Did the cold damage these plants?

Last night I finished my greenhouse except for the roof and had bought some locally grown banana and jalapeño plants. I was lazy and left them in the half built greenhouse last night cause they were cheap and I didn't care. Last night it hit 40 degrees. The plants seem a little soft today.

Did the cold do enough damage to hurt them? I figured since these were grown outdoors in a greenhouse they might be able to handle the low temp.
I'm afraid to say it may slow them a little bit. 
I'm only speaking from my experience this year when i went too OTT for the space i had available (a windowsill) and  had to put them out in the greenhouse.
Bear in mind i live in the UK and have had the odd few frosts and many cold nights and mornings since around about the start of April.
I've experienced the same sort of thing you have seeming wilty, soft and slightly drooped.
Although they always bounced back when the sun started warming them up.
I had two bhut jolokia plants that i bought from a local nursery at the start of the year one of which was infested with aphids, and got put in the green house probably earlier than april after being sprayed,  which is much smaller than my windowsill plant that is starting to flower and much taller and healthier looking.
However now its getting warmer I'm not noticing the drooping etc so much.
Although the early jalapenos have already begun flowering through all this.
I wouldn't recommend it if you can help it but as long as you don't get anything to severe they should be fine.
whatever happens good luck and happy growing.