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Does being concerned about cruelty to animals mean...

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There's necessity & there's cruelty. He did what was necessary & still kied them humanely.

It is possible to handle pets & nuisance critters humanely.

LOL! Is it even humane to kill at all?

We're talking about a rodent mouse, not Stewart Little.

Glue traps are very effective. Only an oversensitive human would care about how a rodent mouse dies or is killed.

Is catching fish using a fishing pole, line, hook, etc.... humane? I mean when I go fishing, I hook the fish, I'm sure it's in pain when it's pulling and I'm pulling, etc..., then we net it and then guess what...it goes into the ice chest where it freezes to death...it probably takes a few minutes at that. Catfish have been known to come back to life after being in an ice chest all night. Now ask me if I care what some oversensitive humans think about how I catch my fish. We can do it more humanely, like throwing dynamite in the water but it's AGAINST THE LAW! Go figure!

Speaking of catfish, they say that the best way to get the skin off is by getting a pair of pliers and while it's still alive, pull the skin off...guess what, it's true.

Oh, the humanity....ROFLMAO!

Some people really need to just GET OVER IT!

Mice were the reason for 1000's of human deaths if not millions. Next time you want to shed a tear for a mouse, look up the bubonic plague. Do you think the rats or mice gave a darn about the many humans deaths that they were responsible for? Men, women, little kids, babies...and you want us to care about a stupid mouse? Give me a break!
I believe that the mice should die quickly myself, and I certainly don't consider myself oversensitive. The reason we should give them painless deaths is because we have the intelligence to care about things like the Plague. Mice do not.

I believe there are strong emotions on both sides here, and it may be wisest to let the issue rest before it arises... animosity amongst us.
are we really talking bout rats? you mean rats that eeat up my chicken and cattle feed? look here i have more moey in livestock than your car and the apartment that you rent is worth! im so happy every time the neighbors cats kill a rat ! also if i see any problems i set traps from everything from a mouse 2 a bobcat! you are way out of line jules84,,,,when ever you get 20 grand to buy a few head of cattle go do it and then watch a gator eat one of your calfs! i guess u wont do nothing about it? right ???????? and just think if you owned lots of cattle! also if i ever had a rodent problem i would do whatever i needed to do so they wouldnt be crawling up in my house !!!!!!!!!!!!!1 are you really so pro animal ,,that you are a fool?????
The only thing I ever got using sticky traps for other than gnats was balls of fur.
I saw a few bald mice running around ... Maybe they are good for wimpy mice but not worth using.

Ever see a snake to kill mice.
Nothing like watching nature take it's coarse.

Constrictors are faster but watching a non constrictor snake swallow a mouse is a lot slower,death wise.
Those legs kicking while the snake slowly swallows it...if you are lucky enough you get to watch the bulge move around inside the snake as it swallows a live mouse.
Once in a while your snake dies because the mouse was able to chew it's way out...

People giving Human attributes to animals is way out of hand.
It's like saying my computer can reason.It's as smart as a 4 yr. old...
So it's cruel to use my old one as a door stop and unplug it.
It remembers to ask me if I want to go to the last stuff I was at before I unplugged it.
I wonder if it slowly dies as the wafer battery on the mother board slowly dies.
Crap,I just tortured my old computer until it died and must be a serial killer,been doing it for years.

I'm not into torturing lower life forms,BUT they simply don't have the ability to think like we do or probably don't have the ability to do so.
We assume,or some assume that all creatures are wired the same as Humans because they learned to mimic things we teach them.

Does Pavlov ring a bell?

The more intelligent animals just are better at problem solving.Nothing more.
WE give them the label of being MORE Human.
A dolphin or monkey gets high marks because they are better at figuring out what WE want them to do in order to get that fish or banana.
It all boils down to point of view.
I love my pooper snooper but in the long run,if you stole her away and gave her attention I'm sure she wouldn't miss me for too long.
You fill her dish...
Animals adapt to whatever happens.They don't think the way we do no matter how much we like to think they can.

Some people think nothing about blowing each other up for whatever cause but at the same time won't eat meat or kill food/critters to eat.
Save the trees,critters....alf or whatever...
People like PETA (people eating tastey animals?) collect $ for saving animals while tossing the bodies in dumpsters because the cost of saving the animals life would cut into their BMW payment budget.
Wow - I just got lit into for suggesting there's a humane way to kill pests?

I worked an organic farm for a few years back in the 90s. We killed critters. We dd not torture critters. I worked commercial greenhouses - we nuked bugs. I'm out though ...I can see this discussion devolving a little . Sorry I tossed in my $.02
Leaving anything to starve is cruel.

I'd probably just shoot it if I found a rat getting into my garden... or a kill trap. or Dcon.

I don't want rats, nor do I know anyone/where I could just drop them off, and let them run free. So its either my friend with the snake, or a kill trap (gun, etc). Kill trap is probably quicker and more humane.

People shouldn't use a glue trap unless they plan to kill/release the animal (if release is even possible after a glue trap?).

are we really talking bout rats? you mean rats that eeat up my chicken and cattle feed? look here i have more moey in livestock than your car and the apartment that you rent is worth! im so happy every time the neighbors cats kill a rat ! also if i see any problems i set traps from everything from a mouse 2 a bobcat! you are way out of line jules84,,,,when ever you get 20 grand to buy a few head of cattle go do it and then watch a gator eat one of your calfs! i guess u wont do nothing about it? right ???????? and just think if you owned lots of cattle! also if i ever had a rodent problem i would do whatever i needed to do so they wouldnt be crawling up in my house !!!!!!!!!!!!!1 are you really so pro animal ,,that you are a fool?????

We no longer have gator problems here in my part of florida. *shifty eyes*

I personally have never seen one.... but a few years back my neighbor saw one, called the authorities, and was told "do what you must to protect your kids, but don't tell us what that means" and was then hung up on.

He presumably followed that advice. He has three young children and at the time, had some puppies.

I am with you though, if it threatens my family, my livelihood, or my posessions, it needs to die. I had a family of rats in my garage. I started feeding the neighborhood cats in there. No more rats.

LOL! Is it even humane to kill at all?

Yes under certain circumstances it is QUITE humane. We had a horse, 3 years old... Turns out we had lantana in the yard, and she had a thing for it. We (at the time) neither knew we had it, or that it was poison for horses. She thought it was potato chips and devoured it wherever she found it. Needless to say cumulative poisons accumulate. Liver failure. would have been a week long death according to the vet. He kept her going until she lost the will to fight and laid down to die. At that point, yes its very humane to put her down. As long as she had the will to live, we supported that (vets a personal friend... his bill was a case of beer, and dinner...) until she didn't. Put her out of her misery... Another time, we had an old dog... she was the unluckiest dog I'd ever had the priveledge to own. As a puppy before we got her, she'd been hit by a car and lived, bit by a rattlesnake and lived. After I had her, she jumped 10' off my porch, onto a concrete pad chasing a squirrel, nearly killed herself the first time we ever tied her up, and used to like to sleep between the wheels of the horse trailer in just the right place, that it would run her over if we didn't check first. Needless to say, all of that trauma as a puppy caused her to have severe arthritis as an elderly dog. Eventually our friend the vet said she was to the point where she was suffering all the time, and we needed to give her the gift of peace (his words). She was 15. We did. In those cases killing is humane. I have told my family on a number of occassions, that I am an organ donor - so if something happens to me, and they think there is a significant chance I'm going to end up as a vegetable under the best case circumstances, its ok to let me go, and give my organs to someone that can use them. I don't want to linger tied to a ventilator on a feeding tube. If my mind is gone, let my body go too. I feel that would be humane.
We're talking about a rodent mouse, not Stewart Little.
Glue traps are very effective. Only an oversensitive human would care about how a rodent mouse dies or is killed.
Not neccesarily. Its wrong to torture an animal. If life must be taken, take it quickly.
Is catching fish using a fishing pole, line, hook, etc.... humane? I mean when I go fishing, I hook the fish, I'm sure it's in pain when it's pulling and I'm pulling, etc..., then we net it and then guess what...it goes into the ice chest where it freezes to death...it probably takes a few minutes at that. Catfish have been known to come back to life after being in an ice chest all night. Now ask me if I care what some oversensitive humans think about how I catch my fish. We can do it more humanely, like throwing dynamite in the water but it's AGAINST THE LAW! Go figure!
Thats against the law for good reasons, here where I live, there are a number of protected species of fish - protected because they are relatively rare. A stick of dynamite would kill indiscriminately. A fisherman and a hook does not.
Speaking of catfish, they say that the best way to get the skin off is by getting a pair of pliers and while it's still alive, pull the skin off...guess what, it's true.

Oh, the humanity....ROFLMAO!

Some people really need to just GET OVER IT!

Mice were the reason for 1000's of human deaths if not millions. Next time you want to shed a tear for a mouse, look up the bubonic plague. Do you think the rats or mice gave a darn about the many humans deaths that they were responsible for? Men, women, little kids, babies...and you want us to care about a stupid mouse? Give me a break!
Someone is still holding a grudge? I wouldn't shed a tear for a mouse. But someone who is wanton and careless with life - any life, especially human life, needs to re-examine that aspect of themself.

There are far too many people in the world that are more attached to animals (Even pests) than is healthy. People were mad at me for killing a snake I couldn't identify that was in the garden (where my nephew plays). My POV is that there are two kinds of snakes - good snakes, and those that are still alive. If its red, kill it dead. Turns out there are pet store snakes that people have released that are both red, and non-poisonous. Oh well. If I see another one, I'll kill it too. Better safe than sorry. Especially when kids are involved. It was a quick death by beheading.
Red ?
I think it's something like Red and yellow can kill a fellow.red and black,a friend jack(King Snake).
Coral snakes are red yellow black.Yellow between the colors.
Kings (some kinds) are red black,white black red-black frames each color.

Mice are part of each ones diet. :)
In the tropics, and further south... if its red, its probably poisonous. Anything brightly colored is meant to ward off predators... Not every red thing contains within something as harmless as capsaicin.

Yeah king snakes vs coral snakes that ryhme is for... I've never seen a king snake in my area, but I have killed a few corals, moccasins, and a few types of rattlesnake. The one I killed most recently turned out to be a corn snake. Apparently they like b. aby chickens, which means the fact I have baby chickens was enough to warrant its conversion from living snake, to good snake :)
you are way out of line jules84,

I'm way out of line for saying that it's wrong to torture something to death (you DID read the thread, didn't you)?? What the flying f**k is wrong with you people?
if there was a button that would make all mice and rats die a horrible painful death all at once around the world...
This was one of the statements from the thread I linked... go figure..... some people need to be examined....

Mice were the reason for 1000's of human deaths if not millions. Next time you want to shed a tear for a mouse, look up the bubonic plague. Do you think the rats or mice gave a darn about the many humans deaths that they were responsible for? Men, women, little kids, babies...and you want us to care about a stupid mouse? Give me a break!

Millions more people have died in wars, disease and genocide which have been caused by human beings. Does that mean we should not care about human beings? Great logic. And why can't you care about both? Why does it have to be one or the other?

And I tend to point out ignorance in humans when possible. The question again is, what is more important, humans or rodents?

Point yourself out then. It is not a question of whether humans are more important, it's a question of whether it's right to torture an animal to death. That humans are more important doesn't have any relevance to the issue we're discussing.
:bday: :oops: :flamethrower: :beer:

I'm way out of line for saying that it's wrong to torture something to death (you DID read the thread, didn't you)?? What the flying f**k is wrong with you people?This was one of the statements from the thread I linked... go figure..... some people need to be examined....

Millions more people have died in wars, disease and genocide which have been caused by human beings. Does that mean we should not care about human beings? Great logic. And why can't you care about both? Why does it have to be one or the other?

Point yourself out then. It is not a question of whether humans are more important, it's a question of whether it's right to torture an animal to death. That humans are more important doesn't have any relevance to the issue we're discussing.
Wow. This topic sure did take a turn for the ugly.
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