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hydroponic DIY Hydroponic System Controller - V1

Long story short, I'm a new father - baby takes up a good deal of my time - the plants suffered. :(

NO MORE! :hell:

As I can no longer babysit my setup, It is rather obvious I need something to do that for me.
My endeavor is to create a system controller capable of handling the majority of the mundane, yet required, tasks in maintaining the healthy operation of a ebb & flow hydroponic setup.
Given that baby has taken it upon himself to deprive me of as much disposable income as possible :evil: - I will be attempting to do this as cheaply as possible.

When finished this system should do the following.
  1. Monitor the substrate moisture level
  2. Control lamp schedule
  3. Detect low primary reservoir condition
  4. Detect low topup reservoir condition
  5. Cycle the flood & topup pumps as determined by #1 & #3
  6. Detect low light conditions inside the tent, IE bulb or ballast failure.
  7. Detect high temp conditions in the tent & control exhaust fan speed & lamp accordingly

I may try to incorporate these functions as well, but cost may be prohibitive.
  1. System Flushing
  2. Nute mixing
  3. ph monitoring & compensation
  4. Send alerts via twitter

This system must alert its owner to any conditions it cannot resolve itself.

Moisture sensor made from the carbon cores of 2 deceased D batteries - a dremel - and a torch :fire:

Working on the relay board, and verifying the digital temperature probe still works.

- I noticed the power is a bit flakey when the big relays are triggered, I'll probably dedicate a 5v rail for each one.

Source control for schematic, board, and arduino source files.

Edits and updates
  1. 9/17 - Added alert via twitter to the potentially cost prohibitive section.
  2. 9/18 12:48 - Placed an inquiry with Welco for pump configurations
  3. 9/21 - Located a suitable ph electrode interface $30.90
  4. 2/19/2012 - added GIT repo
im working on a ph controller my self actually. using a hach GLI 53 tho, dont know how to program arduinos or w/e you are using.
why are you bothering to build a relay bord tho? i just buy them from ebay they are not expensive.
have you considered using a tensiometer sensor for moisture levels instead of a conductivity sensor?
im working on a ph controller my self actually. using a hach GLI 53 tho, dont know how to program arduinos or w/e you are using.
why are you bothering to build a relay bord tho? i just buy them from ebay they are not expensive.
have you considered using a tensiometer sensor for moisture levels instead of a conductivity sensor?

I'm building the relay board because I had the parts on hand from a previous project.

I chose the carbon rods hoping to kill two birds with one stone - To both determine an analog moisture level, and obtain something resembling EC on the flood cycle.
WOW, looks amazing. You should make and sell them when you get it finalized. I paid almost $4,000 for my ND MK2, thing works like a charm though, just haven't got the PC interface set up yet. I have to finish my office first. I am going to watch this like a hawk. Looking forward to updates.
WOW, looks amazing. You should make and sell them when you get it finalized. I paid almost $4,000 for my ND MK2, thing works like a charm though, just haven't got the PC interface set up yet. I have to finish my office first. I am going to watch this like a hawk. Looking forward to updates.

had you considered a PLR instead of that thing? they can do anything including hysteresis and PID control loops etc. you can expand them to as many input/outputs as you need, some even have optional network adapters that can send data over ethernet. basic ones are only like 200 bucks too :cool:
only thing is that you need to know ladder logic to program them.

i actually got one on ebay for 25 bucks, only problem is the programming cable for mine(moeller easy619dc-rc)sells for like 100 bucks.... so i havent had a chance to mess with it.


from wikipedia,
"The main difference from other computers is that PLCs are armored for severe conditions (such as dust, moisture, heat, cold) and have the facility for extensive input/output (I/O) arrangements. These connect the PLC to sensors and actuators. PLCs read limit switches, analog process variables (such as temperature and pressure), and the positions of complex positioning systems. Some use machine vision. On the actuator side, PLCs operate electric motors, pneumatic or hydraulic cylinders, magnetic relays, solenoids, or analog outputs. The input/output arrangements may be built into a simple PLC, or the PLC may have external I/O modules attached to a computer network that plugs into the PLC."
had you considered a PLR instead of that thing? they can do anything including hysteresis and PID control loops etc. you can expand them to as many input/outputs as you need, some even have optional network adapters that can send data over ethernet. basic ones are only like 200 bucks too :cool:
only thing is that you need to know ladder logic to program them.

i actually got one on ebay for 25 bucks, only problem is the programming cable for mine(moeller easy619dc-rc)sells for like 100 bucks.... so i havent had a chance to mess with it.


from wikipedia,
"The main difference from other computers is that PLCs are armored for severe conditions (such as dust, moisture, heat, cold) and have the facility for extensive input/output (I/O) arrangements. These connect the PLC to sensors and actuators. PLCs read limit switches, analog process variables (such as temperature and pressure), and the positions of complex positioning systems. Some use machine vision. On the actuator side, PLCs operate electric motors, pneumatic or hydraulic cylinders, magnetic relays, solenoids, or analog outputs. The input/output arrangements may be built into a simple PLC, or the PLC may have external I/O modules attached to a computer network that plugs into the PLC."

What PLC are you using? The AB ones are all over eBay and are expensive as hell. I got a couple of Mitsubishi 48 I/O PLCs but they were $300 each.
I found Arduino to be overkill for most things and is more expensive. I got a PIC board with 70 I/O for $32 from futurlec. PIC programming tools are really handy if you want some quick logic happening - you can simply do your flow chart and the software works out the rest.
im not using any plc :lol:.
i have one i had planned on teaching my self with, but i havent been able to buy a cable for it. i scored it off ebay for 25 bucks, but the usb cable(my mobo doesn't have a serial port) is like 60-100 bucks

anyway, yea i see alot of alec bradly stuff on ebay, but i was thinking of one of the smaller cheeper plc's like the teco genie, the better ones have 4 analog inputs,and you can buy another i/o module as well as Ethernet stuff.

theres actually a bunch of these things out there, im just most familiar with the teco stuff.


something like that could easily control a bad ass greenhouse imo :cool:
I found Arduino to be overkill for most things and is more expensive. I got a PIC board with 28 I/O for $32 from futurlec.

I agree the Arduino board is overkill, I'm just using it for debugging purposes right now & will probably use it to program the atmega328 that I'll be using in the project - which should be in the neighborhood of 4-6 $. The atmega328 features 14 digital IO pins and 6 Analog to digital converter pins and can be easily expanded with another atmega328s at the cost of 2 IO pins for the serial connection between them.

I love these things.
when i was a kid all i had were those little PCB soldering kits. flashing leds... buzzers etc.
today's kids get to mess with arduino boards instead, its really remarkable.
I have an idea, touching on what hot stuff said, what about some sort of THP electrical consortium to collectively design and build cheap alternatives for the non electrically minded on here?
Of course there are electrical compliance issues but I'm sure we can get around that.
What PLC are you using? The AB ones are all over eBay and are expensive as hell. I got a couple of Mitsubishi 48 I/O PLCs but they were $300 each.
I found Arduino to be overkill for most things and is more expensive. I got a PIC board with 70 I/O for $32 from futurlec. PIC programming tools are really handy if you want some quick logic happening - you can simply do your flow chart and the software works out the rest.
Have a look at Automation Direct, the software for that is free as a trial version. The controllers are cheap but they are pretty good. I made my own PC to controller cable for $30.


and the Analog card, with 4 inputs is $80.
For the people following this thread - I'm going to put this project on hiatus until I return from my vacation to New Orleans. I intend to return 20 pounds heavier, and substantially happier.
I think a more elegant solition would be a reef controller, can measure all the cvariables you need minus moisture....though that seems one that could be overcome by setting to check conductivity if fiddled with.

Reef keeper Jrs go for like $150, the high end ones for around $300....and all can be integrated to ethernet and hava great graphing software....x-
The reef keepers will be able to do all of the things you need save moisture content (which could be subbed with a conductivity probe if setup right). They dont just monitor but can control enviorment. Made to run in aquariums of course but can be used for grow rooms too ( I have). Everything from monitoring ph/etc/trace elements to co2 injection to control PH. Also all come with the best light control and great resevoir control for auto top off ect. Pretty much standard stuff on all reef controllers. They run from about $100-300 (the $300 ones are sick....a geeks dream) My reef keeper controlled my reef tank (just basic lps) AND a grow tent simulaneously with some extra probes. Also all the recent versions can be networked with not just monitoring but real time control, x-10 to if into that.
I return from my Vacation recharged, and with boxes of stuff on my doorstep. :woohoo:

Being a cheapskate, I'll just assemble a simple Arduino on a Perf board less all the non-essential parts.

1 x Atmega328 $5.49
2 x 22pF Caps $0.12
2 x 10uF Caps $0.12
1 x 7805T 5V Regulator $0.35
1 x 16MHz Crystal $0.49
1 x 28pin Socket $0.25
1 x Radioshack Perf board $3.00

Total $9.82, meets my cheapskate budget requirements!

I also would like to thank the good people at Welco for sending this sample pump :woohoo:

Looks like I'll be building that automated nutrient mixing system after all :cool: