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Disasterous day...

Thanks for the tip AJ.

I'm not sure it's been warm enough up here though for root rot. Our highs the past few weeks have been 18ish. Lows of 7 overnight. We've basically had late september weather since late july.
Thanks for the tip AJ.

I'm not sure it's been warm enough up here though for root rot. Our highs the past few weeks have been 18ish. Lows of 7 overnight. We've basically had late september weather since late july.
If it has been that cool, I doubt root rot like you say...just thinking...
Oi and I just went out to water the potted plants as it's a nice day again and...

the mice are back in force. 15 tomatoes have been literally "tasted" by the mice. Nothing like 4 or 5 dime sized holes chewed into my tomatoes. Of course, they picked all the harder to grow ones too - cherokee purple, prudens purple, all the brandywine tupes... they of course left all the cherry and hybrids that grow fast and easy right.

Out comes the coyote piss and the traps. Bastards.

You know, if they gotta eat some tomatoes, that's cool with me... just... why only eat a little bit of each? If they ate a single whole tomato it could feed a dozen or more mice. Jeebus.
It's an all you can eat buffet and they just take a little of each different dish.... :lol:
I was just thinking too and had to go out and double check. All my peppers that have this problem are nursery bought. All the peppers I've raised from seed are ok.

I wonder why?
Well.. I think that the last few days are really pushing me towards growing my tomatoes indoors. I think it's time to seriously research and invest in hydroponic equipment.

I wonder how much of my old saltwater reef tank lighting I can use. Probably the ballasts and relfectors are good but the bulbs are wrong.

I have two weeks off sometime real soon as my baby girl is due to arrive anyday now... I've been told that newborns sleep a lot so maybe I can get something done on rigging up the garage to be a little grow area. Wonder how I can convince the wife. :)
lostmind said:
Well.. I think that the last few days are really pushing me towards growing my tomatoes indoors. I think it's time to seriously research and invest in hydroponic equipment.

I wonder how much of my old saltwater reef tank lighting I can use. Probably the ballasts and relfectors are good but the bulbs are wrong.

I have two weeks off sometime real soon as my baby girl is due to arrive anyday now... I've been told that newborns sleep a lot so maybe I can get something done on rigging up the garage to be a little grow area. Wonder how I can convince the wife. :)

A meal out chocs,Flowers and listen to her more often and you'll be fine..Maybe.. mine has just called me sexist..thats that plan gone :(
Well lost 6 more tomatoes last night due to mice. Guess I'm not eating many ripe tomatoes for the next bit as those were all the one just ripening. Maybe I should just cut my losses and start eating green tomatoes I got lots of those.

I did put out the traps last night. I have super mice. They survived eating the cheese out of the traps that are supposed to knock em dead. Not even blood on the traps. But the sticky paper traps? Those worked, I got 3 mice. Well, most of three mice as I think something bigger then the mice came along during the night and had a bit of a snack on the poor buggers stuck on the sticky traps.

The coyote piss does not appear to work. I sprayed it on my fence all around the mice entrance holes, soaked it up in those makeup removal pads (basically a flattened cotton ball) and placed it around strategically... but it didn't seem to phase the mice. The plants with damaged fruits are the ones with the traps and coyote piss all around them.

I _really_ don't like killing these mice... definitely starting to think hydro, indoors where no rodents can reach, no blight can reach... just my space would be so limited.
I use Red Fox pee
I wonder if I throw 2 or 3 different types of pee on my fence and plants if it'd scare them away.

I did see something other then coyote pee in the store. I should check it out.

These tomatoes are getting expensive lol.