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Difference in Chili Pequin and Chilitepin?

This is my first post. I just joined the site two days ago but I have a question. What is the difference between a Chilitepin and a chili pequin? I was told several years ago the two could be interchangeable. But come to find out, that doesn't look like it's actually the case. Up until 18 months ago I lived in Texas my entire life so you would think I knew the difference but I don't. I'm currently on my way to Ohio otherwise I would send some pictures of the plant that I have that I think is a Chilitepin. I will update as soon as I can for verification. In the meantime, can someone please shed some light on the topic?
A Tepin is small mostly round but some slight oval. A Pequin is longer ovals.

I might have a pic or two somewhere I can dig up.

Welcome from central Texas

Pequin are much easier to grow, they are slightly pointed whereas the Tepin is more round like capsidadburn said. They are defintely not the same. Around here, we call tepin, "Chile Del Monte" meaning chili from the woods because there was a time you could walk into a wooded area and find these abundandtly. I think they get the nickname bird peppers because mocking birds love them and when they come out the other end of the bird, they already come with fertilizer thus the reason you could find them almost anywhere around here. Here being Deep South Texas near the Mexican border. You can also find pequin just as easily but there was a time tepin dominated.
:welcome:[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] [/background][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]to THP - g[/background][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]reetings from Metrolina in North Carolina! [/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] [/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] …..“The taste is followed by a vicious hot spicy bite……" [/background] :flamethrower:[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] [/background] :onfire:[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] [/background]



chili pequin
in my experience yes from what ive read also state pequin 50-75k and tepin at 50-100k ( although there is a wacky site that says tepin is one of the hottest peppers in the world makes me laugh cuz i probably have 150 or so varieties that are hotter :rofl:

but both are delicious, and go well together as well, i mix them for powder sometimes and i also make table sauce from both, vinegar salt and 10-15 of each pepper, in an old akatogarishi bottle awesome on greens or eggs or whatevs
i get wild tepin plants growing all over the place... hybrids too, like yellow tepins or orange tepins... but recently i got a "pequin" plant at a local grower, and the pods are long... like, very long... almost as long as my goat's weed... is that normal...? i always thought they were about 1/2" long or so...
i get wild tepin plants growing all over the place... hybrids too, like yellow tepins or orange tepins... but recently i got a "pequin" plant at a local grower, and the pods are long... like, very long... almost as long as my goat's weed... is that normal...? i always thought they were about 1/2" long or so...
yes usually pequin are about the size of a tic tac, quite tasty as well, i have chiltepin and chiltepin amarillo growing, you wouldn't be interested in picking some of those orange tepins and pulling some seeds for me,( or just send pods and i will dry the seed myself, im certain ive got some variety of seed ud be interested in :party:
Great first post! I've also been wondering about the difference between these two. Thanks and cheers!


Both grow wild here in South Texas , the will tepin tends to grow more bushy and the wild piquin more small tree like . Around here everybody call both types chile de monte .
your Piquin look exactly like tiny thai's is this simply another name term for the same type?

& I would really like some of your Pequin/petin seeds!