food Don't be fooled by imitators; THIS is Famous Passow Pizza Mongoose Ed.

That's right, there have been recent waves of imitators, but fear not! I have created a new monstor of a pizza to reasure the chile-heads of the world that Famous Passow Pizza is still around! So I give you....THE MONGOOSE PIZZA!!!


This has ground, cooked serloin and diced black olives. One side has plain tomato sauce with cheese that's covered with a thick dusting of Zesty Blend (this one has 14 different peppers inculding about 4 Jolokia pods that were harvested from a plant that was 10 years old in India).

The other half has CaJohn's newest sauce, Mongoose. This has Jolokia, Fatalii, AND 3 million SHU extract (which doesn't have a bitter tasted oddly enough) mixed into the tomato sauce.
That's it! You will feel the wrath of TB's Notorious Flying V Guillotine Pizza soon...VERY VERY SOON...Muahahahahahaha!

Nice looking pie by the way.

Cheers, TB.
the pizza looks great!
the pizza looks so innocent, yet its so F'ing hot most people couldnt eat it, & you do :cool:

are we all starting to name our pizzas ? if so I think I'll have to name mine when I make another one.....:think:
texas blues said:
That's it! You will feel the wrath of TB's Notorious Flying V Guillotine Pizza soon...VERY VERY SOON...Muahahahahahaha!
I have so many cards up my sleeve as far as pizza goes.....bring it! :cool:

texas blues said:
Nice looking pie by the way.

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Damn that looks good IGGY, makes me real hungry. Enjoy!
Thanks guys. It needed some more heat, seriously. Not sure but I think the Mongoose changes when it's cooked, all it did was make my gums hurt....

chilehunter said:
the pizza looks so innocent, yet its so F'ing hot most people couldnt eat it, & you do
LOL, like I said, needed more heat. I didn't even get an endorphin rush out of all that hard work :(

chilehunter said:
are we all starting to name our pizzas ? if so I think I'll have to name mine when I make another one.....:think:
I guess it's yet another trend you can thank me for :rolleyes:

When you do your pizza be sure to take some pics and post 'em here! Hmmm....Chilihunter's Hot Pepper Pie sounds catchy.
imaguitargod said:
I guess it's yet another trend you can thank me for :rolleyes:

When you do your pizza be sure to take some pics and post 'em here! Hmmm....Chilihunter's Hot Pepper Pie sounds catchy.

well I can at least blame you for the VFT thing :lol:
I'll think of a better name for my pizza.
Dyce51 said:
DAM IGG that looks great!!!! I dunno if my behind could take the "ring of fire"!!!! LOL

Well, I just dropped the morning bomb and I can tell you no ill effects were felt on my dupa. Although I havn't actually had a ring of fire in probably a year so I think I've blown out my o-ring. :lol:
imaguitargod said:
Well, I just dropped the morning bomb and I can tell you no ill effects were felt on my dupa. Although I havn't actually had a ring of fire in probably a year so I think I've blown out my o-ring. :lol:

"Clean up on aisle three..."

Cheers, TB.
All i know is if a bunch of folks roll up to his place this summer he'll probably be rolling out a boatload of pies
JayT said:
Looking good IGG I love my pizza cheese just like that a little browned.
Ah-men! That's the best way to have cheese!!

millworkman said:
Do you deliver?
LOL, actually everyone who has every tried my pizza has tried to get me to open up shop and go professional. Which is a great compliment.

Sickmont said:
All i know is if a bunch of folks roll up to his place this summer he'll probably be rolling out a boatload of pies
You bet ya, also making burgers.