• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Dot Com's 2013 Glog

Just made it under the wire, 3 h 18 m to go to 2013 ;) New grow started using a light for the first time this year. Don't know how many will survive (fingers crossed) because my grow room is not a dedicated grow room & consequently the temp is not above 70. Click on pics for larger view. Not got this hosting site's procedures down yet :oops:

C-Not Madballs Rusty 7-Pot (this one might not make it) & Dorset (R )

viper (L) & Douglah ( R)

indian guhahati[sp.]

over-wintering dorset (L) & red bhut (R )(no green on that one yet):

whole crop (light raised to get pic)
my first-season, solitary Jonah pod finally starting to ripen. Wonder if it will be as oily/explosively hot as the pod Nigel ate? I hope so :P IDK much at all about the Jonah except that it is supposed to be hoooot. :D Does it look like a Jonah?

pods from viper seed (look cross-pollinated because I thought the viper I rec'd looked more scorpionish like a spinning top w/ a tail???)

barrackpore 2nd time around. First time produced a different pepper :oops:  The thing is, I buy/acquire pods to eat then grow plants w/ the seeds, so they aren't necessarily isolated all the time. Also regrowing Douglah & Morouga because my initial Morouga plant seemed to get sick and just stop growing until recently.
just tried one of my scorpion peppers. Hot as all get out!!! :onfire:  Been ripe on the plant around 2-3 weeks. Was concerned that it'd be mushy but it is still firm & fresh. Very fruity bouquet initially but also MASSIVE tongue and, later, top of mouth burn!!! As you can see, not much placenta there but I'd hazard to guess that its 6- 700,000 + Scovilles? :hot: 10 mins later just ate the other half of my yogurt. The heat was still going strong. Still have two more pods on the plant.as well.

going to see if I can eat all this tonight after work. Don't want to eat it before work as I ate a couple smallish Morouga's before going to work a few days ago and had some discomfort/stomach cramps for a bit. Not exactly sure what this one is, looks to be a super hot like a Yellow Brain or Yellow Morouga?- texture like a Brain and squished end like a Douglah. I didn't grow this one, Brian did.

Just ate it as I found out that I have to work at 6:30 am tomorrow NOT 6:30 pm tonight.
Cut it down the middle, like i always do to make sure it isn't rotted or has bugs, then ate one half then the other half a minute later. All over mouth burn w/ hiccups starting after around 2 mins to subside 2 mins later. Interestingly, eyes started to water w/ this one. Very "stingy" hot centralized around tongue/mouth. Not quite sure how stomach will fare. Will have to wait it out for that. I managed quite well IMHO as the pod looked pretty hot just looking at its shape & size. Waited the 10 mins then Whip cream in the can on a spoon. Yum
Devv said:
Haha! You're a brave one eating whole pods. So how was it?
hot enough to bring tears to my eyes. Other super hots didn't have that effect on me. The burn was still going after the 10 min mark too when I allow myself some relief- whip cream on a spoon ;)
recieved a few peppers from Charles ystrdy & decided to taste test this one 2nd (the first one I tested was a smallish birdseye-looking one that was still hot). This one is the Suomi I believe? Ate a ham sandich an hour before the test to ready my innards ;) Cut it open in quarters to inspect and harvest a few seeds looks like oil droplets are present. Respectable amount of placenta which was a little off-putting :eek: Immediately had a bright fruity, freshly picked smell, pleasing to the nose, Had the tell tale warning signs to be cautious- crown, tail :hell: , and bumps :shocked: as Charles mentioned was a trait he desired to propagate. Ate it a quarter at a time/spanning around a minute after I realized that I could prolly manage the whole thing. Serious heat in the super hot category. Didn't make my eyes water but had a serious throat burn and all over mouth burn. Reminiscent of a Scotch Bonnet w/ its bright heat but hotter :fireball:


***10 mins later and eating the whip cream out of the can w/ a spoon. Even my lips were hot after eating that one.
***20 mins later & lips are still burning. Nice hot pod.
Thanks Charles. That pepper delivered. Now I have to decide when to try the Bhut x Douglah cross. Maybe tomorrow evening or the next day.
Spicegeist said:
Well done!  That was one of the smaller Douglah x Butch T pods...
OMG!!! Well then, that'll make the next test less scary then. ;) I had never eaten any Butch T or variants up until tonight. Very peppery taste for sure. No question that I was eating a Super after a few chews and the capsacin blast :) As I said, the burn was still considerable on the lips even after 20 mins.
another test and update on a few of my plants. First Douglah X Bhut cross. What can I say, instant heat w/ the characteristic strong tobacco type taste common w/ Douglahs(?) made me have a couple of mini coughs right at the outset :D Was able to eat whole pods. As I said, this season is the first season i have eaten whole pods. Last season I was too scared & prolly didn't have much of a palette for superhot-type peppers.
Bhut X Douglah from Charles before taste test (one of smaller ones)

Looks like a good seed producer which is good for people who want to grow more (knife is Air Harsey Ranger pocket folder from 5 yrs ago for those interested)

This was supposed to be a Morich but not so sure it will turn out being one. One reason is it is growing upward and another is it seems a little narrow? Still has superhot characteristics= bumpy, gnarly shape.

Dwarf-sized, Guhahati pod.

Newer pod emerging that might turn out to be regular-sized. Have a total of three pods, 2 dwarves & the regular-sized one. Still has to grow more to match the size of the parent-pod(s)
oh then one of the Bhut Douglahs will probably be more intense? IDK much about the morado. Is it a superhot as well or no? I thought I read on here that the Morado is a Mexican pepper?
Any, thankls for the ID.
Was scared about this one today. Never had a Morouga before so I had to force myself. Ate a small meal beforehand so that i didn't eat it on an empty stomach. Ended up only eating half of it in one bite. because wanted to avoid stomach issues. Looking back, I should have eaten half of my yogurt first but that seems like it would effect the heat level in a negative way. I wanted the full-effect :)
So, after a minute, hiccups then they subside shortly thereafter. Tongue goes on fire :mouthonfire:  w/ intense burn. Slight nasal reaction. Seemed to be localized around tongue w/intense burn for me and eventually spread to the lips. Was waiting for it to hit stomach then, around 10+ minutes later BOOM!!! :surprised:  Hit stomach but subsided after a few minutes. This was after the 10 min mark so I allowed myself to eat the greek yougurt and later whip cream. I'm proud of myself for eating the half. It was quite big so half was still a goodly size bit to chew. Chewed it forever maybe because I subconsciously didn't want to swallow it :scared:


That was a big hurdle for me to cross & all thanks to Charles and THP. :dance:
I was successful, last season, growing and eating a Choc Bhut & Yellow 7-Pot but those aren't as hot as the Morouga or Douglah.
Haha, I think keeping it in your mouth as long as possible is advisable, much better than dealing with the internal pain... I won't mention that I think that may be another Douglah x Butch T... I think you're left to your taste buds on these my friend...
just tried this Bhut x Y7 (ate 1/2 of it split down the center) and it had a nice all-over mouth burn & good complex taste. Plenty of oil droplets inside and typical, thin-walled, scary-looking, exterior. Placenta through entire length along axis as well (forgot to move my barrackpore pollinator stick outta the way :D ) Very good pepper Charles. They are "picture perfect" in size, shape, & color. :cheers:

Didn't want to waste the other half so ate it around 7:25 pm EST and walked around the block for 45 mins. Initially was unnerving for around 10 mins.,  knowing that I wouldn't have the usual whip cream, yougurt, or ice cream standing by, but the heat eventually lessened. Stomach fine now as well at 8:25 pm. Good pod eating day :)
just ate one of Charles Choc Bhut x Douglah in one bite :shocked:  at 8:59 EST
Look at all the placenta!!!


Was hot from the get go (the only pod that made me cough from the moment I bit into on both taste tests) peaked at 9:07  :mouthonfire:  thangod
***now eating whip cream at 9:12. Tongue still burning though. That one has intense heat from the very first few seconds. Concentrated on the tongue, top & bottom, too.
*** stomach aftermath had me a little concerned but I always either eat a full meal before a taste test or at least a snack to coat my stomach. This one had so much placenta it hit the stomach hard but i fought back w/ whip cream and it has subsided for the most part. :)