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Does you mother eat habs?

inspired by a post in another thread, I was struck by the idea of parents, particularly mothers eating habs.

my mother wouldn't go near a hot pepper, neither would my mother-in-law, neither will my wife. I think pepper eating is predominantly a male dominated sport/pastime/culinary preference.

does you mother eat habs? do you know any ladies with a high tolerance for capsaicin? ever been put to shame by a lady that can eat hotter food than you? what about your dad? grandparents? you get the idea?
Well, I'm the only one in the family that likes hot stuff.

I do have a gal friend who will eat the hot foods, but not as much as me. Then there is the shopgal next door who liked the SBPR and my homeade hab sauce too. She's cool. :cool:

Now, I think it's because of where most of us are...when I've eaten with folks not from this hemisphere, (india/asia/etc) they grew up eating stuff that'd fry the average caucasian. ;)

Think of the cultures that grew these chilies..they can eat it.

**w00t..300th post!**

My mother wouldn't even touch a hot pepper.

Sure I know some ladies with a high tolerances, they're all here on the forum! :)

The ex of my mate was obviously invulnerable, she'd lick a toothpick full of Jersey Death clean and remark that it is not too hot.
Well, as this inspiration for this thread, I feel obligated to reply. ;)

My mom doesn't "eat" habaneros, so to say, but instead she uses them as flavoring once in a blue moon. She's very careful to remove the habs before serving the meal--except for that one time she "lost" one in the lasagna, and I found it.:mouthonfire:

My dad and I are the hotheads in our family--and even he refuses to go as far as I do. My wife likes food with a slight kick to it, and my mom only uses a sauce or spice more powerful than Tabasco when she knows I'll be eating the meal.
well my whole family will be sampling peppers this season..ill post results and pictures later on in the summer,some fun barbies to come:)
talas said:
well my whole family will be sampling peppers this season..ill post results and pictures later on in the summer,some fun barbies to come:)

Naga!... Naga!... Naga!... Naga!...
Everyone in my family except for dad, has eaten habs, mum likes to grow chillis too, and gets all the plants I no longer take interest in. (proudly) mum has also had tastings of the mighty Naga:mouthonfire: my six year old also enjoys a very tapered down Naga butter which was made from a batch of sauce I made that was way too hot & I just kept adding shredded coconut to it until it was at the heat level I like. He likes the Naga butter (its not really hot), but always has a glass of milk ready which he runs for the moment he takes a taste:P
chilliman64 said:
great idea Omri!!!

instead of a toga party, when a crowd of THPers get together it has to be for a Naga Party!
So wait... does that mean clothing is optional? :P
billyboy said:
Everyone in my family except for dad, has eaten habs, mum likes to grow chillis too, and gets all the plants I no longer take interest in. (proudly) mum has also had tastings of the mighty Naga:mouthonfire: my six year old also enjoys a very tapered down Naga butter which was made from a batch of sauce I made that was way too hot & I just kept adding shredded coconut to it until it was at the heat level I like. He likes the Naga butter (its not really hot), but always has a glass of milk ready which he runs for the moment he takes a taste:P
Wow! sounds like a chile-family.