• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

DocNrock's First Grow Log -- 2013 Grow Has Begun!

Hi all. I've learned so much from reading the Glogs of others that I've decided to put mine out there. Hopefully someone can say, "Hey, you're doing it wrong!" before its too late.

I got seeds from Refining Fire Chiles. The seeds were for Butch T, Bhuts, and Douglah. I soaked them overnight in water that I had boiled then cooled to room temp. All the seeds sank to the bottom, which I've read is a good thing. (?) Anyway, I got one of those 72 cell Jiffy Mini-Greenhouses with heater pad to germinate these. I didn't use the peat pellets. The germinating instructions that came with the seeds said not to use peat pots because of their acidity. I didn't know if this applied to the pellets or not, so I filled the tray with Organic Seed Starter Jiffy Mix. I sterilized it first by running boiling water through it in a sieve. I've since seen a number of posts on here using the peat pellets, so note to self they work.

Moving along, I've been watering (but not too much) with a misting bottle filled with boiled water that has 1/4 cup 3% H2O2 and 1 cup brewed chamomille tea in a total of one quart.

Here is my germination setup:


After four days, Hello little guy! Baby Butch T.

Quite a selection still.
Everything is looking really good. It is about to pot up those young ones.
Stoked that your morugas and douglahs budding. My morugas vary heat wise but great taste, and the douglahs are so yummy & hot. And gotta love those cayennes. Great flavor. So some goodness on the way!
Have you had a ripe Caribbean red yet?
Haven't ate a pepper yet today, but just picked some peppers and about to have lunch!
The hard part is deciding what to eat. :)
You will have that problem in no time.
Thank for sharing.
Take care
Quite a selection still.
Everything is looking really good. It is about to pot up those young ones.
Stoked that your morugas and douglahs budding. My morugas vary heat wise but great taste, and the douglahs are so yummy & hot. And gotta love those cayennes. Great flavor. So some goodness on the way!
Have you had a ripe Caribbean red yet?
Haven't ate a pepper yet today, but just picked some peppers and about to have lunch!
The hard part is deciding what to eat. :)
You will have that problem in no time.
Thank for sharing.
Take care

Thanks for stopping in. Yeah, the young ones are going to get potted up this weekend. Late in the season, so they'll either be overwinters or indoor growers. Hoping to get something off my other plants before the end of the season, so we'll see. Otherwise, its been a lesson-filled primer for next year.

Regarding the Caribbean Reds, I picked about 10 ripe ones this morning. I've been getting a couple small harvests per week. Tasty, milder hab-like flavor.
Brent plants look great I see some buds forming that is awesome soon you will get some flowers then the burn :onfire:

Thanks, man! For 2013, definitely going to start seeds sometime in December indoors, then put outside late Feb/early March. This grow has been fun, but I've now resigned myself to the fact that it is a lesson-filled primer. I'll keep them going and get what I get, learn about overwintering, and plan (hope?) for a great growout next year!
Those are good looking plants, you still have another 2 months worth of growth out there in CA.
I am going to start earlier next season, started in april and still waiting for a few plants to pod up. We have about one month left here in NC.
Those are good looking plants, you still have another 2 months worth of growth out there in CA.
I am going to start earlier next season, started in april and still waiting for a few plants to pod up. We have about one month left here in NC.

Good luck getting what you can get out of them. I'm thinking I might get a few things, but not the harvest that *could* have been if I had started way before July 2nd. It's all good on this end. I've found that if I expect the worse and hope for the best, I rarely ever get disappointed. ;)
Plants are looking great Doc! ;)


Thanks, Brent. From Brent. Ha!

I never realized there were so many pathologic processes that can hit plants before I started this. Amazing. Anyway, maybe someone has some insight. I'll mix the good with the bad to keep the mood up.

First up are my Bonnie "World's Hottest Habanero's" I had these plants in the raised planter my wife is also using. Her okra were choking these guys out so I dug them up and potted them last weekend. Seems the one pot I bought had three plants in it. Maybe they were also choking each other. Anyway, the each have their own pots now. The smallest one also had it's roots damaged in the process so it strategically dropped a few leaves and is holding it's own for now. Really wanting at least one of these to pod up and see if it grows Fataliis like others have had with these plants.


Speaking of leaf drop, my Black Hab and Moruga started dropping leaves. The plants otherwise look healthy, just like the three I lost earlier this season (White Hab, Fatalii, and Black Naga). I'm wondering if something is going on with the roots. Otherwise, they're behaving just like my other plants, making flowers and promptly dropping them, lol. Anyway, Black Hab:




On a different note, my Jamaican Yellow is loading up!


I thought Jamaican Yellow Mushrooms were supposed to be chinense varieties. This looks like an annum, to me. It's growing pods, I'll take it.

Thai Dragon also loading up for round two.


My Carribean Red started shedding leaves like crazy mid week this past week. Its in quarrantine right now.



The affected leaves have a sort of bronze-copper discoloration on the undersides. I plucked the remaining ones I could find that looked like this. New growth is starting to be affected. Wondering if this is a broad mite infestation. Here is one leaf, but it doesn't demonstrate the findings nearly as well as the ones I plucked earlier in the week.


The raised bed I mentioned earlier has been a place to dump old soil. A couple of months ago I tossed in the contents of a few cups I was trying to germinate that never came up. There were Douglah, Jonah, Impact, and one other I can't remember. Anyway, I saw these guys sprout up so I rescued them to cups. Don't know what they are, but they look chinense to me.


And some seeds I was playing around with. A Yellow Brain on the left that came up with a fused cot and a Chocolate Scorp on the right.


My Aji Panca is about three feet tall now. It's trying to make buds, but they keep dying off before they even grow enough to flower. Like when they get about 1/8" long. I made a thread about it: http://thehotpepper....e-fully-formed/

So much that I have learned this year and continue to learn. Whatever survives I'm going to try to overwinter. Hopefully I'll have a huge head start on next year!

Best wishes to everyone else on their grows!

Just figured out what is happening to my Black Hab: Whiteflies and mites. I moved it to quarantine after the pics were taken this morning and about four whiteflies flew off when I picked up the pot. Looked very closely at the leaves. Copper/bronze discoloration. Plucked all involved leaves (most all leaves). We'll see.
doc with this high heat and humidity and your babies still in developmental stages. .. id shelter them for a bit till at least humidity dies down... i have a lot of buds just dropping like crazy.. good luck
doc with this high heat and humidity and your babies still in developmental stages. .. id shelter them for a bit till at least humidity dies down... i have a lot of buds just dropping like crazy.. good luck

Thanks, man. Yeah, they've been on my patio which has a shaded cover. They get maybe three hours of direct sunlight a day and the rest is diffused light. It's still hot, though. 95+ over the past three months, with a month over 100.

Did I mention I hate whiteflies... ;)

Whatever survives is going to be overwintered. This is shaping up to be the beginning of my 2013 glog. ;)
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Your whole grow looks great, Brent! Up here, plants just begin
to shed their leaves this time of year, especially fruit-bearing ones,
so a few of mine have been doing the same thing. As long as they
showing appropriate growth for their age/stage, and don't have
obvious signs of disease, I wouldn't worry too much. I don't know
if that's true there or not, your grow season is so long. At any rate,
you have plants looking good at every stage of development!

Good luck going into Fall, brother!
That Jamaican Yellow looks like it is hauling ass! Nice work!
Your whole grow looks great, Brent! Up here, plants just begin
to shed their leaves this time of year, especially fruit-bearing ones,
so a few of mine have been doing the same thing. As long as they
showing appropriate growth for their age/stage, and don't have
obvious signs of disease, I wouldn't worry too much. I don't know
if that's true there or not, your grow season is so long. At any rate,
you have plants looking good at every stage of development!

Good luck going into Fall, brother!

Thanks, guys. They're coming along. Learning a lot along the way. I've had two victories! Two ripe pods from my Jamaican Yellow. It's all good. Doing some experimentation to see what works and what doesn't for next year. Caribbean Red is flush with foliage again. Everything is getting ferts today.

The hardest part about planning next year's grow: whittling it down to something managable! There are so many cool varieties that I'd love to grow, but there's no way I'm growing out 70+ plants! Ha!
Doc my man! Another early seed starter I see!!! Good luck with that. I am going to take a little break until December/January before starting next year's grow. Keep us posted on how they're doing for you!
Doc my man! Another early seed starter I see!!! Good luck with that. I am going to take a little break until December/January before starting next year's grow. Keep us posted on how they're doing for you!

Thanks for stopping in, Shane! I'm not going to be starting seeds, per se, until December/January myself. I'm just trying to figure out what varieties I plan to grow. The Yellow Brain and Chocolate Scorp sprouts were just a little test I did for seed viability and a little "different" germination method. Since the Choc Scorp is still plugging along, I'll keep it. ;)
I'll be doing up another batch of tabasco sauce in a while, so I'll have tons of seeds if you want a few to try out. I'm also making some sauce out of atomic starfish, so same applies. No need to send anything back or pay me, just let me know if you want some and they are yours.
I'll be doing up another batch of tabasco sauce in a while, so I'll have tons of seeds if you want a few to try out. I'm also making some sauce out of atomic starfish, so same applies. No need to send anything back or pay me, just let me know if you want some and they are yours.

Thanks for the offer, man, but I am flush with seeds. Just got done sorting what I'm going to grow and not going to grow. Still gonna have plenty of seeds to send out to noobies. ;)

Current grow is doing OK. Nothing special to log.

2013 list (50 varieties):

7Pot Congo Gigantic
7Pot Jonah
7Pot Barrackpore
Dorset Naga
Naga Morich
Red Rocoto
Malawi Peppadew
Aji Dulce
Trinidad PI 281317
7Pot Chiguanas
Devil's Tongue
Butch T
7Pot Burgundy

Yellow Moruga
Yellow Brain
Yellow 7
Yellow Bhut
Peach Bhut
Beni Highlands
Trinidad Morova
7Pot Orange
Golden Cayenne
Malaysian Goronong
Jamaican Yellow Mushroom

7Pot Brown
Black Hab
Chocolate Scorp
DouglahxChoc Scorp (F4)
Black Naga
Pasilla Bajio
Aji Panca
Long Chocolate Hab
Choc Hab
Black Stinger

7Pot White
Giant White Hab
White Bullet Hab
White Devil's Tongue

I may whittle this list down some more. I don't know that I have room to grow all of these. I'm thinking of seeds going into Rapid Rooters sometime in December.
That is a huge grow list! Even if you grow only half of these you definitely have more room than I do. Good luck with the decision making, I definitely feel your pain about having to pick and choose!