl: Best wishes to your li'l guys. Hope they pull through. 
ShortcutToHell said:
Oh, no! It's been a bad day for peppers. :rofl: Best wishes to your li'l guys. Hope they pull through. 
Thanks, they will be fine, gave them a good rinse and only suffered a few burns. Most of it dribbled down the side of my tent and only hit 3-4 plants. 
GL with yours. 
ShortcutToHell said:
haha! That's putting the cart before the horse, right?  :rofl:
Not sure I saw that episode but it fits the profile for sure! One big difference, though, Lucy was well paid for her messups.  :D  First thing I did was to move the vinegar to the laundry room. White vinegar in a gallon jug looks just like the water! 
Sorry, MW, I don't keep gallon jugs of vinegar in the fridge. It has, however, been sentenced to live in the laundry room.  :lol:
Pretty much growing everything in my profile, and thanks to your suggestion, I purchased some Jay's Peach Ghost Scorps. Thankfully, I have seeds to restart everything EXCEPT Cheiro Roxa. That was one I really wanted to grow. Only had four seeds and they are toast!  :mope:  Also mourning CGN 21500 and 7 Pot Jonah x PDN, but I have seeds for those two. 
wish you'd said what you planted , i got lots of jays peach / scorp. seeds . i'd sent ya some ror nothing my friend !    :onfire:
moruga welder said:
wish you'd said what you planted , i got lots of jays peach / scorp. seeds . i'd sent ya some ror nothing my friend !    :onfire:
Wow. So nice of you, MW. Really appreciate the thought! I had acquired the Jay's a couple of days before the vinegar debacle, so they were in a separate container on the heating mat. Thankfully, Galapagoense, Vizena Piperka, Yellow Brain, and Jam. Scotch Bonnet TFM, were in different containers as well. Oddly, Farmer's Mkt. Jals, Urfa Biber, Yellow Primo and a MOA Red SB, appear to be unaffected. I'll be happy for anything that pulls through. I think the Cheiro Roxas are a hopeless mess. They were my most beautiful plants. The loss them feels awful. I'll try to find replacement seeds for the Cheiros today, and start them again. Thanks again, Moruga!
Are any still kicking?
FWIW, I'd...
Rinse off as much soil as possible.
Toss the naked plant into a bucket of water mixed with bicarbonate to neutralize the acid and remove all the contaminated soil from around the roots.
Give them a final rinse in plain water and re-pot in fresh soil. 
Geonerd said:
Are any still kicking?

They may have given one final kick right before before they keeled over. :lol:  It's a sad day here...so many tiny funerals!  :pray:  :violin:  Kidding aside, I think four of them will make it. Giving up on the rest and starting new seeds. Some good news, though. I found replacement Cheiro Roxas from Refining Fire!  :party:
Well, at least your cats didn't pee in it and THEN kick it on to the floor out of spite.
My condolences for your loss. I lost one Butch T last grow, dropped a popped seed into some soil never to be found again. I can only imagine how you feel.
Let me know if there is anything you want from my list.