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music Do Plants Grow Better to Music?

Coast to coast AM had a guest host talking about alternative healthing methods and 528Kz frequency therapy was discussed. This triggered my memory about this thread and sound/music for plant growing, which got me "googling".

i did find a website sourcevibrations.com that has music with injected UHF frequency, then i read up on sonic bloom and found a poor man's fix of just providing the frequency wave, so i downloaded the brainwave generator and played their builtin tone (headache 10/5 hz) this generates frequency pulses in 10 and 5 hz, which apparently is the same frequency the bloom-guy says the birds sing in. i have played it on and off yesterday and today - ya, it can get annoying(i already use seaweed/kelp tea for my plants). as a matter of fact i went to a house party on saturday and the host gave me a 2lb bag of ground kelp. The music CD on sonic bloom is a nature recording of the rainforest with birds chirping...i found a few CD's online at my public library, plus on our TV/Satelliite system we have a number of music channels (70's, 80's, 90's - like Sirius and 1 of those channels is the nature channel, which i do play for my finches - they love it and man the room gets noisey).

the original test on playing music for plants also mentioned that the plants liked Ravi shankar, so yesterday i listened to some Ravi on youtube....coincidently, saturday night i watched LoveGuru and got to listen to the sitar when wayne meyers played "only words" in his east indian accent. i do listen to george harrison as well. so, then i went online to my public library to search for some Ravi music - i think i'll pick it up on Friday.

many of my plants are in a 10 X 15 room with my computer and radio and i listen to a talk radio station most of the day and just let play even if i am not home, so my plants have sound all day long - just not music.

when my job was terminated 2 years ago, it gave me some downtime to do the things i wanted and 1 of those things was to study classical music, it started out painful because i am a classic rock kind of guy. i eased my self into classical music by first starting with Freddy Mercury and Montserrat Cabella singing barcellona, i found her voice emotionally piercing and liked it. i then moved on to Luciano Pavarotti and remembered he had an album pavarotti and friends(if it work with Freddy, let's give it a try). pavarotti has a fabulous voice. okay, now i had to move to the actual classical music and not just opera, i found vivaldi's four seasons, recorded in a 1,000 and 1 different ways(violin, woodwind etc). i then moved through the other classical artists and out of it all found i can listen to classical - in low volume, very low volume, certain instruments are a little more pleasing. (i have to note, i don't like beethoven - i tried but thank god for the skip button on the remote).

well, i have 4 more months of growing inside, i will start playing a mix of classical, ravi and nature music, along with the pulse generator to see if my plants keep a nice appearance - they already look nice but once out of the mini greenhouse, i sometimes notice growth stunt.

here's to another experiment!

(peppers DVG, peppers)
BC, from the sounds of it, your ongoing experiments are going to be keeping you quite busy.

It's interesting that you mentioned the 528 Hz frequency.

Leonard Horowitz's company put out a CD called 'Holy Harmony' a few years back.

The CD consists on 75 minutes of what sounds like Gregorian (but actually Jewish words are being chanted)chanting, with a specially made 528 frequency tuning fork, being struck at regular intervals.

And director Christopher Nolan made numerous subtle inferences to the number 528 throughout his movie 'Inception'.

So where did this 528 Hz frequency come from?

Supposedly it was used by Gregorian monks and then was subsequently lost.

These chants were known as the Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies.

Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies

And Horowitz said that these frequencies were also encoded in Leonardo Da Vinci's 'Vitruvian Man'.

Vitruvian Man link

Supposedly the 528 Hz frequency is used by biochemists to repair damaged DNA, so one can only wonder what those Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies or a monastery full of chanting monks could do for chile pepper growth. ;)

I think Doug, you and i were posting at the same time on this subject.

Leonard Horowitz was the guest on coast to coast and the link to his website is what lead to finding the plant vibration video; i would have to do a bit more research as to actually where did 528 come from, my concern was with plants and i didn't want to get side tracked from that. i think i did read that ancient musical instruments both egyptian and east indian that have been found were tuned to this frequency, then once the vatican took over the world and realize this frequency controlled the masses that the tone was remove....... that's when i realised someone was trying to justify what they were selling and quickly moved on....back to plants.

so back to one of your previous threads, i have been running the brainwave generator on and off for almost 2 days, damn thing is pulsing right now. i can't tell if their has been any improvement because of it, i have noticed a trinidad scorpion with a new leaf and one of it's main leaves appears a bit larger. but this could be from my bunny pooh tea or my algea potion drink or misting with my epsom salt/kelp mix. or it could be a combination of all, plus add in the fact that it is still in my heated mini greenhouse with C02 being injected in and the high humidity within the green house. i have noticed some of my overwintered plants(mainly goatsweed with new leaves - again could be the misting). almost all my overwintered plants(habs) have small flowers on them but that happened before the sound generator.

upstairs in the house, i have my finch cage and they are very gregareous, my greensinger finch gets especially noisy and i can hear him any where in the house(he hits some pretty high tones). there i have an easter cactus and its has bloomed several times(that could be that i have just figured out how to properly water that plant). i have a tepin that is still in full foilage but last year it never produced 1 flower(considering the year before it was loaded with pods) - its environment hasn't changed. i have young dundicut, super chili and goji berry plant and have not noticed any super benefits from them being exposed to the birds chirping. i had 2 scotch bonnet upstairs but since have brought them into the basement(they were started at the same time), one i tranfered to my dwc and it is literally 10 times the size of its soiled brother - so the birds had zero effect on them.

here, i have to change the music from the generator, i am going to youtube to put on Ravi performing shanti mantra, it plays for 5 minutes....think i will go upstairs and make a pot of my famous scotch bonnet/diced pork soup - since this new cold front just moved in...yesterday i was in shorts, today i am back in thermals.

i'll report back as this experiment progresses.
Mark, from the sounds of it, you have so many variables going on in your chile grow, that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to determine which elements were responsible for your chile growing successes.

Without a control group being in place, it is probably save to say that any or all of your growing accessories could be contributing to the overall growth of your plants.

But it is still interesting that you are willing to attempt experimentation with your setup.
