Origami- how long did you grow indoors before transplanting them outside in Minnesota? Did you get any flowering and fruit at all?
Sorry about the delayed response. It was 2 1/2 years ago, but I believe I started them in February as well. I knew that I was leaving Minnesota when I planted them, so I kept everything in pots. They fared well when I moved to Vermont in April. I put them outside in a 5 gallon pot in late May. They really did well when I put them outside, producing dozens of flowers on each plant. I hans pollinated the flowers, and most seemed to produce fruit. I moved to Wisconsin in early August, and even though I draped the plants in large plastic bags, I lost a lot of the fruit in the move. I ended up with about a dozen large(apple size) peppers between the 2 plants. Most of them finished outside, but I picked some green fruit when it started freezing at night, and they ripened just fine indoors. I highly recommend them. They're the ideal pepper to grow, as they won't cross with most other peppers.