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Dollar Menu Dare VIDEOS!

HUH?!?!??? Whaaaa...???? I can't vote?!?!??? :mope: haven't even seen all the vids yet..

I still want to hear after-effect stories. Anyone end up in the fetal position gently sobbing themselves to sleep?

There was nothing gentle to sob over. Fetal position was brutal. Laying on the back was brutal. Laying down on my stomach impossible.

Bed sucked. The floor sucked. Chairs sucked. Standing sucked.

Odd thing was, I thought I had it licked. I went for about 5 hours with zero pain. Once my mouth totally settled down about 45 minutes later, I thought I was home free. Then it started coming in waves. I did everything but have the damned baby.

I did the challenge at about 7:30 PM. The pain started at about 1:30 AM, and lasted to just before 4 AM some time. I couldn't have given a f**k about looking at the clock. When it finally did settle down, my wife asked if I needed a cigarette. I don't smoke...

But I was at work at my normal time. 8:00 AM.

I really don't usually have much in the way of after effects. The next day is usually pain free. But in this case, it did take a full two days to finally feel like I didn't have some strange venereal disease when I pissed. Lightning would have hurt less.

That powder was no joke ;)

NagaChomper you should do more videos!!

Everything is so done is my problem. There's boatloads of videos out there with every pepper under the sun. I like watching a few guys. I love watching Neil, Paul, and TMudder, and a few others. Biz makes it fun too. They make no fuss about it.
But if there was something unique I would consider it for sure. This qualified.

But if there was something unique I would consider it for sure. This qualified.


I have a great one coming up for February brother. Stay tuned, as soon as the dust from this one settles I will be posting it Posthaste.

Unique doesn't even begin to describe what I have planned for you guys. This one isn't just about heat… And the videos are probably going to be the funniest anyone's ever seen.

Already have a pretty spectacular prize package assembled for it, too.

Stay tuned… :dance:
Salsalady if you want to vote that's fine with me. I just said I wouldn't vote since I'm giving out a prize or two.

If the criteria was who handled it the easiest I would have gone with Naga. Dude did it on one burger and other than a couple of hiccups you wouldn't have known the guy was eating anything hot. HH I thought it hit you the hardest, you could tell you were suffering. Yet you kept right on taking bite after bite and finished it. Beyond impressive. Biz somebody else mentioned they thought the video was stalled because nothing moved. I haven't seen anyone go that ozone since I gave up the bong. You felt the heat a bit but handled it like I expected after reading what everyone said about you.

I have no idea if ketchup or mayo add or take from the heat. Mayo is definitely higher in fat which I think would move the heat out of your mouth quicker. Watching the amount Biz ate he should get something extra for that. I can handle mayo occasionally but never seen a human eat that mush in one sitting. Blech!

Well done to all three of you guys.
Had to go with Naga on this also. Old skool verse new. Old took the challenge and maned up. No flashy threw in your face stuff. Just agreed to do it and did. An did 14 grams on one burger with only two blister packs to mix his concrete concoction. That had've been hard to eat. Then only hit the water once threw the whole ordeal. That's ballz. An pretty sure the way the Biz loves pain. He suspends from meat hooks in is dungeon! LOL Thanks for the vids and you all did great. An sorry "HH81 for the little love.
Meant sorry for the lack of votes. He did great and maned threw it. An would think him and Naga got the worse of the gut pain. As HH81 had more water sloshing it around and, Naga had less food with more powder concentration.

Boost my comment wasn't aimed at you........ just a general comment.

All my comments lately are general, no picking on anyone or anything........ like I said before, I am just simply saying.
Kinda wished that HH could have waited for a day off (not that ever gets any!) to do his vid. He's one funny fella and usually gets me to belly laughing, but I could tell he was one wiped out puppy that morning! He was getting his professional on so well that I thought, for a second, that he might be practicing to be a politician!!!!! Gold Star for making it happen HabbyHeat!!!!!! That's TRUE dedication to the cause! (ps - if you did run for office - I'd vote for ya!) ;)