• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

DontPanic 2022

And we're off and running...


I started these on February 4th. Without heat, things are progressing a little slowly. But I think I'm seeing something in every cell.

Here's my grow list for 2022, starting with my AeroGarden seedlings...

From Refining Fire Chiles:
(2) Piment d'Espelette
(2) Dieghito Jalapeno (An Italian Jalapeno-like pepper)
(2) Rayados Jalapeno
(2) Senise (Peperoni di Senise, supposedly comparable to Hatch chilies)
(2) Malawi Piquante (closely related to the PeppaDew)

From Pepper Guru for the 2022 GrowDown ThrowDown:

(3) Farm Locoto

From my own saved seeds:

(3) San Isidro Rocoto
(3) Orange V3 (Some kind of cross from a Volunteer I grew last year.)
(2) Volunteer 1.2 (no name yet, another Volunteer cross from last year.)
(3) Jax (F3 Cross, first generation was in 2020).
(3) Sri Lankan Chili Red
(3) Bahamian Goat

And I'm starting the following in dirt:
(6) Large Utility Cayenne
(6) Small Orange Thai
(6) Bahamian Goat

The Large Utility Cayenne started out many years ago as some sort of Cayenne, and I've been growing it from un-isolated saved seed each year. It crossed at least once somewhere along the way, and It no longer resembles a Cayenne. But I haven't thought up a better name yet.

The Rayados are in the top right hand side of the AeroGarden tray, and they are starting out noticeably stronger than everything else.
Right on! I’ve never had one of those aerogardens, but I’ve seen lots of people here using them so I’m probably missing out 😅
Looking forward to seeing that Dieghito develop, I almost went with that as well this year, can’t wait to hear how it tastes!
Right on! I’ve never had one of those aerogardens, but I’ve seen lots of people here using them so I’m probably missing out 😅
Looking forward to seeing that Dieghito develop, I almost went with that as well this year, can’t wait to hear how it tastes!


I've got six varieties that are new to me this year, and I'm looking forward to all of them.
@DontPanic - Glad to see you joining in the fun,
Mitch. I’m with you, the AeroGarden is a germina-
tion workhorse. I have a similar deck, but haven’t
really scratched the surface with it. My bad :oops:
Several of these are coming along really quickly. It won't be long now before I need to start potting out some of these seedlings.


That's the drawback of such a dense packing of seedlings. They start to get too crowded long before I run out of height. But it's a good problem to have.

The Rayados are growing the quickest.

Others can stay in there for a while longer.
If you ever want to try growing some piment d'espelette from original seeds from an espelette farm in France, just give me a sign! 😉 I've got plenty of them. I usually grow them every year.
Thanks for the offer.

After I grow these examples out, let's see if we can figure out how close these are to the ones you grow.

I've been half-way wondering if my seeds didn't somehow originate from your seeds anyways.
Could well be the case, I've been spreading these seeds out all over the world in the past! 😊 I have no idea who has got them anymore...
Most of my plants are still coming along well.

They haven't done much over the summer. This is typical.

But a few of them are starting to come in.

Here's my most recent harvest. The big round one is a Dieghito. These are very fleshy peppers. Then I've got some Sri Lankan Chili Reds, and a bunch of miscellaneous yellow/orange peppers. I've been saving seeds long enough without isolation that I'm getting a lot of variation in some of my varieties. These yellow/orange peppers are an example. I think it's fun to get surprise varieties.
