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Do You Believe In Miracles???

Totally amazing. While I wasn't rooting for anyone, it would have been nice to see New England win just for that record they were going for. But wow, what a game.
it was a good game to watch, giants ruled the game IMO. I'm glad to see they pulled it off in their last drive :cool:
the commercials were lame.

plus its good to know they stuck it to randy moss so that punk didnt get a ring :lol:
Yes, good game. It was finally nice to see a team actually play the Patriots instead of folding to them.

The one thing that was unbelievable was the poor sportsmanship from the Patriots at the end of the game. Never in my life have I seen anything like that.
DevilDuck said:
Yes, good game. It was finally nice to see a team actually play the Patriots instead of folding to them.

The one thing that was unbelievable was the poor sportsmanship from the Patriots at the end of the game. Never in my life have I seen anything like that.

Everyone is saying the same thing!...the hissy-fit by the Patriots just makes the Giants' winning that much sweeter:lol:;)
Daisy7117 said:
Everyone is saying the same thing!...the hissy-fit by the Patriots just makes the Giants' winning that much sweeter:lol:;)

What, I might have missed it. Is this when they ran onto the field and everyone else did too? I'm confused.
imaguitargod said:
What, I might have missed it. Is this when they ran onto the field and everyone else did too? I'm confused.

No...that was a little confusion on the press and fans part. There was still one tick left on the clock and a final play had to be run. Instead of going back to the sidelines, the coach of the Patriots as well as over half of the team went straight to the locker room and didn't talk to anyone.

After the final play most of the Patriots just made a beeline for the locker room as well. There was very little congratulatory support from that side of the field.
Lets see, maybe the word I looking for is "class"....walking off before the game is over, not congratulating the winners, along with the coach's pissy interview in my book adds up to being a low-class a*!hole....and it makes me chuckle to see someone like that lose....also, isn't Bill Belichick being investigated for some other questionable taping of other teams practices etc.
(I don't hate the entire Patriots team, just :flamethrower:Belichick in particular)

Whatever happened to sportsmanship?;)
What do you expect from a coach who looks like Emperor Palaptine? He's a 5-star jerkoff. Period. Somebody needs to change his diaper. It's apparently full.
Many of us in Connecticut arent very fond of Mr. Kraft and the whole organization after they used CT to get a new stadium never mind the NFL spy gate involvement