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Does anyone know what this is?

I noticed this stuff on some of my plants a few weeks ago so i cut the affected leaves off, sprayed with some soapy water and it seemed to dissapear. Now i found that a bunch of my plants have this stuff on the underside of their leaves again. So I just cut them back again - except two plants look like they're overwintered now they are cut back that short. Sprayed them with soapy water again. Should I be using something else? Or if anyone knows the name of whatever this is I'll look up what fixes it.
This leaf here is about in the middle of how bad it is, some werent as bad, some were covered a bit thicker.
capsidadburn said:
It's called edema.  It is from over watering or to much rain.  Simply back off watering for a while.  No worries otherwise!
Oh shit really?? far out I thought i was underwatering them already. Ok thanks mate. I was a bit worried there I thought i had an infestation of something.
SentencedToBurn said:
In hind sight I shouldve asked about it here before cutting the leaves back. Dang.. Oh well I'm learning.
One of the nice things about growing is the learning, for me, at least. There aren't any of us who can say we know everything there is about growing - there's always something new for each of us.
An update on the plants that I "trimmed" after freaking out that edema is some kind of infestation. A couple of plants I completely cut back to the stem - I wasnt sure if they were going to survive but here we are just under 3 weeks later and the new leaves are cranking! The other two plants are nearly as good as this one. Lucky I didn't kill them.