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food Double Chocolate Douglah Cheesecake

Pretty simple really. Variation of the Fatalii Cheesecake. Just replace Fatalii with 1 Douglah and drop the lime juice and add 2.5 TBS Cocoa.

Reviews will come on or after Thanksgiving day.


Did the frozen hammer smash

That is where I decided to go with Double chocolate since it has a chocolate crust and cocoa in it. It may be misuse of the term but I made it so I named it. :lol:
Mixed up and ready to go in the chocolate pie crust.

Ready for the oven

40 minutes later


Close ups.....yummy douglah bits

It is going to be hard waiting until Thursday to cut into this.
Sethsquatch, the batter tells me the flavor and heat will be something Kathy will even enjoy.

Ok off to work I go while I drool with you all.
What can I say ... other than JEALOUS!!! JEALOUS!!! JELOUS!!!

SuperHot, I think Ela could whip something up very similar... just by looking at the picture.

So Jealous...
Looks great JaG. I would pull an American Pie on it, it looks so good.....lol Don't judge me. Can't wait for the review...especially what others who aren't chili heads think.....(I thought you said something about that)
I have finally come out of the daze of the holiday and a drunken birthday.....methinks

Here are some more pics
Thanksgiving day with Sethsquatch, Mrs. Sethsquatch, and Little Squatchman was a festive time filled with laughter and great food.

Here the carving had begun

That green bean casserole was excellent. I have to put that out there because it was the first one that did not make me turn away from it.

After we filled up on the main course a needed break was taken. Then it was the time some of you have been waiting for.

Oh dessert???? Yeah dessert was yummy.

I think the addition of the chocolate prevents a really smooth cut, but then again I don't remember moistening my cutter.


I am glad I didn't put 2 Douglahs in there. 1 was good with a nice long lasting deep heat. The Fatalii cheesecake had a more shallow but long lasting burn IMO. This hits you a few seconds after you put it in your mouth. The chocolate gets to say hello before the douglah pushes by to make itself known in true douglah fashion. The burning coal in the throat was avoided with the help of the chocolate I believe.
Cheesecake is my most favorite dessert. The husband hates dessert. The only time I get cheesecake it at restaurants I haven't made one in years. And here's Justaguy making them like once or more a month. So jealous! They all look fantastic! Too bad it wouldn't ship easily.