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Discount peppers

This weekend is crazy days in our town. The local discount store is clearing out greenhouse merchandise. Along with perennials and annuals for one cent each I got 8 serranos for 2 cents. They are 6-8 inches tall, not much in the way of leaves but figure at that price I can provide tlc. If they recover it's a bonus. I love cheap!

pepperfever said:
This weekend is crazy days in our town. The local discount store is clearing out greenhouse merchandise. Along with perennials and annuals for one cent each I got 8 serranos for 2 cents. They are 6-8 inches tall, not much in the way of leaves but figure at that price I can provide tlc. If they recover it's a bonus. I love cheap!


at that price jackie its worth buying and trying to grow them till harvest :)
Trying to post first pics on THP:

Here are the rough looking serranos I got yesterday for 2 cents.

pepperfever said:
Trying to post first pics on THP:

Here are the rough looking serranos I got yesterday for 2 cents.


All you have to do now put between your fingers some Apsom salt sprinkle around by the plant & water that will revive the plant & give it natural color.:lol:
I moved each pepper to it's own pot, root systems are good and with a good drink they perked up a lot. I think they will be just fine.
Looks like they have dropped a load of leaves already, but they'll be able to recover from whatever caused that!

At that price you can't go wrong unless a plant is infected with nasties that decide to have a feast on your non-discount plants, but yours look a bit "tired", not sick. They should be fine!