nutrients does this look like over nute or overwatering?

i repotted yesterday and noticed this on one of my ghost peppers, does it look like over nutes or overwatering? or is it some nastie chomping at my plants... i cant be certain and ive looked around on the internet without any really definitive answer,  but i really dont want to lose any of my bhuts this year... i need as many pods as possible to make my various sauces. if its overcare on my part ( I did give the potting soil extra fish emulsion ferts before the transplant) I'll just back off, but if its pest I'm going to sequester this one so it doesn't spread and I'll just bring my plants back inside for another week or two and see what happens.
thanks in advance.

ps, the black bits are dirt from the re-pot I believe... they are on the bottom leaves and I can brush them off...
Tough to say for sure but to me looks like a little sunburn, did you harden them off? Someone else might be able to give you a better answer though. 
How long have they been outside? That looks similar to what happens to the large older leaves on my plants when I move them out of my hardening off zone into full sun.
these guys have been out for like a week, i have them under a sun shade for all but the late afternoon sun. im still hardening off my other ones though.
dub_sauces said:
possibly, but it wasnt there yesterday when i repotted it...
Well then its too quick for either excess nutes or over watering to do that anyway. (Neither of which will  actually do that anyway)
All I see in your image is, a leaf with some dirt on it, that has probably been nibbled by a caterpiller or something. 
Maybe slight shock from transplant but nothing to worry about yet.
Believe me, if you are basing the potential of you having an issue off that one leaf, then stop now. Its a non issue.  Keep an eye out for bugs though...they may be an issue.
post a pic of the whole plant and we can give it a better looking at.
I got this randomly on one of my plants earlier this week on a few leaves and I don't fertilise them
Didn't happen again
Plant looks fine otherwise so I wouldn't worry about it
nzchili said:
Well then its too quick for either excess nutes or over watering to do that anyway. (Neither of which will  actually do that anyway)
All I see in your image is, a leaf with some dirt on it, that has probably been nibbled by a caterpiller or something. 
Maybe slight shock from transplant but nothing to worry about yet.
Believe me, if you are basing the potential of you having an issue off that one leaf, then stop now. Its a non issue.  Keep an eye out for bugs though...they may be an issue.
post a pic of the whole plant and we can give it a better looking at.



here are some photos of the plant in question, its pretty blown out from the lighting so sorry if the detail isn't what you were looking for... it wasn't a caterpillar, it hasn't made it to my yard yet, only the deck and they sit on copper foil to prevent snails and shit from crawling up the side of the pot for lunch...
parker49 said:
Tough to say for sure but to me looks like a little sunburn, did you harden them off? Someone else might be able to give you a better answer though. 

That was my initial thought, too. Sun, maybe wind.