food Did I get lucky?

Ran by the grocery store today and, instead of the normal orange, they had these red habaneros.

Can anyone summarize the difference I might expect?

Also, I am certain this has been asked before, but it wont let me search for "red habanero". Mods should really consider allowing search terms with three letters.

It sounds like its just a more mature Hab Turned red. Should be a little sweeter taste but still packs the same heat punch a normal Hab would. Good find though!
nice find. To search put it in as you typed it with the quotes and you will get your desired results

"red habanero"
Your search for the term "red habanero" returned 135 results
nice find. To search put it in as you typed it with the quotes and you will get your desired results

"red habanero"
Your search for the term "red habanero" returned 135 results

Aye, thank you. Learn something every day.


Just cooked up some tortilla soup with those habaneros, and I agree with first response that they have better flavor. They also seem to have a bit more heat (or it is in my head).

Thank you both for the responses!
I believe you got a good find with more heat. I have never seen ones like that in color in my supermarket nearby. The farmer's market is another story. supermarket habs are rarely hot to me.
Nice find. I think the red are hotter too, and have a much better flavor. I've only seen red habaneros in the supermarket once. They were really gnarly shaped, really hot for habaneros, and had a really nice flavor. Only lasted a week and it was back to the poor tasting, half rotten orange habaneros. :rolleyes: