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seeds Do you overseed?

Do you overseed?
Do you overseed each planting site? (Like 3-6 seeds in each rockwool cube, soil in a cup, sure to grow media)
Do you plant 5 separate plants to achieve 2-3 healthy ones?

If I start out seeds in rockwool cubes, under a humidity dome, do I move them to an uncovered tray after they first sprout?

I ask, because after purchasing only 10 seeds I feel weird about putting 3-5 seeds in one rockwool cube.
Normally I put 2 seeds per coir puck. But the total number of seeds is the quantity I'm shooting for. Separating twins from the pucks is a piece of cake, so, no worries. In fact I just did that op a couple of days ago and they're doing great. My germination rates exceed 95% so I do this to save coir pucks because they're not available here. Cheers.
There's really no reason to separate seedlings .......they will grow just fine with many plants in one cube of rockwool.
I always overseed. If planting in soil, I shoot for 1 seed per cell, but sometimes will put in 2. If I germinate on rockwool, I will throw all the seeds I am starting on a small piece of rockwool and as they germinate, move them to a larger piece of rockwool or to soil. Either way, I always start more seeds than I want plants to pick the strongest plants to keep. Really weak plants get culled, others given away.

It depends on how many seeds I have vs how many plants I want. If I have plenty of seeds to spare, then 2 per cell, but the majority of time I only plant one seed per cell.
I plant more seeds then I need however still only one per cube/puck etc.. if I want 5 plants I'll 10 but all in their own space, if I get lucky and they al pop then I give a few away
I sure did! :doh: I planted 2 or 3 seeds per section and then ended up with significantly more than I anticipated. I seperated them when they were still very young and hadn't yet intertwined their roots. Since I planted so many, not expecting them to germinate so well, I have been giving away plants to people so they may enjoy growing their own peppers as well.

It's all about kharma. ;) And Nooooo, I do not mean I hope they burn their asses when they poop! :lol: I mean doing something nice for others. :cool:
I do about 2-3 seeds each myself. Some will germinate more than others. I usually just give away. I have several Tepins I need to give away, as well as Scotch Bonnets, and a Chocolate Hab or 2. lol
I did that last year and ended up with twice as many plants as I thought I would get. I culled some, but not all so yes it's a waste of a seed if you have your conditions right and get 95% germination rate.