food DIY Corned Beef!

salsalady said:
after watching  a number of  food vids, most of them are taking the packaged meat, boiling it and off they go....
Actual making corned beef from the start vids are hard to find.  I've never done this, and would like others to post as they go in their corned beef brining/cooking adventures! 
Yeah, I love when you're trying to find a recipe online and they are all something like:

'How to make your own corned beef at home!
Step one: acquire corned beef.
Step two: enjoy!'
Looking Good, Jubnat!  if you have time, would you mind posting your brine ingredients?
and Yea...the "open the plastic bag, boil for 3 hours..." just don't cut it. :lol:
I flipped the brisket bag this morning, it's leaking just a bit and smelling guuuud!
Not sure if we are cooking Friday St Patty's Day or on Saturday.  Depends on work and the 'Kid's schedule. 
Mine went in the oven almost an hour ago. Point cut brisket if im not mistaken but nicely trimmed.
Tomorrow is Rubens on marbled rye with homemade ruby kraut and Grand Cru Surchoix. Its a domestic gruyere more or less. Also have some Boars Head Gold label imported Swiss. Its pretty good for a BH branded cheese and it was on sale. :D
OH Nice!  homemade ruby kraut!  Tell us all about it in your post.    I better get that waterproof keyboard cover on cuz it sounds like I'll be drooling.....
Ruby kraut is nothing more than red cabbage kraut. This one is several months old now and i added caraway which i normally dont add. Personally i dont think most people could tell the difference between it and typical green cabbage kraut. When its young you might but as it ages the slight taste difference goes away. I prefer my kraut either cold or just warmed up. I want it crunchy.

This is a older one mixed with regular kraut

ShowMe~  yummy looking kraut.  Those look like some proper butcher shop wieners under that kraut.  or just packaged something?
I got home too late today to try and cook the corned beef.  TOMORROW!  First thing in the morning is a rinse off, then into the crock pot while we start rippng out the bathroom/hall/back door for a little updating.    Yukon Gold potatoes, carrots, celery and cabbage which will get dumped in along the way.
aaaand....soda bread.....:cool:
All this German food on Irish Day!!!! ;)
SL this is another stellar post just loved it. Heather and i have been making our own corned beef for years. The store bought is just no comparison. Easy to do and fun. And loved the info on salted beef and am i supposed to were blue from now on. hehhe
​No Time to smoke it today!  Been busy sprucing up the bathroom....nothing like a little time with a sledge hammer and crowbar to make ya feel much better! 


First thing this morning, I pulled the brisket out of the refer.  Color is a bit darker than when it started, I'm guessing that's from some blood leaching out into the brine?  Rinse it and into the crock pot!



yea...okay...gonna have to go with plan B~  -lol-
Cut in half and into the stock pot.  Bring to a gentle simmer for 30 minutes. Toss the water and refill with fresh hot water.  Gently simmer for 3 hours or until the bathroom and toilet room is gutted (about 4.5 hours)


Mix up some horseradish sauce-
1/4 cup sour cream
1/4 cup mayo
2Tbsp prepared horseradish
1/4tsp white pepper
3-4 grinds salt

This thing was falling apart when I removed it from the stock pot.  I was supposed to add the veggies a while ago, but was busy with destruction. So I pulled the meat, added the veggies to the pot and boiled it up just to hurry it along. 

Yukon Gold potatoes, carrots, onion, celery, cabbage.
Thanks HM~!
This brisket is falling apart tender!  Very good seasoning, and not too salty.  The 2-part simmer is probably the key.  I was worried the broth wouldn't have enough flavor to make the veggies yummy but that was not the case.  The broth has a great flavor. 

The mix of veggies, beef, and that horseradish sauce.......MMmmmmmmMM!!!!!! 
So GOOD!  I'm never buying a packaged corned beef again.  And this is so easy!!!  Seriously!  You could use pre-made pickling spices, maybe add a couple other herbs, a plastic bag, definitely use the PRAGUE POWDER, easy-peasy~~~



Yes but you can just make another post. The whole post merge thing is long gone. Also I believe that limit is gone!
I know you can include at least 15x these days, and yeah, the post merging is off for a while ...
A 30 sec "late add" period would be perfect, kind of like Google's unsend ... but none is better than too long - certainly ...
on the images in a post...  I thought I had unlimited due to Extreme membership, but have encountered the image limit several times recently, so I just went back to adding 10 images per post.
now if we could get rid of the time limit for editing a post ...THAT would be SWEET!!!  especially  for the original thread poster......