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Dogs and Hot Peppers?


So about 5 minutes ago I was picking some cayennes off of my plant with my 8 month old German Sheppherd watching me(she follows me around everywhere). She seemed interested so I let her sniff a pepper that was in my hand and she immediately snatched it from me and trotted off into the grass with it. I figured she would bite it once and realize her mistake. However, she kept chewing it a few times, letting it fall to the ground, sniffing it, then picking it back up to repeat the process until the pepper was all mashed up and about 1/2 gone (and I threw it away). Anybody else have dogs that seem to want to eat hot peppers?

I wonder if she has been growing a 2nd hand tolerance from my fingers when I feed her normal treats etc :oops: ...
My dog seems to like hot food.
She usually gets to clean up my bowl at the end of a meal, and will eat anything I do. Including curry with naga in it!
She spends a great deal of time licking her jowls afterwards and seems to enjoy it.
Only once have a seen her go to her water (to which I added some milk).
She also likes wasabi peas.
Interesting topic. Missylou loves hot stuff. Maybe because she started on hab cheese as a pup. She won't eat the superhot's but has no problem on stuff with thai, pequins, or lesser hot chile's.
My doggy doesn't have ANY interest in hot stuff. The Staffy i used to have would actually bark and growl at hot sauce bottles, he knew the evil that lied within after an "experience" with Blairs Mega Death extract crap. Put a cut pepper near him and he would shoot through right quick!
Ya my dog I didn't think would like hot stuff. I thought I tricked her. I had a blondie from heartbreakdawns and had some crumbs on the ground. She went after the crumbs and I thought.. What a mistake. She licked her chops and I thought ok she learned her lesson. Next day... Same thing. I ate some more of the blondie and thought. Maybe I will let her try it. I gave a little bit and she loved it. I left it on the corner of the table and went out of the room. She was up on the table about ready to eat it. Luckily I got to her. So then I thought well maybe its the sweets. I also had some of their 1498 hot sauce. I put a dab on my finger and she licked it. She kept licking her chops again. I put a little more thinking it might turn her away and she wanted more and SHE LOVED IT. She was actually barking at me for more.
***I should add the 1st time with the blondie, My wife didn't think it was a good idea. As in she was pushing the dog away. But I couldn't resist. I didn't give her any of the chocolate.
My doggy doesn't have ANY interest in hot stuff. The Staffy i used to have would actually bark and growl at hot sauce bottles, he knew the evil that lied within after an "experience" with Blairs Mega Death extract crap. Put a cut pepper near him and he would shoot through right quick!

Haha same thing my dogs do.
hot sauce or fresh peppers.
My dogs were pretty skittish at first. They would sniff it, back away, repeat process several times, then finally eat it. Then they would lick their lips for a couple minutes. One of them growled and barked at an habanero that was on the ground. Now it doesn't faze them. I give them really spicy food all the time and they just tear right through it. One of them seemed really interested in some dried cumari I had out the other day too. :eek:
this is what my dog thinks about peppers.

My dogs sometimes pull the peppers off & just play with 'em....but damn, I don't get a single ripe tomato that's below the 2' level!
Mine won't eat the peppers alone. They'll sniff em and back away. But any food, no matter how hot it is, is eaten without a second thought. Fun to watch them lick their lips over and over as the heat takes hold, lol.

Here's the only Dog and Chile I've seen get along so well....
Chicago Sports Pepper and the world famous Chicago Hot Dog.
Fiery Regards,
Pepper Joe
:dance: :lol: :dance: :lol: :dance: