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fermenting Do you perfer to deseed with fermented sauce?

Seeds can be bitter. Seeds on there own have a woody bitter taste so the question is what rario of seeds vs. flesh do you want. Some peppers are LOADED with seeds so for a more pure flavor I would remove them. New Mexicos are notorious for having tons of seeds so if I don't remove them when I make my Molé sauce, it's definitely noticeable.

My 2¢
I started my first batches with them in. I think I'm going to do a side by side with seeded and deseeded to see the difference.

SmokenFire said:
I leave seeds in all my pods for sauces during initial prep and then use a food mill to remove them if desired.  I do however always cut the pods open to check the seeds because sometimes perfectly normal looking peppers on the outside will harbor rotting seeds/cores inside.  :)
I have been having problems with Alternaria mainly in my habs. I have noticed if the pods look ike this on the bottom it is guarantee to be fuzzy inside.

99% of the pods with innies rather than outies are trash.
I've tried running the sauce with seeds through a mesh strainer and I just got frustrated. The sauce would not flow. If I had a mill specifically for that purpose I could have pulled it off. But for now, I just remove the seeds first.