chinense Difference Between Trinidad Moruga Scorpion And Brainstrain

Hi there.  I just have a question for the experts here.  As a first year grower, I had a little harvest this year, but had a slight mistake.  I had originally put my Moruga Scorpions in one bowl with a few other very different varieties.  In the second bowl, I put just Bhut Jolokia and Brainstrain peppers.  When I got them inside I had accidentally poured them together in a cardboard flat.  There was just over 1 solid layer, so I put half in another flat.  This is when I realized my mistake.  I mixed them together.  Is there any way to tell the difference by look?  Or will I just have to chock it up as a huge boo-boo and not do it again next year.  Thank you.

Forgot to add that I am going to dehydrate and grind them into powder.  Just in case it would make a difference.  They are still in process of ripening in the flats in the garage.
I think this as a topic has come up before, I personally said that Morugas have smooth "caps" on them and BS is wrinkled, but other members have disagreed with me.  I've never seen a Moruga with a wrinkled cap.

Moruga  This is a pod straight from Chris Phillips (cmpman1974) original 2007 seed stock via Nigel via pepperproblem ( R.I.P ) 

They sure do have many of the same qualities if you were to ask me . 
ikeepfish said:
I think this as a topic has come up before, I personally said that Morugas have smooth "caps" on them and BS is wrinkled, but other members have disagreed with me.  I've never seen a Moruga with a wrinkled cap.

yellow brain, wrinkled cap

chocolate brain, wrinkled cap 

Brown mourga, wrinkled cap'

Red Mourga "Satan Stran", wrinkled cap
This year I have had some brains that were very different in appearance to the moruga because of the extreme brainy/bumpy look, but there were also some brains that could not be distinguished from the moruga. The morugas can look wrinkly like brains, just not as extreme.
Even though they can look the same, they still do not smell the same when cut open, nor do they taste anything alike. They each have their very own aroma, flavor, and heat profile.


Ok. Thanks for the help. I will probably try the scent thing as i feel that I am not up to tasting that many peppers. Even though there are not too many, my novice tastes would probably be able to tell the difference.
During my harvest today, I found these two peppers:


There are six possibilities;
1)  One is a Brainstrain and one is a Moruga Scorpion,
2) Both are Brainstrain,
3) Both are Moruga Scorpion,
4) One is a Brainstrain and the other is neither a Brainstrain nor a Moruga Scorpion,
5) One is a Moruga Scorpion and the other is neither a Brainstrain nor a Moruga Scorpion,
6) Both are neither Brainstrain nor Moruga Scorpion.
Any guesses?
Mr. Hill said:
#7 both are decedents of 7 pots. 
While I love the above quoted answer, I'd go with the one on the left looking like the average Red Morugas popping out of my -well, Red Morugas. The other one looks like some of the pods I get from my Yellow Brain Strain. -obviously a different color, but maybe a quarter of them pop out with a long pod shape versus its more typical short round shape. I say "its" as in my particular YBS plant. It was a gift so I have no clue as to its lineage, lol.
hot stuff said:
Well if scorpions are descended from 7 pots.
But more recently--Brainstrain is a variation of 7 pot and Moruga is a variation of Scorpion.
Isn't the 7 pot from Trinidad as well as Scorpion, Moruga, and Brainstrain??  Kind of like the Naga and Bhuts are related.  
See, in regards to the "smooth cap" comment I made,
I've seen pictures...all kinds of pictures with Morugas with wrinkly caps
Never seen one in real life.  Of the handful of people local to me that grow them from seed sources all over creation, none are bumpy or wrinkled like that.
I've bought red morugas in SFRBs from others on this site
Never seen one with a wrinkly cap.  Except a yellow one from sicman.
My Morugas from two seed sources don't have wrinkly caps.
I don't know what the conspiracy is, but that's how I differentiate the two. 
Burn is another good indicator.  7 pots burn fast and hard for me.  Morugas creep and build.
Genetically, the 7 pod and Brainstrain are very close as they were taken off 7 pod plants.
The moruga was taken from a scorpion plant.
Yes they are all from Trinidad so there probably is some genetic similarity but as someone just posted they burn completely different.