• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Downriver 2022 - Pepper Time

Split chicken thighs (skinless, de-boned) on their way to making Fried Chicken Sliders. Sorry, no finished product shot. I was too hungry after all that cooking. :rofl:

Food - Chicken Thigh Sliders IMG_20220919_190623589.jpg

Oops! How'd that get in here? :cool:
Managed to pick a few peppers for processing during the upcoming rainy weekend.

Clockwise from top left: Naga J not #1, Naga J not #2, Ghostly Jalapeno Orange, Dangler's Ghost

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Every year I grow different jalapenoes, but Biker Billy continues to be my go-to jalapeno. Size, flavor, productivity - all excellent. My guess is I've grown it for at least 10 years. Great pepper.

Top: Zapotec, Craig's Grande
Bottom: Biker Billy (F1)

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All these guys are heading to a sriracha sauce.
So, we had our first FREEZE warning Saturday night, so the big pick was on Saturday. I haven't been down to check on the garden since, but it did get down to 31F, and then 30F the next night, so it just might be d-o-n-e. We'll see.

These are only the "hot" peppers (aka MY peppers). All the "sweet" peppers (aka HER peppers) are already being processed. 🙂
Peppers IMG_20221008_171414614.jpg

Top left - Bhut Yellow x Paper Lantern Habanero
Top right - Tepin x Lemon Drop
Bottom - Paper Lantern Habanero
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Top left basket - Aji Panca (@RedHotChiliPeppers) - top, Shishito - bottom
Top right basket - Khang Starr Lemon Starburst (@TexasHotPeppers)
Middle basket - L-R Erotica Orange (@TexasHotPeppers), Purple UFO (@RedHotChiliPeppers), Paper Lantern Habanero x
Bottom basket - Aji Strawberry Drop (@PaulG)
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white bag - Paper Lantern x
blue bag - Ghostly Jalapeno Orange (@Jeffcontonio)
bottom - Purple Thunder Mystery
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Tepin x Lemon Drop.

I got the original seeds from @TrentL several years ago and have grown them every year since. The first year produced two distinct phenos, one I call "bullet", and the other "round". I think "bullet" is correct, but they both taste the same.

bullet pheno
Pepper - Tepin x Lemon Drop - bullet IMG_20221005_170124999.jpgPepper - Tepin x Lemon Drop - bullet IMG_20221005_170159414.jpg

round pheno
Pepper - Tepin x Lemon Drop - round IMG_20221005_160444126.jpgPepper - Tepin x Lemon Drop - round IMG_20221005_160523562.jpgPepper - Tepin x Lemon Drop - round IMG_20221005_160710197.jpg
Dangler's Ghost (@Harry_Dangler)

This is a pretty stout pepper. It might be called ghost, but it's hotter than any I remember. Processing these bad boys was fun! I strongly suggest doing it outside, in open air. Ask me how I know.

Pepper - Danglers Ghost IMG_20221001_163744478.jpg

Look at the "shine" inside these things. They're almost dripping. :fire:
Pepper - Danglers Ghost IMG_20221001_163906766.jpg

Chip of the 'ol block? :lol:
Pepper - Danglers Ghost IMG_20221001_164858364.jpg
@Downriver - You are killing' it at season's end, DR!
Great looking pods. I hope the weather holds a bit
more for you.
So, we had our first FREEZE warning Saturday night, so the big pick was on Saturday. I haven't been down to check on the garden since, but it did get down to 31F, and then 30F the next night, so it just might be d-o-n-e. We'll see.

Went down to the garden yesterday to do a quick check. Some things got frost-bit, but not the peppers! They're still standing strong. But, it got down to 34F this morning so they run the risk of frost....again. I know it's just a matter of time, but another week or two would go a long way in ripening some of those green pods still hanging.

Received seeds in a swap. I had never heard of this pepper. It's a pointy, heart-shaped, racquetball-sized sweet pepper. Thick walls, no heat at all. I didn't have any expectations, but this pepper was a nice surprise. If you're looking for a pepper with flavor and NO heat, give this one a try. I'll be growing it again!

Pepper - Lesla IMG_20221010_142506685.jpgPepper - Lesya IMG_20221010_142412425.jpg