Does anyone else feel stalled due to weather?

Checked the weather report for my area in Michigan for next week...supposed to be low to mid 70s throughout the week but still drops to low 40s at night...

Since I don't trust the weather here, I'll most likely keep them inside for at least a couple more weeks. Except for the daily hardening off routine of moving them in & out of the house ;)
ajdrew said:
Plastic green houses typically only make a couple degrees difference by a spring morning.  They make more of a difference in the fall when the ground is heated more.  I do not know how much difference the double wall hard plastic or glass makes, willing to bet a great deal more.  So in MI, I would not put them out in a plastic green house yet.

I am in KY.  I have some friends two hours south that have put things into a poly tunnel, peppers and tomato.  But she watches the weather and puts row covers over the plants inside that high tunnel, so it is sort of a double insulated thing.  So far, no problem even when it got down to the low 30s.  Still, very risky.
Thanx, AJ. Based on your advise, I've decided to continue them in the house, rather than spend money on a crap greenhouse. I'll just wait until next year, and go for a good homemade one.
We got our first rain fall of the year last night, the only other moisture we got was light snow twice.
0c right now with the windchill and supposed to be -2 tonight :(
Myxlplyk said:
Thanx, AJ. Based on your advise, I've decided to continue them in the house, rather than spend money on a crap greenhouse. I'll just wait until next year, and go for a good homemade one.
Give a google to Kentucky University High Tunnel and you will find free plans for a high tunnel.  Its what I based mine on.  95 degrees in there today when the doors are all closed up, trying to warm the dirt.  You can change the size of the thing easily.  Holds up to our winds.
gladius said:
Ever heard of chemtrails? If you want to know what's going on with the weather, check out The weather is being purposely modified.  
This is not some hare brained conspiracy theory, so hold the eye rolling please. I've got hundreds of pics taken over the past few weeks in northeast Alabama that prove it. How does one upload pictures on here? 
I'm an airline pilot. There are no chemtrails.
Building a small greenhouse today. Maine. Can;t stand seeing everyone else growning peppers south of me LOL!!!
Almost all my free time seems to have been when or after it's raining until this weekend. Halfway there now. Still 40some plants to go, lol.
Kind of on the same topic: I have lots in, but we are more than a month since last frost and still have more to go in.  I keep getting stalled due to weird / poorly timed weather.  First week long rains which made it impossible to get into the field, could only do things along the first rows or I would sink.  Then no rain for weeks and I am wasting time moving sprinklers around.

I hope never to go to large container grows sitting on plastic with drip irrigation.  But I am seriously considering the benefits of putting in more high tunnels where I can control how much water is applied.  Still growing in soil, probably with a soaker hoses or even by hand the way I am doing the one high tunnel now.  I do love mother nature but am thinking I need more coping skills to deal with her insanity.

Seriously, if you grow outdoors please consider adopting the Serenity Prayer as your motto for dealing with that woman, she can drive a guy nuts.