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water Distilled water?

teh purple penguins said:
not from the water from the soil, if you aren't using hydroponic methods of growing then your nutrients are supposed to be in the soil...

Making rules now:) So I'm not allowed to use water soluble nutrients or nutrient rich water unless I'm growing hydroponically? LOL
I like to feed the soil but I also directly feed the plants
Making rules now:) So I'm not allowed to use water soluble nutrients or nutrient rich water unless I'm growing hydroponically? LOL
I like to feed the soil but I also directly feed the plants

actually i meant by hydroponic methods of growing = using water soluble nutes, : )

as in if you aren't using water soluble nutes ( which i guess i generalized as hydro nutes ) then it should be in the soil, not the tap water. but i guess i don't have anything beneficial in my tap water so *shrug*
Ever notice how clean the air seems after a rain?Wonder why....

I know ionized water kills pepper plants.
A guy who used to work here washing motorhomes liked to water my plants with the presure washer that ionized the water so it wouldn't leave water spots.
I couldn't figure out why my plants suddenly became yellow and were going down for the count.
One day I saw him watering them with the presure washer.
I read that plants suck up the water and it has nothing in it they can use.
So even though I fertilized them if they had already filled up with the ionized water they couldn't get the nutriants from the ferts until they used up the ionized water from the last time.
The guy watered so much that it was a race to get my plants some ferts before he washed out the stuff I put in my pots to feed them.
The guy refused to leave my plants alone.He was convinced they needed more water because they were dying.
Besides starving them he was overwatering them too.

They laid the guy off and my plants have never looked better.
Even tap water has some nutrients, and I wouldn't classify everyone who uses miracle grow(or other water soluble ferilizers) as growing using hydroponic methods. I use mild amounts of water soluble 20-20-20 with hardwater throughout the season but do not consider myself a hydro grower. Distilled water is far different than tap water since everything is removed but the h2O
smokemaster said:
Ever notice how clean the air seems after a rain?Wonder why....

I know ionized water kills pepper plants.
A guy who used to work here washing motorhomes liked to water my plants with the presure washer that ionized the water so it wouldn't leave water spots.
I couldn't figure out why my plants suddenly became yellow and were going down for the count.
One day I saw him watering them with the presure washer.
I read that plants suck up the water and it has nothing in it they can use.
So even though I fertilized them if they had already filled up with the ionized water they couldn't get the nutriants from the ferts until they used up the ionized water from the last time.
The guy watered so much that it was a race to get my plants some ferts before he washed out the stuff I put in my pots to feed them.
The guy refused to leave my plants alone.He was convinced they needed more water because they were dying.
Besides starving them he was overwatering them too.

They laid the guy off and my plants have never looked better.

do you mean deionized water? because any water distilled/tap will be ionized.

potawie, you're right i guess i'm stuck on hydro : ). whenever i think of liquid nutes i think hydrostore so i guess that's why.
Well water is swell water. :)

Just have your water tested and add what is needed/missing for your plants. ;)

With distilled water you're starting at square one and with some tap water things need to be removed/filtered.
Regarding Rain Water, after a rain here in Southern Calif, there is a sticky yellow/orange gunk left behind. It may not be acid rain, but it sure doesn't look appealing, and I do my best to protect plants from the rain. Who would have thought...
The machine takes everything out of the water so it won't leave spots.
I don't know if it's the same as distilled water but I'd think it is.Just a different process.

I really don't know what to call the water comming out of the machine-ionized or De Ionized.
Either way,plants suck more of it up because they are looking for nutes and aren't getting them.
I think it's also easier for plants to obsorb too so the water gets sucked up before the nutes can get mixed with it for the plants to use.

It probably would be ok for the plants if you sprayed it in a bucket then mixed the fertilizer with it and watered your plant with it.
You'd know exactly what your plants were getting every time you watered.
I'd think it would be the same with distilled water from what I've read about distilled water.

Also I've read that you water carnivorous plants with distilled water because regular water would eventually build up salts etc. and kill the plant.
It uses it's roots for water only and gets nutes from the bugs it catches.
The build up of stuff from tap water etc. would eventually kill it-burn the roots.

About Ca. air.
In some places around L. A. if you can't see what you are breathing your not in L.A.
I grew up here in the San Fernando Valley.
Not as bad as it was when I was a kid.
Used to have brown/orange skies in the summer,burning eyes and you'd be caughing and weezing if you did more than walk a short distance during most of the summer.